Because the latency was consistent and thus predictable, users were able to compensate it after training. Using our decoding system, BMI users were able to adapt their behavior and modulate their sensorimotor rhythm to stop the device (clock) accurately on time. These results show the importance of closed-loop evaluations of BMI decoders and open new possibilities for BMI control using decoding of movement termination. These results show the importance of closed-loop evaluations of BMI decoders and open new possibilities for BMI control using decoding of movement termination.Interfacing with human neural cells during natural tasks provides the means for investigating the working principles of the central nervous system and for developing human-machine interaction technologies. Here we present a computationally efficient non-invasive, real-time interface based on the decoding of the activity of spinal motoneurons from wearable high-density electromyogram (EMG) sensors. We validate this interface by comparing its decoding results with those obtained with invasive EMG sensors and offline decoding, as reference. Moreover, we test the interface in a series of studies involving real-time feedback on the behavior of a relatively large number of decoded motoneurons. The results on accuracy, intuitiveness, and stability of control demonstrate the possibility of establishing a direct non-invasive interface with the human spinal cord without the need for extensive training. Moreover, in a control task, we show that the accuracy in control of the proposed neural interface may approach that of the natural control of force. These results are the first that demonstrate the feasibility and validity of a non-invasive direct neural interface with the spinal cord, with wearable systems and matching the neural information flow of natural movements. We aim to create a predictive model capable of giving a noninvasive, immediate and reliable estimate of the arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO ) in mechanically ventilated children with a better reliability than its estimation from end-tidal CO (PetCO ) and minute ventilation volume (Vmin) evolution. We collected data from the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) database of Sainte-Justine University Hospital (Montreal, Canada) and used the multilayer perceptron (MLP) to estimate the PaCO . Input data were (1) Arterial blood gas (ABG) at a previous time to calibrate the model, (2) mechanical ventilator parameters and (3) pulse oximetry. The data were divided into four groups depending on the time gap between previous ABG and its prediction [0 h, 2 h], [2h, 6h], [6h, 12h] and [12 h, 24 h]. We included 17,329 ABGs collected from 527 patients between May 2015 and October 2018. Median age was 6.7 months (interquartile range 1-60) and female proportion was 45%. Patients had a median of 13 ABGs per patient (IQR 5-34). The accuracy of the models in the four groups was 18%, 18%, 19% and 25% higher than the minute volume models and the PetCO2 models (4% to 11%, respectively). Our model based on noninvasive parameters was able to better estimate the PaCO in mechanically ventilated children when compared to the traditional techniques. ABG analysis is very important in ICU; it is the gold standard in respiratory and acid-base evaluation. ABG is invasive, painful and risky. Our approach, noninvasive and reliable, is an alternative for optimizing mechanical ventilator settings, thus providing better care for patients. ABG analysis is very important in ICU; it is the gold standard in respiratory and acid-base evaluation. ABG is invasive, painful and risky. Our approach, noninvasive and reliable, is an alternative for optimizing mechanical ventilator settings, thus providing better care for patients. Optogenetic manipulations of excitable cells enable activating or silencing specific types of neurons. By expressing two types of exogenous proteins, a single neuron can be depolarized using light of one wavelength and hyperpolarized with another. However, routing two distinct wavelengths into the same brain locality typically requires bulky optics that cannot be implanted on the head of a freely-moving animal. We developed a lens-free approach for constructing dual-color head-mounted, fiber-based optical units any two wavelengths can be combined. Here, each unit was comprised of one 450nm and one 638nm laser diode, yielding light power of 0.4mW and 8mW at the end of a 50 micrometer multimode fiber. To create a multi-color/multi-site optoelectronic device, a four-shank silicon probe mounted on a microdrive was equipped with two dual-color and two single-color units, for a total weight under 3 g. Devices were implanted in mice expressing the blue-light sensitive cation channel ChR2 and the red-light sensitive chloride pump Jaws in parvalbumin-immunoreactive (PV) inhibitory neurons. The combination of dual-color units with recording electrodes was free from electromagnetic interference, and device heating was under 7°C even after prolonged operation. Using these devices, the same cortical PV cell could be activated and silenced. This was achieved for multiple cells both in neocortex and hippocampus of freely-moving mice. This technology can be used for controlling spatially intermingled neurons that have distinct genetic profiles, and for controlling spike timing of cortical neurons during cognitive tasks. This technology can be used for controlling spatially intermingled neurons that have distinct genetic profiles, and for controlling spike timing of cortical neurons during cognitive tasks. Current intrapartum fetal monitoring technology is unable to provide physicians with an objective metric of fetal well-being, leading to degraded patient outcomes and increased litigation costs. Fetal oxygen saturation (SpO2) is a more suitable measure of fetal distress, but the inaccessibility of the fetus prior to birth makes this impossible to capture through current means. In this paper, we present a fully non-invasive, transabdominal fetal oximetry (TFO) system that provides in utero measures of fetal SpO2. TFO is performed by placing a reflectance-mode optode on the maternal abdomen and sending photons into the body to investigate the underlying fetal tissue. The proposed TFO system design consists of a multi-detector optode, an embedded optode control system, and custom user-interface software. To evaluate the developed TFO system, we utilized an in utero hypoxic fetal lamb model and performed controlled desaturation experiments while capturing gold standard arterial blood gases (SaO2). Various degrees of fetal hypoxia were induced with true SaO2 values ranging between 10.