Functional presence of low levels of CXCR4 on human microglia was confirmed using flow cytometry and transwell migration towards SDF-1. Microglia abundantly expressed the GPCR down-stream signaling mediator genes GNAI2 (αi2), GNAS (αs), and GNA13 (α13), the latter particularly in white matter. Drugs against several microglia GPCRs are available to target microglia in brain diseases. In conclusion, transcriptome profiling allowed us to identify expression of GPCRs that may contribute to brain (patho)physiology and have diagnostic and therapeutic potential in human microglia.Dendritic cells (DCs) are paramount in initiating and guiding immunity towards a state of activation or tolerance. This bidirectional capacity of DCs sets them at the center stage for treatment of cancer and autoimmune or allergic conditions. Accordingly, many clinical studies use ex vivo DC vaccination as a strategy to boost anti-tumor immunity or to suppress immunity by including vitamin D3, NF-κB inhibitors or retinoic acid to create tolerogenic DCs. As harvesting DCs from patients and differentiating these cells in vitro is a costly and cumbersome process, in vivo targeting of DCs has huge potential as nanoparticulate platforms equipped with activating or tolerogenic adjuvants can modulate DCs in their natural environment. There is a rapid expansion of the choices of nanoparticles and activation- or tolerance-promoting adjuvants for a therapeutic vaccine platform. In this review we highlight the most recent nanomedical approaches aimed at inducing immune activation or tolerance via targeting DCs, together with novel fundamental insights into the mechanisms inherent to fostering anti-tumor or tolerogenic immunity.Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) infects the cornea and caused blinding ocular disease. In the present study, we evaluated whether and how a novel engineered version of fibroblast growth factor-1 (FGF-1), designated as TTHX1114, would reduce the severity of HSV-1-induced and recurrent ocular herpes in the mouse model. The efficacy of TTHX1114 against corneal keratopathy was assessed in B6 mice following corneal infection with HSV-1, strain McKrae. Starting day one post infection (PI), mice received TTHX1114 for 14 days. The severity of primary stromal keratitis and blepharitis were monitored up to 28 days PI. Inflammatory cell infiltrating infected corneas were characterized up to day 21 PI. The severity of recurrent herpetic disease was quantified in latently infected B6 mice up to 30 days post-UVB corneal exposure. The effect of TTHX1114 on M1 and M2 macrophage polarization was determined in vivo in mice and in vitro on primary human monocytes-derived macrophages. Compared to HSV-1 infected non-treated mice, the infected and TTHX1114 treated mice exhibited significant reduction of primary and recurrent stromal keratitis and blepharitis, without affecting virus corneal replication. The therapeutic effect of TTHX1114 was associated with a significant decrease in the frequency of M1 macrophages infiltrating the cornea, which expressed significantly lower levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. This polarization toward M2 phenotype was confirmed in vitro on human primary macrophages. This pre-clinical finding suggests use of this engineered FGF-1 as a novel immunotherapeutic regimen to reduce primary and recurrent HSV-1-induced corneal disease in the clinic.Leukocyte trafficking shows strong diurnal rhythmicity and is tightly regulated by circadian rhythms. As we age, leukocyte trafficking becomes dysregulated, contributing to the increased systemic, low-grade, chronic inflammation observed in older adults. Ageing is also associated with diminished circadian outputs and a dysregulation of the circadian rhythm. Despite this, there is little evidence to show the direct impact of age-associated dampening of circadian rhythms on the dysregulation of leukocyte trafficking. Here, we review the core mammalian circadian clock machinery and discuss the changes that occur in this biological system in ageing. In particular, we focus on the changes that occur to leukocyte trafficking rhythmicity with increasing age and consider how this impacts inflammation and the development of immune-mediated inflammatory disorders (IMIDs). We aim to encourage future ageing biology research to include a circadian approach in order to fully elucidate whether age-related circadian changes occur as a by-product of healthy ageing, or if they play a significant role in the development of IMIDs. In pregnancy, the mother and fetus differ in HLA antigens, and yet the maternal immune system generally tolerates the fetus. KIR receptors expressed by maternal uterine NK cells at the maternal-fetal interface directly interact with HLA-C on extravillous trophoblast cells for optimal placental development. In this study, we aimed to determine whether there is a preferential selection for HLA compatibility and specific KIR/HLA-C combinations in uncomplicated and preeclamptic naturally conceived pregnancies compared to what would be expected by chance. Genotyping for maternal and fetal HLA-A, -B, -C, -DR, and -DQ, and maternal KIR was performed for 451 uncomplicated pregnancies and 77 pregnancies complicated with preeclampsia. The number of HLA antigen (mis)matches between mother and fetus was calculated and compared to expected values obtained by randomization of the HLA haplotype, inherited from the father, over the existing maternal haplotype of the fetuses. A similar methodology was executed for analysiest that there is no preferential selection of maternal-fetal HLA compatibility in uncomplicated pregnancies. In contrast, increased total HLA, HLA class I and, especially, HLA-C compatibility is associated with preeclampsia, suggestive for a role of HLA mismatches in immune regulation leading to uncomplicated pregnancy.Although the use of glucocorticoids (GC) is well established, the therapeutic response to these agents often shows important interindividual differences, in particular among young patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Currently, GC resistance or dependence cannot be predicted by clinical or laboratory findings. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of gender and age with GC efficacy and with the expression of Glucocorticoid-Induced Leucine Zipper (GILZ). One hundred thirty patients (mean age at enrolment 12.6 years, 53 Crohn's disease, 70 males) were enrolled in this retrospective study. IBD patients with active disease despite prednisone at a daily dose of up to 2 mg/kg over a period of 4 weeks were defined as steroid resistant. Patients who initially responded but relapsed upon dose reduction were considered steroid-dependent. Total RNA was extracted from biopsies of 14 patients (9 males) and the levels of GILZ mRNA were evaluated by real-time PCR. Association between clinical response to prednisone and the considered demographic variables was evaluated using logistic regression models.