Introduction Since approval by the United States Food and Drug Administration in 1996, alteplase utilization rates for acute ischemic stroke have increased. Despite its efficacy for improving stroke outcomes, however, the majority of ischemic stroke patients still do not receive alteplase. To address this issue, different methods for improving access to alteplase have been tested with varying degrees of success.Areas covered This article gives an overview of the recent approaches pursued to improve access to alteplase for acute ischemic stroke patients. Utilization of stroke systems of care, quality metrics, and quality-improvement initiatives to improve alteplase treatment rates are discussed. The implementation of Telestroke networks to improve access and timely evaluation by a stroke specialist are also reviewed. Lastly, this review discusses the use of neuroimaging techniques to identify alteplase candidates in stroke of unknown symptom onset or beyond the 4.5-h treatment window.Expert commentary Expanding access to alteplase therapy for acute ischemic stroke is a multi-faceted approach. Specific considerations based on region, population, and health-care resources should be considered for each strategy. Neuroimaging approaches to identify alteplase-eligible patients beyond the 4.5-h treatment window are a recent development in acute stroke care that holds promise for increasing alteplase treatment rates.INTRODUCTION standardised protocols for the care of geriatric hip fractures demonstrate improved patient outcomes with decreased cost. The purpose of this study is to evaluate outcomes of a standardised hip fracture protocol at an urban safety-net hospital. METHODS All trauma patients presenting to our urban safety-net hospital are included in a trauma database and inpatient outcomes recorded. A hip fracture protocol was introduced at our institution in 2015, which depended on admission to a monitored setting