The increasing number of THAs in younger patients will inevitably result in an increase of revision procedures. However, there is little evidence about the outcome of revision procedures in this patient group. Therefore, we updated a previous study conducted 5 years ago about the outcome of revision procedures in patients younger than 55 years. We sought to provide a concise update on the previously reported (1) long-term failure rate as defined by repeat revision, (2) clinical outcome as defined by the Oxford Hip score and the Harris Hip score, and (3) radiographic outcome of cemented revision THA performed with impaction bone grafting on both the acetabular and femoral sides in one surgery in patients younger than 55 years old. Between 1991 and 2007, we performed 86 complete THA revisions in patients younger than 55 years. In 38% (33 of 86) of revisions, bone impaction grafting was used on both the acetabular and femoral side because of acetabular and femoral bone stock loss. Mean age at time of revis considered radiographically loose. Failure rate with endpoint radiographic loosening at 15 years was 23% (95% CI 10 to 39). We found that impaction bone grafting with a cemented cup and a cemented stem is a valuable biological revision technique that results in a stable and durable solution, after one or even multiple previous revision THAs. Although current implants may prove sufficient in most cases, they do not promote bone stock preservation. We believe that in young patients with bone stock loss, impaction bone grafting can be used as long as the defect can be contained adequately with a metal mesh and viable bone bed is available for revascularization. Level IV, therapeutic study. Level IV, therapeutic study. Dual-mobility cups have been shown to reduce the dislocation risk after THA. Although dual-mobility cups can be a useful strategy to mitigate against recurrent dislocation after revision surgery, few clinical studies have focused on the results of complex revision THAs with extensive bone and soft-tissue loss or in patients who have undergone more than one previous surgical procedure. (1) What is the survival free from revision for dislocation of dual-mobility cups used in complex revision THAs? (2) What is the survival free from any dislocation? Between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2013, 327 patients underwent a complex revision THA that included an acetabular revision, defined as preexisting massive bone loss in the acetabulum (at least Paprosky Type 2B) and/or proximal femur (at least Paprosky Type 3), substantial gluteal soft-tissue involvement, at least two previous surgical procedures or a one-stage septic revision, or history of dislocation. All 327 complex revision patients received a dual-ms 11% (24 of 216 patients) at the final follow-up interval. Survival free of revision for dislocation was 99% (95% CI 96 to 100) at 5 years and 85% (95% CI 75 to 92) at 9 years. Dual-mobility cups used in complex revision THA in this series had a higher rate of dislocation and revision than expected, based on earlier studies of dislocations of these components. Although we believe dual-mobility cups are still the first choice of implant if the patient has instability, these cups should be used cautiously if severe bone loss or soft-tissue involvement is present. Level III, therapeutic study. Level III, therapeutic study.Thornton, HR, Armstrong, CR, Gamble, T, Rigby, A, Johnston, RD, and Duthie, GM. Quantifying the movement characteristics of Australian Football League Women's competition. J Strength Cond Res XX(X) 000-000, 2020-The purpose is to provide an overview of the externally measured movement characteristics of Australian Football League Women's (AFLW) competition, and the variability in this between matches. A range of movement variables were measured from 28 athletes who wore 10-Hz global positioning system devices during games and were summarized according to positional groups. The variance in each athlete's match loads for each round were expressed using standardized scores (z-scores), and the change compared with the first game played was calculated and expressed as a standard deviation. Furthermore, using the raw export, moving means (1-10 minutes) of speed (m·min) and acceleration (m·s) were calculated. Following log transformation of the maximal means, intercept and slopes were calculated. Linear mixed models identified differences between positional groups for match loads, and intercept and slopes. Effects were described using standardized effect sizes (ESs) and magnitude-based decisions. There were no substantial and unclear differences between positional groups for match loads (ES range; ±confidence limits = 0.10-0.80; ±0.30-4.30) and for intercept and slopes (ES range; 0.04-0.44; ±0.52-2.11). Large within-athlete variation in match demands between rounds was observed (z-score up to -1.8 SD for distance), and the maximal means for speed and acceleration demonstrate the extensive physical demands of AFLW competition. These data describe the intense and variable physical demands of AFLW competition, and further provide novel information regarding the maximal mean intensities and intercept and slopes, which should assist practitioners in planning and prescribing training in preparation for competition.Hejla, D, Dror, N, Pantanowitz, M, Nemet, D, and Eliakim, A. Reduced growth hormone response to anaerobic exercise among children with overweight and obesity. J Strength Cond Res XX(X) 000-000, 2020-The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of an anaerobic exercise test on growth hormone (GH) secretion in children with overweight and obesity compared with children with normal weight. Fifteen children with overweight (body mass index percentile [BMI%ile] ≥85 5 less then 85) participated in the study. Subjects performed a modification of the Wingate anaerobic test (WAnT), with 10 bouts of 15-second cycling separated by 1 minute of rest. Blood samples for GH and lactate were collected before and 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes after the beginning of the exercise test. There was a significant increase in GH levels following the modified repeated WAnT in both groups, but the increase in GH levels was significantly greater among the normal weight children compared with those with overweight and obesity (p less then 0.