neration H1-antihistamine (sgAH) daily (first-line therapy), 99 (23%) with sgAH up to four times the standard dose (second-line therapy) and 126 (29%) with omalizumab (third-line therapy). Additionally, 7 (2%) patients were completing a short course of systemic corticosteroids for management of disease exacerbation. Disease control was achieved in 316 of CSU patients (81%). Conclusions. Referral to a specialized urticaria outpatient clinic is important for a proper assessment of the disease and adequately symptom control. This paper aims to give an overview of emerging issues relating to the management of patients in custody during the COVID-19 outbreak in France. During custody in France, a medical consultation is provided for any patient who requests it. In the Paris area, this consultation is carried out by a practitioner in forensic medicine, based in a general hospital. Usually, most medical consultations for patients in custody take place directly in police stations. With the COVID-19 outbreak, the authors chose to suspend this activity, asking law enforcement to bring patients directly to their hospitals. Patients presenting with severe infections or indicative symptoms of the severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 infection and a comorbidity are tested for COVID-19. Such patients remain hospitalized until results of the test are received. If the result is positive, they are hospitalized for the length of their custody. If sent to prison, they are transferred to a medical facility in detention. From the onset of the outbreak, the authors observed increased pressure from law enforcement to obtain medical information. According to the French Code of Medical Ethics, no medical information should be disclosed regarding the authors' patients' medical situations. The authors are also concerned about sending a potentially infected patient back to a police station, to prison or to his/her home. This paper provides a snapshot of issues relating to the management of patients in custody during the COVID-19 outbreak in France. Unfortunately, the current situation in France does not permit a wider range of testing for the specified population in this paper. This paper provides a snapshot of issues relating to the management of patients in custody during the COVID-19 outbreak in France. Unfortunately, the current situation in France does not permit a wider range of testing for the specified population in this paper.Vitamin E deficiency is associated with many neurological problems. Although the mechanisms of vitamin E action in neurodegenerative diseases are not clear, there are many possible mechanisms. Examples of such mechanisms are the protective effects of vitamin E against oxidative stress damage and its suppressive role in the expression of many genes involved in the development of neurodegeneration. Many studies have evaluated the relationship between vitamin E intake or vitamin E levels in body fluids and neurodegenerative diseases. Some studies concluded that vitamin E can play a protective role in neurodegeneration with respect to diseases such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), stroke and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Vitamin E supplementation was also associated with risk factors for some neurodegenerative diseases. In this review, we discuss the possible effects of vitamin E on the development and course of AD, PD, stroke and ALS, and the potential mechanisms involved.Vitamin E deficiency is associated with many neurological problems. Although the mechanisms of vitamin E action in neurodegenerative diseases are not clear, there are many possible mechanisms. Examples of such mechanisms are the protective effects of vitamin E against oxidative stress damage and its suppressive role in the expression of many genes involved in the development of neurodegeneration. Many studies have evaluated the relationship between vitamin E intake or vitamin E levels in body fluids and neurodegenerative diseases. Some studies concluded that vitamin E can play a protective role in neurodegeneration with respect to diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), stroke and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Vitamin E supplementation was also associated with risk factors for some neurodegenerative diseases. In this review, we discuss the possible effects of vitamin E on the development and course of AD, PD, stroke and ALS, and the potential mechanisms involved.Epileptic seizures are accompanied by learning and memory impairments. In this study, the effect of low frequency stimulation (LFS) on spatial learning and memory was assessed in kindled animals and followed for one month. Fully kindled rats received LFS at 4 times (immediately, 6 h, 24 h and 30 h following the final kindling stimulation). Applying LFS improved kindled animals' performance in the Barnes maze test. This LFS action was accompanied by a decrease in NR2B gene expression, an increase in the gene expression of the α subunit of calcineurin A and an increased NR2A/NR2B ratio in kindled animals. In addition, the gene expression of the GABAA receptor γ2 subunit increased at 2-3 h after applying LFS. The increase in NR2A/NR2B ratio was also observed 1 week after LFS. No significant changes were observed one month after LFS administration. Field potential recordings in the hippocampal CA1 area showed that kindling-induced potentiation of the field EPSP slope returned to near baseline when measured 2-3 h d NR2A/NR2B ratio in kindled animals. In addition, the gene expression of the GABAA receptor γ2 subunit increased at 2–3 h after applying LFS. The increase in NR2A/NR2B ratio was also observed 1 week after LFS. No significant changes were observed one month after LFS administration. Field potential recordings in the hippocampal CA1 area showed that kindling-induced potentiation of the field EPSP slope returned to near baseline when measured 2–3 h after applying LFS. Therefore, it may be postulated that applying LFS in kindled animals reduced the seizure-induced learning and memory impairments, albeit time-dependently. In tandem, LFS prevented kindling-induced alterations in gene expression of the described proteins, which are potentially important for synaptic transmission and/or potentiation. Moreover, a depotentiation-like phenomenon may be a possible mechanism underlying the LFS action.