BACKGROUND High-intensity intermittent training (HIIT) has increased in popularity due to being time-efficient mode of exercise. Previous HIIT studies have mainly focused on percentage of fat loss, fat mass loss, and weight loss. However, enhancing muscle protein synthesis induced by HIIT that results in muscular morphological adaptations is a potential benefit of HIIT. This study compared the effects of two HIIT protocols on muscular morphological adaptations. METHODS Thirty-four recreationally active participants were randomly assigned to 10-5-HIIT and 20- 10-HIIT to complete 6 sets of 6 intervals. The 10-5-HIIT and 20-10-HIIT protocols were performed with 10s5s and 20s10s exercise-to-rest ratios and provided with 1- and 2-min recovery periods between sets, respectively. Muscle cross-sectional area (mCSA) and echo intensity (EI) of the rectus femoris (RF) and vastus lateralis (VL) were assessed via B-mode ultrasonography before and after intervention. Two-way mixed factorial ANOVAs were used for analyses. RESULTS The 10-5-HIIT and 20-10-HIIT groups significantly (p 0.05) change was observed for the EI of the RF and VL. CONCLUSIONS Whole-body HIIT can be a time-efficient exercise modality to elicit muscular morphological adaptations in the RF and VL muscles. The 10-5-HIIT protocol induced benefits comparable to those of the 20-10-HIIT, while it reduced the total exercise time by 50%.BACKGROUND Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior are common among middle and high school grade children. This study aimed to determine the relationship among body mass index (BMI), sedentary behavior, physical activity (PA), and overall academic performance of students. METHODS This is a cross section study; three hundred and fifty-seven students of mean age 12.65±1.68 years were enrolled. PA was subjectively assessed using the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children (PAQ-C) and Godin Leisure-Time Exercise Questionnaire (GLTEQ). Sedentary behavior was assessed as hours spent on watching television, playing video games, computer use, and homework. Grade point average (GPA) was calculated to determine their overall academic performance. Participants were divided into two groups based on their GPA. Independent t-test was used to analyze BMI, sedentary time, and PA between the groups. Correlation analysis was performed to determine the associations among BMI, sedentary time, physical activity, and academic grades. RESULTS There was no significant difference in BMI and the level of PA between the two groups. However, significant differences were observed in sedentary time spent watching television (p=0.04), total screen time (p=0.02), and total sedentary time (p=0.002). There were weak negative correlations among BMI (r=-0.14, p less then 0.05), total screen time (r=-0.12, p less then 0.05), and academic scores; however, there was no association with any PA measures. CONCLUSIONS A weak correlation was noted between BMI and sedentary characteristics, with respect to academic performance. As academic performance is negatively associated with body mass index and screen time, public health interventions are needed to reduce their time spent on leisure time sedentary activity, watching television, and computer use.BACKGROUND We have previously evaluated muscle functions and morphology in power athletes of long term (5 to15 years) abuse of anabolic androgen steroids (AAS; Doped) and in clean power athletes (Clean), and observed significant improvements in both muscle morphology and muscle functions in Doped. To our knowledge, the effects of long term AAS abuse on human muscle protein profile have never been studied. METHODS The study examined further the muscle biopsies using a two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D DIGE) for proteomic screening and protein expression. Cellular localization/distribution of specific proteins identified by proteomic analysis was examined using immunohistochemistry (IHC). RESULTS Different protein profiles were observed between Doped and Clean, and a valid orthogonal projection of latent structure discriminant analysis model was built (N = 16, X = 5, R2 = 0.88/Q2 = 0.84, p = 0.0005), which separated Doped from Clean. Liquid chromatography followed by tandem spectrometry identified 14 protein spots (representing nine different proteins) of significant difference in relative quantity (p less then 0.05), of which nine spots were down-regulated in Doped compared with Clean. IHC revealed no significant alteration in cellular localization in phosphoglucomutase-1 and heat shock protein beta-1, but indeed in two reference proteins desmin and F-actin in Doped. CONCLUSIONS Long term abuse of AAS in combination with training is potentially associated with alterations in skeletal muscle protein profile and protein expression, and structural proteins rather than non-structural proteins are preferentially affected in cellular localization/distribution.The carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB) has got global attention as a notorious nosocomial pathogen. This study describes a case of urinary tract infection in a 2-years old pet female cat infected with A. baumannii. The susceptibility profiling, screening for the resistance determinants, and the multilocus sequence typing was performed. The A. baumannii isolate was found to harbor the blaOXA23-like gene and corresponded to International clone II that has been widely reported to be involved in human infections. The study proposes that the pets may contribute towards the spread of clinically relevant antimicrobial-resistant pathogens.OBJECTIVE To compare the performance of the GE cyclotron MINItrace system before and after the upgrade. METHODS The upgrade of the MINItrace system included replacing the silver target with the Nb syetem and adopting the latest RF control and management system and lastest ion source system.The failrue rate and production efficiency were retrospectively analyzed before and after the upgrade. RESULTS After the upgrade, the cyclotron failure rate decreased by 86.2%, the average capacity increased by 45%. CONCLUSIONS After the upgrade of MINItrace cyclotron, the failure rate is sharply reduced, and the production efficiency is grately improved.