Chemotherapy represents the current mainstay therapeutic approach for most types of cancer. Despite the development of targeted chemotherapeutic strategies, the efficacy of anti-cancer drugs is severely limited by the development of drug resistance. Multidrug resistance (MDR) consists of the simultaneous resistance to various unrelated cytotoxic drugs and is one of the main causes of anticancer treatment failure. One of the principal mechanisms by which cancer cells become MDR involves the overexpression of ATP Binding Cassette (ABC) transporters, such as P-glycoprotein (P-gp), mediating the active efflux of cytotoxic molecules from the cytoplasm. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are submicron lipid-enclosed vesicles that are released by all cells and which play a fundamental role in intercellular communication in physiological and pathological contexts. EVs have fundamental function at each step of cancer development and progression. They mediate the transmission of MDR through the transfer of vesicle cargo including functional ABC transporters as well as nucleic acids, proteins and lipids. Furthermore, EVs mediate MDR by sequestering anticancer drugs and stimulate cancer cell migration and invasion. EVs also mediate the communication with the tumour microenvironment and the immune system, resulting in increased angiogenesis, metastasis and immune evasion. All these actions contribute directly and indirectly to the development of chemoresistance and treatment failure. In this chapter, we describe the many roles EVs play in the acquisition and spread of chemoresistance in cancer. We also discuss possible uses of EVs as pharmacological targets to overcome EV-mediated drug resistance and the potential that the analysis of tumour-derived EVs offers as chemoresistance biomarkers.Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are increasingly being recognised as players in intercellular communication within the human body. EVs are nano-sized vesicles that are secreted by virtually all cells, primarily arising from either the plasma membrane or the endocytic system. They contain a wide range of proteins and nucleic acids in their lumen, as well as cell surface proteins on their exterior. The proteins and nucleic acids within are the 'cargo' that EVs deliver into the cytosol of recipient cells to elicit a response or phenotypic change. For delivery to occur, the cargo needs to cross two lipid bilayers; one that makes up the vesicle itself, and the other of the recipient cell. Exactly how this process works is a topic that is poorly understood, despite being pivotal for their function. Furthermore, extracellular vesicles have therapeutic potential as drug delivery vehicles. Therefore, understanding their delivery mechanism and harnessing its action for drug delivery is of great importance. This chapter will focus on the proposed mechanisms for cargo delivery and discuss existing evidence for cargo delivery from EVs into the cytosol of recipient cells.Fungal pathogens are a concern in medicine and agriculture that has been exacerbated by the emergence of antifungal-resistant varieties that severely threaten human and animal health, as well as food security. This had led to the search for new and sustainable treatments for fungal diseases. Innovative solutions require a deeper understanding of the interactions between fungal pathogens and their hosts, and the key determinants of fungal virulence. Recently, a link has emerged between the release of extracellular vesicles (EVs) and fungal virulence that may contribute to finding new methods for fungal control. Fungal EVs carry pigments, carbohydrates, protein, nucleic acids and other macromolecules with similar functions as those found in EVs from other organisms, however certain fungal features, such as the fungal cell wall, impact EV release and cargo. Fungal EVs modulate immune responses in the host, have a role in cell-cell communication and transport molecules that function in virulence. Understanding the function of fungal EVs will expand our knowledge of host-pathogen interactions and may provide new and specific targets for antifungal drugs and agrichemicals.The release of extracellular vesicles (EVs) is a process conserved across the three domains of life. Amongst prokaryotes, EVs produced by Gram-negative bacteria, termed outer membrane vesicles (OMVs), were identified more than 50 years ago and a wealth of literature exists regarding their biogenesis, composition and functions. OMVs have been implicated in benefiting numerous metabolic functions of their parent bacterium. Additionally, OMVs produced by pathogenic bacteria have been reported to contribute to pathology within the disease setting. By contrast, the release of EVs from Gram-positive bacteria, known as membrane vesicles (MVs), has only been widely accepted within the last decade. As such, there is a significant disproportion in knowledge regarding MVs compared to OMVs. Here we provide an overview of the literature regarding bacterial membrane vesicles (BMVs) produced by pathogenic and commensal bacteria. We highlight the mechanisms of BMV biogenesis and their roles in assisting bacterial survival, in addition to discussing their functions in promoting disease pathologies and their potential use as novel therapeutic strategies.Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are described as membranous vesicles that are secreted by various cell types. EVs can be categorised as exosomes, ectosomes, apoptotic bodies, large oncosomes and migrasomes. EVs are heterogeneous in nature according to their origin, mode of release, size, and biochemical contents. Herein, we discuss a recently discovered subpopulation of EVs called 'exomeres'. Unlike the other subtypes of EVs, exomeres are defined as non-membranous nanovesicles with a size ≤50 nm. They can be isolated using asymmetric-flow field-flow fractionation as well as ultracentrifugation. The cargo of exomeres are beginning to be unravelled and are highlighted to be enriched with proteins implicated in regulating metabolic pathways. Consistent with other types of EVs, exomeres also contain nucleic acids and lipids which can be delivered to recipient cells. These discoveries highlight the complex heterogeneity of EVs and thereby necessitates further attention to understand the nature of each subpopulation more exclusively.