Deamidated amyloid proteins have been shown to accelerate fibril formation. Herein, the results show the inhibition performance and the interaction site between site-specific inhibitor and amyloid protein are significantly influenced by deamidation; while the inhibition mechanism of non-site specific inhibitor shows no significant disruption caused by amyloid protein deamidation.It is known that trans,cis,cis-[RuCl2(DMSO)2(H2O)2] (1a) complexes, which are formed upon dissolution of trans-[RuCl2(DMSO)4] in water, demonstrate light-induced cytotoxicity. The mechanistic study of 1a photochemistry has been performed using ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy, laser flash photolysis and stationary photolysis. The first stage of 1a photochemistry is the photoexchange of a DMSO ligand to a water molecule; its quantum yield is wavelength-dependent (estimating by values 0.3 and 0.04 upon irradiation at 308 and 430 nm, respectively). The mechanism of photoexchange is complicated involving at least four Ru(ii) intermediates. Two tentative mechanisms of the process are proposed.Three complexes based on an Ir-M (M = FeII, CoII, and NiII) heterobimetallic core and 2-(diphenylphosphino)pyridine (Ph2PPy) ligand were synthesized via the reaction of trans-[IrCl(CO)(Ph2PPy)2] and the corresponding metal chloride. Their structures were established by single-crystal X-ray diffraction as [Ir(CO)(μ-Cl)(μ-Ph2PPy)2FeCl2]·2CH2Cl2 (2), [IrCl(CO)(μ-Ph2PPy)2CoCl2]·2CH2Cl2 (3), and [Ir(CO)(μ-Cl)(μ-Ph2PPy)2NiCl2]·2CH2Cl2 (4). Time-dependent DFT computations suggest a donor-acceptor interaction between a filled 5dz2 orbital on iridium and an empty orbital on the first-row metal atom, which is supported by UV-vis studies. Magnetic moment measurements show that the first-row metals are in their high-spin electronic configurations. Cyclic voltammetry data show that all the complexes undergo irreversible decomposition upon either reduction or oxidation. Reduction of 4 proceeds through an ECE mechanism. While these complexes are not stable to electrocatalysis conditions, the data presented here refine our understanding of the bonding synergies of the first-row and third-row metals.Real-time, non-contact detection of illicit drugs is a desirable goal for the interdiction of these controlled substances, but the relatively low vapor pressures of such species present a challenge for trace vapor detection technologies. The introduction of atmospheric flow tube-mass spectrometry (AFT-MS), which has previously been demonstrated to detect gas-phase analytes at low parts-per-quadrillion levels for explosives and organophosphorus compounds, also enables the potential for non-contact drug detection. With AFT-MS, direct vapor detection of cocaine and methamphetamine from ∼5 μg residues at room temperature is demonstrated herein. Furthermore, thermal desorption of low- to sub-picogram levels of cocaine, methamphetamine, fentanyl, and heroin is observed via AFT-MS using a carrier flow rate of several L min-1 of air. These low levels can permit non-contact sampling through collection of vapor, effectively preconcentrating the analyte before desorption and analysis. Quantitative evaluation of the thermal desorption approach has yielded limits of detection (LODs) on the order of 10 fg for cocaine and fentanyl, 100 fg for methamphetamine, and 1.6 pg for heroin. The LOD for heroin was lowered to 300 fg by using tributyl phosphate as a dopant to form a proton-bound heterodimer with heroin. When used with AFT-MS, the intentional formation of specific drug-dopant adducts has the potential to enhance detection limits and selectivity of additional drug species. Species that are prone to form adducts present a challenge to analysis, but that difficulty can be overcome by the intentional addition of a dopant. Molecules unlikely to form adducts will remain essentially unimpacted, but the adduct-forming species will interact with the dopant to compress the analyte signal into a single peak. This approach would be valuable in the application of non-contact screening for illicit substances via vapor collection followed by thermal desorption for analysis.In this study we substituted the retinal units in proteorhodopsin (PR) and bacteriorhodopsin (BR) with azo chromophores to investigate the mechanism of photoinduced proton pumping in rhodopsins and potentially develop new artificial molecular pumps. We used an indium tin oxide electrode to investigate the photoinduced proton transfer of the azo analogues of PR and BR. We also employed flash photolysis to determine the characteristic photocycles, comprising multiple transient intermediates, of the azo chromophore-bound PR and BR. Moreover, our studies of the photoinduced proton pumping functions of azo-proteoopsin and azo-bacterioopsin complexes revealed that they did not pump protons upon illumination, even though they underwent photoinduced proton transfer and the characteristic photocycle. Mutational analysis suggested that the proton pumping malfunction of the azo analogues of PR and BR resulted from the absence of proton transfer reactions through cytoplasmic channels, even though these reactions were evoked in extracellular channels. Based on our experimental findings, we propose herein a putative model of the proton transfer reaction mechanism for the azo analogues of PR and BR.In this work, we demonstrate the tunable luminescence of newly synthesized SDC/OS Mg/Al-LDH composites (SDC is 4,4'-stilbenedicarboxylic acid; OS is 1-octanesulfonic acid sodium; LDH is layered double hydroxide) and their application in fluorescence sensing to detect Fe(iii) ions. Through an ion-exchange method, the SDC2- and OS- anions with changed molar ratios are intercalated into the LDH interlayers to obtain composites of SDCxOS1-x-LDH (x = 0.02, 0.05, and 0.10). In the solid state, the optimized SDC0.05OS0.95-LDH exhibits a blue emission (441 nm) with a 54 nm blue-shift compared with SDC-Na solid salt (495 nm). In a delaminated state, the colloidal suspension of SDC0.05OS0.95-LDH in formamide (FM) also gives a blue emission at 444 nm in comparison to the 451/468 nm emissions of the FM solution of free SDC2- anions, and the luminescence intensity of the exfoliated composite is ∼28 times higher than that of the SDC2- anions. The SDC0.05OS0.95-LDH composite could be utilized in chemical fluorescence sensing for detecting Fe3+ ions.