Save your coupons for sales where items are buy one but get two. The second item will be free, and you will also receive discounts on the first item you purchase. You may find that you pay about a fourth of the original cost. Keep your coupons in order and catagorized by different areas of the grocery store. You should keep a book that you will take to the store with you and also keep extra coupons ou will not be using in a different book or filing folder. You will not be overwhelmed when you go. Before beginning any coupon strategy find and print a copy of the store's coupon policy. Many stores limit the number of coupons that can be used on each transaction, while other stores may not accept internet coupons. It is therefore, important that you print a copy of your store's coupon policy. When you clip tons of coupons, it can be hard to remember which ones you have; this is why it is wise to get a coupon organizer. With this handy tool, you can organize your coupons with one of two methods; either alphabetize them or put them in the order of the aisles in your favorite supermarket. You might have the coupon but you might not need the item; in that case, don't buy it. Sometimes, you may not find a coupon for an essential. Although this could be an excellent deal, if you aren't going to be using the products, then you'll be losing money. When you enter any store check the front to see if you can find their weekly paper. In their weekly paper, a lot of shops will offer you coupons inside of them to help entice you to purchase more things at their store. can work in your favor, and you can find a lot of items for cheap through their coupons. Join like-minded people on forums and social networks to really empower your couponing. Few things are loved by more people and with such passion as saving money, so find a site where people share their tips, codes and strategies to saving more money with the use of money saving coupons. In o