Conversely, when cell density inside of the model was increased, compromising nutrient supply, the addition of these metabolic inhibitors disrupted cellular redox balance and led to tumor cell death.Air-liquid interface (ALI) systems have been widely used in recent years to investigate the inhalation toxicity of many gaseous compounds, chemicals, and nanomaterials and represent an emerging and promising in vitro method to supplement in vivo studies. ALI exposure reflects the physiological conditions of the deep lung more closely to subacute in vivo inhalation scenarios compared to submerged exposure. The comparability of the toxicological results obtained from in vivo and in vitro inhalation data is still challenging. The robustness of ALI exposure scenarios is not yet well understood, but critical for the potential standardization of these methods. We report a cause-and-effect (C&E) analysis of a flow through ALI exposure system. The influence of five different instrumental and physiological parameters affecting cell viability and exposure parameters of a human lung cell line in vitro (exposure duration, relative humidity, temperature, CO2 concentration and flow rate) was investigated. After exposing lung epithelia cells to a CeO2 nanoparticle (NP) aerosol, intracellular CeO2 concentrations reached values similar to those found in a recent subacute rat inhalation study in vivo. This is the first study showing that the NP concentration reached in vitro using a flow through ALI system were the same as those in an in vivo study.Flavin mononucleotide (FMN) derived from Vitamin B2, a bio-based fluorescent water-soluble molecule with visible yellow-green fluorescence, has been used in the scope of producing photoluminescent and glow-in-the-dark patterned polyester (PET) nonwoven panels. Since the FMN molecule cannot diffuse inside the PET fiber, screen printing, coating, and padding methods were used in an attempt to immobilize FMN molecules at the PET fiber surface of a nonwoven, using various biopolymers such as gelatin and sodium alginate as well as a water-based commercial polyacrylate. In parallel, air atmospheric plasma activation of PET nonwoven was carried for improved spreading and adhesion of FMN bearing biopolymer/polymer mixture. Effectively, the plasma treatment yielded a more hydrophilic PET nonwoven, reduction in wettability, and surface roughness of the plasma treated fiber with reduced water contact angle and increased capillary uptake were observed. The standard techniques of morphological properties were explored by molecule with which textile surface pattern designers may create light-emitting textiles and interesting aesthetic expressions.Bovine immunoglobulin G (bIgG) was previously shown to enhance innate immune responses to toll-like receptor (TLR) stimulation, via induction of trained immunity. In this study, we investigated whether minimally processed dairy streams with high levels of whey proteins as potential infant nutrition ingredients could also induce trained immunity, and to what extent this can be explained by the presence of bIgG. The minimally processed whey ingredients serum protein concentrate (SPC) and whey protein concentrate (WPC) were tested for their ability to induce trained immunity in human peripheral blood monocytes. Both ingredients induced trained immunity as evidenced by an increased production of TNF-α and, to a lesser extent, of IL-6 upon stimulation with TLR ligands. This was comparable to isolated bovine immunoglobulin G (bIgG) that served as positive control. Depletion of bIgG from both whey protein-containing ingredients did not significantly inhibit the induction of trained immunity, suggesting that the streams contain other components in addition to bIgG that are able to induce trained immunity. These results indicate that minimally processed whey ingredients may contribute to protection against infections through enhancing innate immune responsiveness to pathogens.The anti-melanogenic activity of essential oils of Alpinia nantoensis and their bioactive ingredients were investigated in vitro. Treatment with leaf (LEO) and rhizome (REO) essential oils of A. nantoensis, significantly reduced forskolin-induced melanin production followed by down-regulation of tyrosinase (TYR) and tyrosinase related protein-1 (TRP-1) expression at both transcriptional and translational levels. Further studies revealed that down-regulation TYR and TRP-1 were caused by LEO/REO-mediated suppression of Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF), as evidenced by reduced nuclear translocation of MITF. Also, we found that LEO/REO induce the sustained activation of ERK1/2, which facilitate subsequent proteasomal degradation of MITF, as confirmed by that LEO/REO failed to inhibits MITF activity in ERK1/2 inhibitor treated cells. In addition, a significant increase of ubiquitinated MITF was observed after treatment with LEO and REO. Furthermore, the chemical composition of LEO and REO were characterized by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) resulted that camphor, camphene, α-pinene, β-pinene, isoborneol and D-limonene were the major compounds in both LEO and REO. Further studies revealed that α-pinene and D-limonene were the active components responsible for the anti-melanogenic properties of LEO and REO. Based on the results, this study provided a strong evidence that LEO and REO could be promising natural sources for the development of novel skin-whitening agents for the cosmetic purposes.Lidar-based localization doesn't have high accuracy in open scenarios with few features, and behaves poorly in robot kidnap recovery. To address this problem, an improved Particle Filter localization is proposed who could achieve robust robot kidnap detection and pose error compensation. UAPF adaptively updates the covariance by Jacobian from Ultra-wide Band information instead of predetermined parameters, and determines whether robot kidnap occurs by a novel criterion called KNP (Kidnap Probability). Besides, pose fusion of ranging-based localization and PF-based localization is conducted to decrease the uncertainty. To achieve more accurate ranging-based localization, linear regression of ranging data adopts values of maximum probability rather than average distances. Experiments show UAPF can achieve robot kidnap recovery in less than 2 s and position error is less than 0.1 m in a hall of 40 by 15 m, when the currently prevalent lidar-based localization costs more than 90 s and converges to wrong position.