Low morphine yielding winter ('Zeno Morphex') and summer ('Viola', 'Mieszko', 'Borowski') poppy varieties were investigated for their chemical composition and sensory properties. The oil content of the 13 seed samples as well as that of fatty acids, tocopherols, and volatile compounds in the respective oils were determined, and the sensory profiles of the seeds and oils were established. Linoleic acid made up 70.7-75.2% of the fatty acids. High amounts of γ-tocopherol were detected, especially in variety 'Viola' (287 ± 34 mg kg-1), while δ-tocopherol was only present in 'Zeno Morphex' (3.9 ± 0.6 mg kg-1). The most abundant volatiles were caproic acid (1.4-148 μg g-1), hexanal (0.9-15.2 μg g-1), 1-hexanol (0.3-20.1 μg g-1), limonene (1.3-9.4 μg g-1), and 2-pentylfuran (1.0-7.8 μg g-1). The sensory panel distinguished samples in particular by fatty/oily, rancid, sweet, and green attributes, the green aroma being correlated to three methoxypyrazines only present in summer poppies.Luminescent properties of the naphthyridine-based luminophor, 2,7-di(9,9-dimethylacridin-10(9H)-yl)-1,8-naphthyridine (DMAC-ND), have been explored by using quantum mechanics and quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics calculations. Based on different packing models for DMAC-ND monomer in tetrahydrofuran (THF) solution and its crystal and amorphous aggregated states, the morphology dependence of light absorption and emission has been explored. Calculations reveal that the intersystem crossing rates (kisc) from S1 to T1 are comparable with their corresponding non-radiative decay rates (knr) from S1 to S0 in crystal and amorphous phases, while the kisc value in THF solution is 6 orders of magnitude smaller than its corresponding knr, suggesting that effective intersystem crossing (ISC) may occur only in the aggregated configurations. The predicted reverse intersystem crossing rates (krisc) are also comparable with their corresponding non-radiative decay rates from T1 to S0, and there would be an effective upconversion process in the aggregated state. The predicted krisc values show notable morphology and temperature dependences, and the aggregation and the increase in temperature can facilitate the reverse intersystem crossing process. Based on the independent gradient model and energy decomposition analysis, combined with the estimation of the Huang-Rhys factors, such remarkable packing effects on the luminescent properties of DMAC-ND can be ascribed into the strong intermolecular interactions and the restriction of low-frequency vibrations in the crystal and amorphous phases.The rapid and onsite detection of glyphosate herbicides in agricultural products is still a challenge. Herein, a novel colorimetric nanozyme sheet for the rapid detection of glyphosate has been successfully prepared through the physical adsorption of porous Co3O4 nanoplates on a polyester fiber membrane. Glyphosate can specifically inhibit the peroxidase-mimicking catalytic activity of porous Co3O4 nanoplates, thereby the visual detection of glyphosate can be realized by distinguishing the change in the color intensity of the established nanozyme sheet. The prepared nanozyme sheet has good sensitivity and selectivity, with a detection limit of 0.175 mg·kg-1 for glyphosate detection just by the naked eyes. It can effectively detect glyphosate within 10 min, and the color spots can maintain more than 20 min. The nanozyme sheet is not easily affected by the external environment in detection and storage. The merits of the nanozyme sheet facilitate its practical application in the large-scale preliminary screening of glyphosate residues in agricultural products.Given the immense challenge of excessive accumulation of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the earth's atmosphere, an extensive search is under way to convert atmospheric CO2 to compounds of more utility. With CO2 being thermodynamically extremely stable, activation of CO2 is the first and most important step toward its chemical conversion. Building upon our earlier model for the anionic activation of CO2 with azabenzene and inspired by the work of others on metal atom-CO2 complexes, we investigated the possibility of anionic activation of CO2 on small anionic metal clusters, which would have implications for catalytic conversion of CO2 on metal surfaces with atomic-scale structural irregularities. We carried out theoretical calculations using density functional theory to examine small anionic metal clusters of Cu, Ag, and Au to check whether they form a complex with CO2, with the sign of CO2 being chemically activated. We found that a class of anionic metal clusters Mn- with 1, 2, and 6 atoms consistently produced the activated complex (Mn-CO2)- for all three metals. There exists a strong interaction between the CO2 moiety and Mn- via a partially covalent M-C bond with a full delocalization of the electronic charge, as a result of electron transfer from the HOMO of Mn- to the LUMO of CO2 as in metal-CO2 π-backbonding. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/glpg3970.html We examined the interaction of frontier orbitals from the viewpoints of the orbital geometry and orbital energetics and found that the above magic numbers are consistent with both aspects.Large amounts of small α-dicarbonyls (glyoxal and methylglyoxal) are produced in the atmosphere from photochemical oxidation of biogenic isoprene and anthropogenic aromatics, but the fundamental mechanisms leading to secondary organic aerosol (SOA) and brown carbon (BrC) formation remain elusive. Methylglyoxal is commonly believed to be less reactive than glyoxal because of unreactive methyl substitution, and available laboratory measurements showed negligible aerosol growth from methylglyoxal. Herein, we present experimental results to demonstrate striking oligomerization of small α-dicarbonyls leading to SOA and BrC formation on sub-micrometer aerosols. Significantly more efficient growth and browning of aerosols occur upon exposure to methylglyoxal than glyoxal under atmospherically relevant concentrations and in the absence/presence of gas-phase ammonia and formaldehyde, and nonvolatile oligomers and light-absorbing nitrogen-heterocycles are identified as the dominant particle-phase products. The distinct aerosol growth and light absorption are attributed to carbenium ion-mediated nucleophilic addition, interfacial electric field-induced attraction, and synergetic oligomerization involving organic/inorganic species, leading to surface- or volume-limited reactions that are dependent on the reactivity and gaseous concentrations.