Background The metabolic behavior of plasmacytoma at 18F-FDG PET/CT is not yet clear. Objective The aim of this systematic review was to analyze published data about the role of 18F-FDG PET or PET/CT in patients affected by plasmacytoma. Methods Acomprehensive computer literature search of the Scopus, PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase and Cochrane Library databases was conducted including articles up to July 2019 to find relevant published papers about the performance of 18F-FDG PET and PET/CT in plasmacytoma. Results The comprehensive computer literature search revealed 371 articles. On reviewing the titles and abstracts, 363 articles were excluded because the reported data were not within the field of interest of this review. Eight articles were selected and retrieved in full-text version. From the analyses of the selected studies, the following main findings have been founded 1) plasmacytoma generally is a 18F-FDG-avid tumor and PET/CT had good diagnostic performance with high sensitivity; 2) 18F-FDG PET/CT influenced patient management in most cases avoiding useless therapies and choosing the best therapeutic approach; 3) prognostic value of PET/CT qualitative and semiquantitative parameters is only suggested with controversial reports. Conclusion Despite several limitations affect this analysis, especially related to the low number of articles and patients studied, plasmacytoma looks to be an 18F-FDG-avid tumor in most of the cases; 18F-FDG PET or PET/CT had good diagnostic performance and had a significant clinical impact in change of therapeutic approach. Moreover, a possible prognostic role of PET/CT features is described.For over a decade, studies of messenger RNA regulation have revealed an unprecedented level of connectivity between the RNA pool and global gene expression. These connections are underpinned by a vast array of RNA elements that coordinate RNA-protein and RNA-RNA interactions, each directing mRNA fate from transcription to translation. Consequently, viruses have evolved an arsenal of strategies to target these RNA features and ultimately take control of the pathways they influence, and these strategies contribute to the global shutdown of the host gene expression machinery known as "Host Shutoff". This takeover of the host cell is mechanistically orchestrated by a number of non-homologous virally encoded endoribonucleases. Recent large-scale screens estimate that over 70 % of the host transcriptome is decimated by the expression of these viral nucleases. While this takeover strategy seems extraordinarily well conserved, each viral endonuclease has evolved to target distinct mRNA elements. Herein, we will explore each of these RNA structures/sequence features that render messenger RNA susceptible or resistant to viral endonuclease cleavage. By further understanding these targeting and escape mechanisms we will continue to unravel untold depths of cellular RNA regulation that further underscores the integral relationship between RNA fate and the fate of the cell.Archerfish are well-known for their ballistic hunting behaviour, in which they shoot down aerial prey with a well-aimed jet of water. This unique hunting strategy poses several challenges for visual systems. Archerfish face significant distortion to the appearance of targets due to refraction at the air/water interface, they search for prey against a complex background of foliage, they change prey targeting behaviour as conditions change, and they must make high speed decisions to avoid competition. By studying how archerfish have overcome these challenges, we have been able to understand more about fundamental problems faced by visual systems and the mechanisms used to solve them. In some cases, such as when searching for targets, the visual capabilities of archerfish are functionally similar to those of humans, despite significant differences in neuroanatomy. In other cases, the particular challenge faced by archerfish magnifies fundamental problems generally faced by visual systems, such as recognizing objects given strong viewpoint dependent changes to appearance. The efficiency of archerfish retrieving fallen prey to avoid kleptoparasitism, demonstrates that their visual processing excels in both speed and accuracy. In this review, we attempt to provide an overview of the many facets of visually driven behaviour of archerfish, and how they have been studied. In addition to their hunting technique, archerfish are ideal for visual processing experiments as they can be quickly trained to perform a range of non-ecologically relevant tasks. Their behavioural flexibility moreover, introduces the opportunity to study how experience-dependence and choice affects visual processing.Introduction Although homosexuality is a subject often addressed by the media, little is said about homosexuality in adolescents who are particularly affected by the question of sexual orientation. This work aims to study the mental health of adolescents who report being exclusively attracted to members of the same sex. We explore the evidence for an association between homosexuality and depression, suicide attempts, and consulting a psychiatrist or a psychologist. Methods We used data from the cross-sectional study "Adolescent Portraits - A Multicenter Epidemiological Survey in Schools in 2013" (CHU Fondation Vallée, Inserm CESP U1018). Data were gathered through the use of an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire (348 questions) given to students between the "4e" and "terminaleschool" years (comparable to the 8th and 12th grade in the U.S. education system) in three contrasting French geographical areas. The risk of depression was measured using the Adolescent Depression Rating Scale (ADRS). Results Th factors that can inform the development of appropriate preventive measures.Objectives During the COVID-19 pandemic, the French government has decided a general lockdown. This unprecedented situation has raised concerns about children's and adolescent's mental health. Children and adolescents diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may find this context of restrained activity particularly tricky. The objectives of our study are to gather information about the well-being and global life conditions of children and adolescents with ADHD during the COVID-19 outbreak in France. Methods We designed a survey including both open-ended questions and questionnaire items for parents of children and adolescents with ADHD. Parents responded to the following open-ended questions 1) "How is your child doing since the lockdown?" 2) "How is life at home since the lockdown?" 3) "If you had a remote service provision with a mental health professional (e.g. by telephone or video technology), please share your thoughts and any suggestions with us" 4) "Please share any other items that you think are important about ADHD symptoms of your child and the lockdown situation".