The research has defied the antecedent arguments of the failure of ecotourism projects in Fiji and made a first-ever comparative analysis of ecotourism data with mass tourism in relation to post-coup recovery tenure. It postulates an apparent correlation of the success of this ecotourism park with the democratically elected government of Fiji. The Abaca ecotourist park displayed potential to emerge as an ecotourism hub in the entire South Pacific, provided the democratically elected government could sustain in Fiji, which has been tagged as 'coup-coup land'. Henceforth, this study can be replicated for similar destinations in the world. To investigate the value of spectral-detector computed tomography (SDCT) parameters for the quantitative differentiation between atelectasis and pneumonia on contrast-enhanced chest CT. Sixty-three patients, 22 clinically diagnosed with pneumonia and 41 with atelectasis, underwent contrast-enhanced SDCT scans during the venous phase. CT numbers (Hounsfield Units [HU]) were measured on conventional reconstructions (CON ) and the iodine concentration (C , [mg/ml]), and effective atomic number (Z ) on spectral reconstructions, using region-of-interest (ROI) analysis. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) and contrast-to-noise ratios (CNRs) were calculated to assess each reconstruction's potential to differentiate between atelectasis and pneumonia. On contrast-enhanced SDCT, the difference between atelectasis and pneumonia was significant on CON , C , and Z images (p < 0.001). On CON images, a threshold of 81 HU achieved a sensitivity of 93 % and a specificity of 95 % for identifying pneumonia, while C and Z images reached the same sensitivity but lower specificities of 85 % and 83 %. CON images showed significantly higher CNRs between normal lung and atelectasis or pneumonia with 30.63 and 27.69 compared to C images with 3.54 and 1.27 and Z images with 4.22 and 7.63 (p < 0.001). None of the parameters could differentiate atelectasis and pneumonia without contrast media. Contrast-enhanced SDCT can differentiate atelectasis and pneumonia based on the spectral parameters C , and Z However, they had no added value compared to CT number measurement on CON images. Furthermore, contrast media is still needed for a differentiation based on quantitative SDCT parameters. Contrast-enhanced SDCT can differentiate atelectasis and pneumonia based on the spectral parameters Ciodine, and Zeff. However, they had no added value compared to CT number measurement on CON120kVp images. Furthermore, contrast media is still needed for a differentiation based on quantitative SDCT parameters.Reversible splenial lesion syndrome (RESLES) is a rare clinico-radiological disorder syndrome with unclear pathophysiology. Here, two sisters with sensorineural deafness as the chief complaint diagnosed with RESLES was reported. Although the sisters had the disease successively, they were divided into two types on imaging by isolated lesions of splenium of the corpus callosum (SCC) and extensive lesions of the corpus callosum. The clinical manifestations and lesions on MRI disappeared after 6 months. The sensorineural deafness of the sisters in this article may be caused by transcallosal auditory pathway (TCAP) injury. Auditory handicap has been found in previous RESLES cases, indicating that we know little about the connection between the SCC and the auditory pathway, and further research is needed.The Global climate change is becoming an increasing challenge for agriculture. Beyond the increased local occurrence of extreme events high temperatures are becoming an increasingly present limiting factor in crop production. The agriculture in the West of Uzbekistan with very limited rainfalls is highly dependent on irrigation schemes using the Amu Darya water flow. With low Winter (freezing nights with minimum air temperatures of less than 0 °C) and high Summer temperatures (hot days and nights with temperatures above 35 °C during daylight, and minimum air temperatures of more than 20 °C during night time - tropical nights) the local continental arid climate temperatures are a main limiting factor faced by the local agriculture. The arid climate, with a crop production dependant on irrigation, allows putting the focus on temperatures influence on field crops, while rainfalls have barely any influence. In temperate countries the focus has mainly been on low temperatures as a main limiting factor. Freeze is i day degree methodology has been especially adjusted in the present publication in order to take into account the tolerance of the studied crops to high temperatures. While the hot period is progressively expending into the Spring period, Winters are not becoming much milder limiting the benefit for Winter crops. While the hot days and tropical night event will become predominant over the Summer period the yields in cotton and rice are expected to drop drastically over the second half of the XXIst century. The expected reduction of water inflow of the Amu Darya over the century will further strongly put into question the crop production model in the West of Uzbekistan. The present publication aims at describing the ongoing trends, expectable changes in agricultural production and timelines. It is also illustrating how hot temperatures analysis could be integrated in downscaling models in agriculture in other regions of Uzbekistan and of the world.In this study, we investigated some closed-form solutions for solving atmospheric dispersion issues under variable atmospherical hypothesis, in a vertically positioned non-homogeneous planetary boundary-layer. In our context, a nonidentical expansion for the solution of the fractional advection-diffusion equation in a non-integer dimensional-space was examined. In a nutshell, a Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problem with more reliable information concerning the initial value problem is discussed. The performance of the model was estimated by presenting numerical simulations against experimental data. Under these meteorological conditions, fractional-order models performed far better than those of the classical integer-order ones.