SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT This study reports that neuron-specific expression of IκB super-repressor mitigated behavioral and pathologic changes in transgenic mouse models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis expressing mutant forms of either Tar DNA-binding protein 43 or superoxide dismutase. The results suggest that neuronal NF-κB signaling constitutes a novel therapeutic target for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and related disorders with Tar DNA-binding protein 43 proteinopathy.One of the strongest drivers of food consumption is pleasure, and with a large variety of palatable food continuously available, there is rarely any necessity to eat something not tasty. The amygdala is involved in hedonic valuation, but its role in valence assignment during food choices is less understood. Given recent evidence for spatially segregated amygdala signatures encoding palatability, we applied a multivariate approach on fMRI data to extract valence specific signal patterns during an explicit evaluation of food liking. These valence localizers were then used to identify hedonic valuation processes while the same healthy human participants (14 female, 16 male; in overnight fasted state on both scanning days) performed a willingness-to-eat task in a separate fMRI measurement. Valence specific patterns of amygdala signaling predicted decisions on food consumption significantly. Findings could be validated using the same valence localizers to predict consumption decisions participants made on a separaset. These results suggest that valence specific amygdala signals are integrated into the formation of food choices.Dendritic geometry is largely determined during postnatal development and has a substantial impact on neural function. In sensory processing, postnatal development of the dendritic tree is affected by two dominant circuit motifs, ascending sensory feedforward inputs and descending and local recurrent connections. In the three-layered anterior piriform cortex (aPCx), neurons in the sublayers 2a and 2b display vertical segregation of these two circuit motifs. Here, we combined electrophysiology, detailed morphometry, and Ca2+ imaging in acute mouse brain slices and modeling to study circuit-specific aspects of dendritic development. We observed that determination of branching complexity, dendritic length increases, and pruning occurred in distinct developmental phases. Layer 2a and layer 2b neurons displayed developmental phase-specific differences between their apical and basal dendritic trees related to differences in circuit incorporation. We further identified functional candidate mechanisms for circuit-specific differences in postnatal dendritic growth in sublayers 2a and 2b at the mesoscale and microscale levels. Already in the first postnatal week, functional connectivity of layer 2a and layer 2b neurons during early spontaneous network activity scales with differences in basal dendritic growth. During the early critical period of sensory plasticity in the piriform cortex, our data are consistent with a model that proposes a role for dendritic NMDA-spikes in selecting branches for survival during developmental pruning in apical dendrites. The different stages of the morphologic and functional developmental pattern differences between layer 2a and layer 2b neurons demonstrate the complex interplay between dendritic development and circuit specificity.Elaborate animal communication displays are often accompanied by morphological and physiological innovations. In rodents, acoustic signals used in reproductive contexts are produced by two distinct mechanisms, but the underlying anatomy that facilitates such divergence is poorly understood. 'Audible' vocalizations with spectral properties between 500 Hz and 16 kHz are thought to be produced by flow-induced vocal fold vibrations, whereas 'ultrasonic' vocalizations with fundamental frequencies above 19 kHz are produced by an aerodynamic whistle mechanism. Baiomyine mice (genus Baiomys and Scotinomys) produce complex frequency-modulated songs that span these traditional distinctions and represent important models to understand the evolution of signal elaboration. We combined acoustic analyses of spontaneously vocalizing northern pygmy mice (Baiomys taylori) in air and light gas atmosphere with morphometric analyses of their vocal apparatus to infer the mechanism of vocal production. Increased fundamental frequencies in heliox indicated that pygmy mouse songs are produced by an aerodynamic whistle mechanism supported by the presence of a ventral pouch and alar cartilage. Comparative analyses of the larynx and ventral pouch size among four additional ultrasonic whistle-producing rodents indicated that the unusually low 'ultrasonic' frequencies (relative to body size) of pygmy mice songs are associated with an enlarged ventral pouch. Additionally, mice produced shorter syllables while maintaining intersyllable interval duration, thereby increasing syllable repetition rates. We conclude that while laryngeal anatomy sets the foundation for vocal frequency range, variation and adjustment of central vocal motor control programs fine tunes spectral and temporal characters to promote acoustic diversity within and between species.Maximum whole-body force production can influence behavioral outcomes for volant taxa, and may also be relevant to aerodynamic optimization in microair vehicles. Here, we describe a new method for measuring maximum force production in free-flying animals, and present associated data for the wandering glider dragonfly. Flight trajectories were repeatedly acquired from pull-up responses by insects dropped in mid-air with submaximal loads attached beneath the center of body mass. Forces were estimated from calculations of the maximum time-averaged acceleration through time, and multiple estimates were obtained per individual so as to statistically facilitate approximation of maximum capacity through use of the Weibull distribution. On a group level, wandering glider dragonflies are here estimated to be capable of producing total aerodynamic force equal to ∼4.3 times their own body weight, a value which significantly exceeds earlier estimates made for load-lifting dragonflies, and also for other volant taxa in sustained vertical load-lifting experiments.