88%) followed by income (23.31%). There was a similar distribution of respondents with respect to their desire to shift to medical oncology. There was marked dissatisfaction over remuneration, job openings, job security, and poor scope of career improvement. 56.50% of respondents believed that they need to move abroad to improve their quality of life. However, 76.69% of respondents still felt very passionate about their professional choice. Finally, 61.97% of professionals believed that this survey will correctly reflect the present scenario among YROs. The survey portrays a mixed picture as expected. Major policy changes are required to improve the infrastructure and job opportunities of this profession. The survey portrays a mixed picture as expected. Major policy changes are required to improve the infrastructure and job opportunities of this profession. Telomeres through maintaining chromosomal integrity have key roles in the cell life span. The autophagy is typically a pro-survival process and important for maintaining cellular homeostasis. Conversely, in some conditions, autophagy acts as caspase-independent cell death program. Beclin1 gene plays a principal role in the initiation of autophagy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of autophagy induction via recombinant Beclin1 on telomerase activity and programmed cell death (apoptosis) in MCDK cells. The recombinant Beclin1-pcDNA3.1(-) was transfected into MDCK cells. Next, the autophagy information was detected by LC3II staining as autophagy marker using flow cytometry. The telomerase activity was measured by telomeric repeat amplification protocol method in MDCK cells. To detection of the cell death in MDCK cells, apoptosis assay was done through Annexin V staining method. The results of flow cytometry analysis indicated that following overexpression of Beclin1 gene, the percentage of the LC3II was 16.08% compared with control group (0.48%). Following induction of autophagy, telomerase activity reduced 10 folds in comparison with the control group. The rate of apoptosis in transfected MDCK cells increased up to 12.74%. Crosstalk between telomerase, autophagy, and apoptosis may determine the fate of the cancer cell aging. Hence, manipulation of autophagy may create a novel area to design new compounds and combination therapy to shorten the cancer cell survival. Crosstalk between telomerase, autophagy, and apoptosis may determine the fate of the cancer cell aging. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/unc5293.html Hence, manipulation of autophagy may create a novel area to design new compounds and combination therapy to shorten the cancer cell survival. This cross-sectional, quantitative epidemiological study was aimed at finding the prevalence of depression in cancer patients and correlation of anxiety and depression with various factors such as age, sex, and type of malignancy while coming for treatment to the radiotherapy department of a tertiary cancer hospital, at the onset, midway, and at the end of radiotherapy treatment using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). A total of 100 consecutive cancer patients referred for definitive radiotherapy were included. All patients were administered the HADS. The percentage of respondents with anxiety increased significantly after initiating RT and maximum scores were recorded at the end of treatment. The association between anxiety scores and various factors such as age, site, and sex during various phases of RT was found using Chi-square test. At the beginning of Radiotherapy (RT), 61% of our patients reported abnormal scores while this percentage increased to almost 89% at the end of treatment, the comparison between the scores at the beginning and at the end reach a statistical significance (P < 0.0005) while the comparison between the scores at the start and midway led to (P < 0.011). According to the subsite, maximum prevalence of anxiety and depression was seen in patients having head and neck malignancies while older age again was a significant factor leading to the symptoms of anxiety and depression. The diagnosis of cancer carries with it a significant amount of psychological morbidity, both subjectively experienced and objectively observed. Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy further aggravate anxiety by becoming additional stressors. The diagnosis of cancer carries with it a significant amount of psychological morbidity, both subjectively experienced and objectively observed. Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy further aggravate anxiety by becoming additional stressors. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of Vitamin E (VE) on the immune system and tumor growth during radiotherapy (RT) in mice model. C57BL/6NCrSlc mice were randomly distributed in four groups (control, VE alone, RT alone, and VE + RT). In the VE and VE + RT groups, VE was administered in the diet at 500 mg/kg. Radiation was delivered at 2 Gy in a single fraction on the whole body or at 6 Gy in three fractions locally in the RT and VE + RT groups. Changes in leukocytes and T lymphocytes were counted and compared between the four groups. To evaluate the effects on tumor growth, Ehrlich carcinoma cells were injected into the thighs of mice, and tumor volumes and growth inhibition rates were compared. The number of leukocytes was increased in the VE group compared with that in the control group. The magnitude of leukocyte recovery after RT was also increased by VE. This change was affected largely by alterations in lymphocytes and monocytes rather than that in granulocytes. Both CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes were positively affected by VE. The tumor growth was inhibited not only by RT but also by VE alone. If RT was delivered with VE, tumor growth was markedly inhibited. VE could increase the number of leukocytes, primarily lymphocytes, even after RT was delivered. VE also inhibited the tumor growth in addition to RT. Thus, VE may be a useful radioprotective supplement in radiotherapy without inducing tumor growth. VE could increase the number of leukocytes, primarily lymphocytes, even after RT was delivered. VE also inhibited the tumor growth in addition to RT. Thus, VE may be a useful radioprotective supplement in radiotherapy without inducing tumor growth.