Maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Indonesia is still relatively high, at 305 per 100.000 live births (2015). Routine visit to antenatal care is the best way to reduce MMR. Inspite of this, the number of antenatal care visits among pregnant women is still low. This study aimed to measure the influence of behavioral ecological factors with the compliance of pregnant women to visit antenatal care. Study population was pregnant women living in Dumai City, Indonesia. This study was a quantitative research design with a cross-sectional. We used the cluster system to select participants. A total of 369 subjects participated with a gestation age between >12 until 40 weeks. The data were collected by face-to-face interviews using validated questioners. The analysis was done by bivariate analysis using the Spearman correlation test. Multivariate using multiple linear regression. This study showed that factors of the ecological model of behavior were related to antenatal care compliance ( value<0.05) with ance. We recommend a health district program to make services more accessible to pregnant women. Health education programs need to increase the knowledge of pregnant women and families to provide support in antenatal care compliance. Local governments shall improve antenatal care quality by mapping, planning, and evaluating this program. To evaluate the level of human papilloma virus (HPV)-related knowledge and vaccination willingness of people in Fujian Province, and to explore the factors influencing doctors' recommendation of HPV vaccine. We conducted two cross-sectional surveys in Fujian Province. The study cohort included 248 medical staff and medical students and 1001 community members. Descriptive statistics were used to identify the general demographics of the participants, along with their knowledge and attitudes regarding HPV and vaccination. Analyses were conducted to identify factors associated with willingness to vaccinate and willingness to recommend vaccination. The level of HPV knowledge in Fujian province was found to be low, but more than 80% of participants would like to accept HPV vaccine. Medical staff had a higher willingness to recommend HPV vaccine than students (OR= 4.696, CI 2.698-8.175), which may be related to work experience and acceptance of vaccine price but not to knowledge level. Knowledge of HPV in ouhousehold income are not important factors influencing the willingness to vaccinate; only acceptance of vaccine prices significantly affects the willingness to vaccinate. Inclusion of the HPV vaccine in the national immunization program could help to alleviate public concerns regarding the vaccine to change present situation. Coronavirus infection disease 2019 (COVID-19) occurred in Wuhan in December 2019. With the spread of the virus, the global epidemic situation has become extremely serious, especially in the United States, Spain and Italy. Due to a series of control measures, the epidemic situation in Wuhan has been alleviated to a certain extent, and this region has entered into a post-epidemic period. The treatment of some acute and worsened cardiovascular diseases has become more complex because of epidemic prevention measures. We examined cardiovascular patients in the emergency department, as well as outpatient clinics and inpatient units in the Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, from March 20th to April 17th, 2020, as the study subjects, and we performed standard medical activities according to the principles of border treatment and border protection. Additionally, we aimed to minimize the adverse effects of the epidemic on the therapy that was administered to cardiology patients. Due to this standard and feasible strategy, the cardiology department admitted a total of 97 patients, with 36 patients being discharged. No patients have been observed to become infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the cardiology department. In addition, we have no outpatient, caregivers or medical staff infected. Our study aimed to provide prevention and treatment strategies for the rapid and effective medical recovery of patients in non-COVID-19 designated hospitals in high-risk areas after remission, as well as in low- and medium-risk areas. Our study aimed to provide prevention and treatment strategies for the rapid and effective medical recovery of patients in non-COVID-19 designated hospitals in high-risk areas after remission, as well as in low- and medium-risk areas. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the major causes of mortalities worldwide. This study was conducted to evaluate the direct and indirect costs of coronary artery disease (CAD) in Iran. This is a prevalence-based cost-of-illness (COI) study that estimates the direct and indirect costs of CAD. The study conducted over a six-month period from April to September in 2017. Patients were recruited from Madani hospital in Tabriz, Iran. A total of 379 patients were investigated from societal perspective. Direct costs were estimated using the bottom-up costing approach and indirect costs were estimated using the Human Capital (HC) approach. A generalized linear model of regression was used to explore the relation between total cost and socio-demographic variables. The total annual mean cost was compared to Gross Domestic Product (GDP)per capita which was reported in the form of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) index. To deal with uncertainty, one-way sensitivity analysis was performed. Total costs per patient in oerms of the share of GDP. The outcomes can be used in priority setting, in particular for cost benefit analysis, and adopting new policies regarding insurance coverage and equity issues.During the past decade, Iran's health system has attempted to prohibit advertising of unhealthy products and hazardous services. Considerable success has been achieved in the fields of public places and print media advertisements. Conversely, efforts were not effective enough in the fields of TV and radio advertisements. Over the last three years, the Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education has published a list of unhealthy products and services on an annual basis. The list has been developed using a criteria-based mechanism, and compared to the previous list that was developed based on the consensus of the main stakeholders. This approach resulted in a significantly shorter list that consisted of three groups 1) a number of unhealthy food products, 2) some cosmetic products and services, and 3) all tobacco products. We suggest that future strategies should focus on close monitoring of effective implementation; improving inter-sectoral collaboration; making industries more socially accountable; and increasing public demand for protecting children against exposure to hazardous advertisements.