coli.In the United States and Europe, human onchocerciasis is a rare disease caused by zoonotic or anthropophilic parasites in the genus Onchocerca. The zoonotic species identified in focal areas of Europe and United States is Onchocerca lupi, and Onchocerca volvulus, the anthroponotic species, may be found among people who had lived in endemic areas of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, or Latin America. Onchocerciasis due to O. lupi is an emergent parasitic disease, with limited diagnostic methods, in addition to the lack of information on its biology, transmission, and epidemiology. Cutaneous nodules are the disease's most prevalent manifestation but lack diagnostic specificity. To address the diagnosis of onchocerciasis at reference laboratories, we developed a duplex TaqMan real-time PCR (qPCR) method, targeting the cytochrome oxidase subunit I locus which has species-specific probes to identify and differentiate O. lupi from O. volvulus. We determined the performance of the duplex with a panel of 45 samples 11 positives for O. lupi, six for O. volvulus, five samples with negative results for Onchocerca spp., and 23 non-Onchocerca nematodes. The duplex qPCR correctly detected 10 of 11 O. lupi- and six of six O. volvulus-positive specimens. The new duplex assay allowed the simultaneous detection and discrimination of O. lupi and O. volvulus in clinical specimens, expediting and facilitating the clinical diagnosis of O. lupi in non-endemic settings where the disease is an infrequent finding.Human landing collections (HLCs) have been the standard method for the collection of black flies that serve as vectors for Onchocerca volvulus, the causative agent of onchocerciasis or river blindness. However, HLCs are inefficient and may expose collectors to vector-borne pathogens. The Esperanza window trap (EWT) has been shown to be a potential alternative to HLCs for the collection of Simulium damnosum, the principal vector of O. volvulus in Africa. To improve the performance of the EWT, sweat from individuals highly attractive or less attractive to S. damnosum sensu stricto was examined by gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy. Twelve compounds were identified which were solely present or present in increased amounts in the sweat of the highly attractive individuals. Two of these compounds (naphthalene and tert-hexadecyl mercaptan) were found to be attractive to S. damnosum s.s. in behavioral assays. Traps baited with these compounds outperformed those baited with the current standard bait of worn socks. Using these newly identified compounds as baits will make the EWT more efficient in collecting vector black flies and may enhance the potential utility of the EWT as a local vector control measure.Vector control methods that mobilize and impact rapidly during dengue, Zika, and chikungunya outbreaks are urgently needed in urban contexts. We investigated whether one person using a handheld aerosolized insecticide could achieve efficacy levels comparable to targeted indoor residual spraying (TIRS), using pyrethroid-resistant Aedes aegypti in a semi-field setting with experimental houses in Mexico. The insecticide product (H24, a carbamate and pyrethroid mixture), available over-the-counter locally, was sprayed only on known Ae. aegypti-resting surfaces, for example, walls less than 1.5 m and dark hidden areas. In six identical houses with paired bedrooms, one bedroom was treated, and the other remained an untreated control. Each week for 8 weeks, 100 female pyrethroid-resistant Ae. aegypti were released in each bedroom and followed up daily. Mortality rates in treated bedrooms exceeded 90% for at least 2 weeks, and more than 80% (89.2; 95% CI 79.98-98.35) for 3 weeks or more. Mortality rates in control houses were zero. Results demonstrate that the immediate impact of TIRS can be delivered by one person using existing products, at an estimated cost for the average household in Mexico of under US$3 per month. Triggered by early outbreak signs, dissemination via community hubs and mass/social media of instructions to treat the home immediately, with monthly re-treatment thereafter, provides a simple means to engage and empower householders. Compatible with integrated vector management strategies, it enables self-protection even if existing agencies falter, a situation exemplified by the potential impact on vector control of the restrictions imposed during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.Malaria in Vietnam has become focal to a few provinces, including Phu Yen. This study aimed to assess correlations between intervention (population proportion protected by insecticide-treated nets and indoor residual spraying) and climatic variables with malaria incidence in Phu Yen Province. The Vietnam National Institute of Malariology, Parasitology, and Entomology provided incidence data for Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax for 104 communes of Phu Yen Province from January 2005 to December 2016. A multivariable, zero-inflated Poisson regression model was developed with a conditional autoregressive prior structure to identify the underlying spatial structure of the data and quantify associations with covariates. There were a total of 2,778 P. falciparum and 1,770 P. vivax cases during the study period. Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax incidence increased by 5.4% (95% credible interval [CrI] 5.1%, 5.7%) and 3.2% (95% CrI 2.9%, 3.5%) for a 10-mm increase in precipitation without lag, respectively. Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax incidence decreased by 7.7% (95% CrI 5.6%, 9.7%) and 10.5% (95% CrI 8.3%, 12.6%) for a 1°C increase in minimum temperature without lag, respectively. There was a > 95% probability of a higher than provincial average trend of P. falciparum and P. vivax in Song Cau and Song Hoa districts. There was a > 95% probability of a lower than provincial average trend in Tuy Dong Xuan and Hoa districts for both species. Targeted distribution of resources, including intensified interventions, in this part of the province will be required for local malaria elimination.Acute Q fever is usually asymptomatic or is associated with a mild self-limited course and a favorable outcome. The occurrence of endocarditis during acute infection by Coxiella burnetii is an emerging clinical entity observed in adults that has been attributed to an autoimmune complication of early infection. Herein, we report the first case of a previously healthy 2-year-old child with endocarditis complicated by septic embolic stroke, in which the identified microbiological evidence was suggestive of acute rather than chronic C. burnetii infection. The development of endocarditis in this case occurred in the absence of any autoimmune reaction, but in the context of a very mild form of congenital heart disease, a small ventricular septal defect, which might serve as a predisposing factor for endocarditis. This case suggests that acute Q fever endocarditis may affect children as well and can be attributed not only to autoimmune mechanisms but also to a potential effect of the infectious agent per se on the cardiac endothelium in patients with underlying heart defects, regardless of their severity.