Recent measurements of the elastic constants in lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals (LCLCs) have revealed an anomalously small twist elastic constant compared to the splay and bend constants. Interestingly, measurements of the elastic constants in the micellar lyotropic liquid crystals (LLCs) that are formed by surfactants, by far the most ubiquitous and studied class of LLCs, are extremely rare and report only the ratios of elastic constants and do not include the twist elastic constant. By means of light scattering, this study presents absolute values of the elastic constants and their corresponding viscosities for the nematic phase of a standard LLC composed of disk-shaped micelles. Very different elastic moduli are found. While the splay elastic constant is in the typical range of 1.5 pN as is true in general for thermotropic nematics, the twist elastic constant is found to be one order of magnitude smaller (0.30 pN) and almost two orders of magnitude smaller than the bend elastic constant (21 pN). These results demonstrate that a small twist elastic constant is not restricted to the special case of LCLCs, but is true for LLCs in general. The reason for this extremely small twist elastic constant very likely originates with the flexibility of the assemblies that are the building blocks of both micellar and chromonic lyotropic liquid crystals.Desmosomes are cell-cell junctions that link tissue cells experiencing intense mechanical stress. Although the structure of the desmosomal cadherins is known, the desmosome architecture-which is essential for mediating numerous functions-remains elusive. Here, we recorded cryo-electron tomograms (cryo-ET) in which individual cadherins can be discerned; they appear variable in shape, spacing, and tilt with respect to the membrane. The resulting sub-tomogram average reaches a resolution of ∼26 Å, limited by the inherent flexibility of desmosomes. To address this challenge typical of dynamic biological assemblies, we combine sub-tomogram averaging with atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. We generate models of possible cadherin arrangements and perform an in silico screening according to biophysical and structural properties extracted from MD simulation trajectories. We find a truss-like arrangement of cadherins that resembles the characteristic footprint seen in the electron micrograph. The resulting model of the desmosomal architecture explains their unique biophysical properties and strength.The recent recognition that many symbioses exhibit daily rhythms has encouraged research into the partner dialogue that drives these biological oscillations. Here we characterized the pivotal role of the versatile cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) in regulating a metabolic rhythm in the model light-organ symbiosis between Euprymna scolopes and Vibrio fischeri As the juvenile host matures, it develops complex daily rhythms characterized by profound changes in the association, from gene expression to behavior. One such rhythm is a diurnal shift in symbiont metabolism triggered by the periodic provision of a specific nutrient by the mature host each night the symbionts catabolize chitin released from hemocytes (phagocytic immune cells) that traffic into the light-organ crypts, where the population of V. fischeri cells resides. Nocturnal migration of these macrophage-like cells, together with identification of an E. scolopes MIF (EsMIF) in the light-organ transcriptome, led us to ask whether EsMIF might be the gatekeeper controlling the periodic movement of the hemocytes. Western blots, ELISAs, and confocal immunocytochemistry showed EsMIF was at highest abundance in the light organ. Its concentration there was lowest at night, when hemocytes entered the crypts. EsMIF inhibited migration of isolated hemocytes, whereas exported bacterial products, including peptidoglycan derivatives and secreted chitin catabolites, induced migration. These results provide evidence that the nocturnal decrease in EsMIF concentration permits the hemocytes to be drawn into the crypts, delivering chitin. This nutritional function for a cytokine offers the basis for the diurnal rhythms underlying a dynamic symbiotic conversation.Galectin-3 is a glycan-binding protein (GBP) that binds β-galactoside glycan structures to orchestrate a variety of important biological events, including the activation of hepatic stellate cells and regulation of immune responses. While the requisite glycan epitopes needed to bind galectin-3 have long been elucidated, the cellular glycoproteins that bear these glycan signatures remain unknown. Given the importance of the three-dimensional (3D) arrangement of glycans in dictating GBP interactions, strategies that allow the identification of GBP receptors in live cells, where the native glycan presentation and glycoprotein expression are preserved, have significant advantages over static and artificial systems. Here we describe the integration of a proximity labeling method and quantitative mass spectrometry to map the glycan and glycoprotein interactors for galectin-3 in live human hepatic stellate cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Understanding the identity of the glycoproteins and defining the structures of the glycans will empower efforts to design and develop selective therapeutics to mitigate galectin-3-mediated biological events.We report a systematic combinatorial exploration of affinity enhancement of antibodies by insertions and deletions (InDels). Transposon-based introduction of InDels via the method TRIAD (transposition-based random insertion and deletion mutagenesis) was used to generate large libraries with random in-frame InDels across the entire single-chain variable fragment gene that were further recombined and screened by ribosome display. Knowledge of potential insertion points from TRIAD libraries formed the basis of exploration of length and sequence diversity of novel insertions by insertional-scanning mutagenesis (InScaM). An overall 256-fold affinity improvement of an anti-IL-13 antibody BAK1 as a result of InDel mutagenesis and combination with known point mutations validates this approach, and suggests that the results of this InDel mutagenesis and conventional exploration of point mutations can synergize to generate antibodies with higher affinity.