These results suggest that M1673 retained the anabolic and anti-catabolic effects of GDF-5 on chondrocytes and is an alternative to GDF-5 for osteoarthritis.Background A history of cancer is incorporated into the surgical risk assessment of patients undergoing surgical aortic valve replacement through the Society for Thoracic Surgeons score. However, the prognostic significance of cancer in patients treated with transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is unclear. As the cancer survivorship population increases, it is imperative to establish the efficacy and safety of TAVR in patients with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis (AS) and a history of malignancy. Objectives The primary goal of this study was to assess the periprocedural outcomes and long-term mortality in patients with a history of cancer undergoing TAVR. Methods A systematic review of PubMed, MEDLINE, and EMBASE was conducted to identify studies reporting outcomes in patients with a history of malignancy undergoing TAVR. A meta-analysis was performed using a random-effects model with a primary outcome of all-cause mortality and cardiac mortality at the longest follow-up. On secondary analyses, procedural safety was assessed. Results A total of 13 observational studies with 10,916 patients were identified in the systematic review. Seven studies including 6,323 patients were included in the quantitative analysis. Short-term mortality (relative risk [RR] 0.61, 95%CI 0.36-1.01; p = .06) and long-term all-cause mortality (RR 1.24, 95%CI 0.95-1.63; p = .11) were not significantly different when comparing patients with and without a history of cancer. No significant difference in the rate of periprocedural complications including stroke, bleeding, acute kidney injury, and pacemaker implantation was noted. Conclusion In patients with severe AS undergoing TAVR, a history of cancer was not associated with adverse short or long-term survival. Based on these findings, TAVR should be considered in all patients with severe symptomatic AS, irrespective of their history of malignancy.Objective Esthetic management of enamel opacities related to molar-incisor hypomineralization is recognized as an unpredictable procedure when resin infiltration is used. The use of transillumination during this procedure may increase its predictability. The aim of this paper is to describe a new transillumination-based concept for treating enamel opacities with resin infiltration. Clinical considerations This report describes a case of enamel opacities affecting the maxillary central incisors related to molar-incisor hypomineralization where transillumination-aided infiltration was used for treating these lesions. Pre-operatively, the lesion depth is assessed using transillumination, which shows the presence of enamel surface layer covering the lesion. The mandatory removal of this layer is also monitored using transillumination as the lesion is progressively exposed and brought into the surface. Then, the classic protocol of resin infiltration is followed. Transmitted light was also efficient in monitoring the progression of resin-infiltration. Conclusion The appearance of the lesions' edges in transillumination was the main clue in indicating their depth and eventually their exposure into the surface. Transillumination was also reliable in monitoring the progression of the infiltration until complete saturation of the porous enamel. Clinical significance The use of the proposed concept may help the dental practitioner in obtaining predictable results when enamel opacities related to molar-incisor hypomineralization are treated with resin infiltration. Besides, transillumination can be used as a diagnostic tool during the lesion transformation as well as its infiltration.Background Children with developmental language disorder (DLD) are at higher risk of poorer mental health compared with children without DLD. There are, however, considerable individual differences that need to be interpreted, including the identification of protective factors. Aims Pathways from the early language and communication environment (ELCE, 1-2 years) to internalizing (peer and emotional problems) and externalizing (conduct problems and hyperactivity) problems in middle childhood (11 years) were mapped using structural equation modelling. Specifically, the role of indirect pathways via social skills (friendships, play and prosociality) in childhood (7-9 years) was investigated. Methods & procedures Secondary analysis of existing data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) was undertaken. The study sample consisted of 6531 children (394 with DLD). Outcomes & results The pathways from the ELCE to internalizing and externalizing problems were similar for children with and wi in children with DLD. This may be particularly appealing for practitioners as such interventions capitalize on one of the most intuitive means of learning in childhood play with friends. The likelihood of acceptability and engagement with such interventions may be higher in children than for traditional adult-led, paper-and-pencil activities.Halogen bonding between two negatively charged species, tetraiodo- p -benzoquinone anion-radicals (I 4 Q -• ) and iodide anions was observed and characterized for the first time. X-ray structural and EPR/UV-VIS spectral studies revealed that the anion-anion bonding led to the formation of crystals comprising 2D layers of I 4 Q -• anion-radicals linked by iodides and separated by Et 4 N + counter-ions. Computational analysis suggested that the seemin-gly antielectrostatic halogen bonds in these systems were formed via a combination of several factors. First, an attenuation of the interionic repulsion by the solvent facilitated close approach of the anions leading to their mutual polarization. This resulted in the appearance of positively charged areas (s-holes) on the surface of the iodine substituents in I 4 Q -• responsible for the attractive interaction. Finally, the solid-state associates were also stabilized by multicenter (44) halogen bonding between I 4 Q -• and iodide.Background SOT is the treatment of choice for end-stage organ disease. Improved long-term survival after NKSOT has uncovered chronic morbidity including CKD. AKI is common after NKSOT and may be associated with long-term CKD. Methods We performed a retrospective cohort study looking at AKI and CKD after pediatric heart (n = 109) or liver (n = 112) transplant. AKI was defined using KDIGO creatinine-based criteria. pAKI was AKI ≤ 7 days post-transplant; CKD3-5 was eGFR 3 months. We looked at the incidence of CKD3-5 and the effect of perioperative pAKI on the slope of eGFR post-transplant. Results pAKI was seen in 63% (n = 69) after heart and 38% (n = 43) after liver transplant. pAKI was associated with longer ICU and hospital stays. Cumulative incidence (95% CI) of CKD3-5 at 60 months post-heart transplant was 40.9% (27.9%-57.1%) in patients with AKI vs 35.8% (17.1%-64.8%) in those without (P = NS). Post-liver transplant, the cumulative incidence of CKD3-5 at 60 months was 0% in those without pAKI vs 10% (3.2%-29.