Campylobacteriosis is the most common gastrointestinal bacterial disease in the European Union (EU). Wild birds are one of the natural reservoirs of these pathogens. In this study we tested cloacal swabs of 643 gulls captured on rubbish tip in Zagreb, Croatia for the presence of Campylobacter spp. and found 168 Campylobacter positive samples. We used multilocus sequence typing (MLST) to genotype 62 random C. jejuni isolates from gulls, 24 isolates from broiler caeca, 27 isolates from broiler neck skins and 23 human isolates. Altogether, we identified 44 different STs, from which 19 were newly described. Most of the new STs (14) originate from gulls. Although humans and broilers share the majority of STs and isolates from gulls are separated from these, there was one ST present in all three hosts 45. Additionally antimicrobial susceptibility to six antimicrobials was performed on 123 C. jejuni strains isolated from broiler caeca (n = 22), neck skins of broilers (n = 20), gulls cloacal swabs (n = 50) and human faeces (n = 31) by the broth microdilution method. Results show lower resistance of gull isolates to NAL and CIP, while resistance to TET was as high as in human and broiler isolates.E-cigarettes, a comparatively new phenomenon, are regarded as a safer alternative to conventional cigarettes. They are increasingly popular among adolescents of both sexes, and many smokers use e-cigarettes in their attempts to quit smoking. There is little understanding of the effects of exposure to e-cigarette vapors on human reproductive health, human development, or the functioning of the organs of the male and female reproductive systems. Data on the effects of the exposure were derived mainly from animal studies, and they show that e-cigarettes can affect fertility. Here, we review recent studies on the effects of exposure to e-cigarettes on facets of morphology and function in the male and female reproductive organs. E-cigarettes, even those which are nicotine-free, contain many harmful substances, including endocrine disruptors, which disturb hormonal balance and morphology and the function of the reproductive organs. E-cigarettes cannot be considered a completely healthy alternative to smoking. As is true for smoking, deleterious effects on the human reproductive system from vaping are likely, from the limited evidence to date.Peripheral T-cell lymphoma not otherwise specified (PTCL-NOS) is the rarest subtype of primary cutaneous lymphoma, accounting for approximately 2% of cutaneous lymphomas. The rarity of primary cutaneous PTCL-NOS means that there is a paucity of data regarding clinical and histopathological features and its clinical course. This malignancy is an aggressive and life-threatening hematological malignancy that often presents mimicking other less severe plaque-like skin conditions. Due to the nonspecific nature of these lesions, CD4-positive cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) is often misdiagnosed as either mycosis fungoides or Sezary syndrome. We describe a patient who presented with a large tumoral mass in the right frontal area, with involvement of the right upper eyelid and the ocular globe, causing loss of vision greatly impacting the quality of life. Biopsy revealed primary cutaneous PTCL-NOS, treated successfully with cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone (CHOP) plus etoposide combination chemotherapy. As elderly patients are indicated to receive attenuated doses of chemotherapy, CHOP-based regimens represent viable options.The supplementary motor area (SMA) may modulate spinal reciprocal inhibition (RI) because the descending input from the SMA is coupled to interneurons in the spinal cord via the reticulospinal tract. Our study aimed to verify whether the anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (anodal-tDCS) of the SMA enhances RI. Two tDCS conditions were used the anodal stimulation (anodal-tDCS) and sham stimulation (sham-tDCS) conditions. To measure RI, there were two conditions one with the test stimulus (alone) and the other with the conditioning-test stimulation intervals (CTIs), including 2 ms and 20 ms. RI was calculated at multiple time points before the tDCS intervention (Pre); at 5 (Int 5) and 10 min; and immediately after (Post 0); and at 5, 10 (Post 10), 15, and 20 min after the intervention. In anodal-tDCS, the amplitude values of H-reflex were significantly reduced for a CTI of 2 ms at Int 5 to Post 0, and a CTI of 20 ms at Int 5 to Pot 10 compared with Pre. Stimulation of the SMA with anodal-tDCS for 15 min activated inhibitory interneurons in RIs by descending input from the reticulospinal tract via cortico-reticulospinal projections. The results showed that 15 min of anodal-tDCS in the SMA enhanced and sustained RI in healthy individuals.The design of novel metal complexes with N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) ligands that display biological activity is an active research field in organometallic chemistry. One of the possible approaches consists of the use of NHC ligands functionalized with a carbohydrate moiety. Two novel Au(I)-Au(I) dinuclear complexes were synthesized; they present a neutral structure with one bridging diNHC ligand, having one or both heterocyclic rings decorated with a carbohydrate functionality. With the symmetric diNHC ligand, the dicationic dinuclear complex bearing two bridging diNHC ligands was also synthesized. The study was completed by analyzing the antiproliferative properties of these complexes, which were compared to the activity displayed by similar mononuclear Au(I) complexes and by the analogous bimetallic Au(I)-Au(I) complex not functionalized with carbohydrates.Targeting oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) is a promising strategy to improve treatment outcomes of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. IACS-010759 is a mitochondrial complex I inhibitor that has demonstrated preclinical antileukemic activity and is being tested in Phase I clinical trials. However, complex I deficiency has been reported to inhibit apoptotic cell death through prevention of cytochrome c release. Thus, combining IACS-010759 with a BH3 mimetic may overcome this mechanism of resistance leading to synergistic antileukemic activity against AML. In this study, we show that IACS-010759 and venetoclax synergistically induce apoptosis in OXPHOS-reliant AML cell lines and primary patient samples and cooperatively target leukemia progenitor cells. In a relatively OXPHOS-reliant AML cell line derived xenograft mouse model, IACS-010759 treatment significantly prolonged survival, which was further enhanced by treatment with IACS-010759 in combination with venetoclax. Consistent with our hypothesis, IACS-010759 treatment indeed retained cytochrome c in mitochondria, which was completely abolished by venetoclax, resulting in Bak/Bax- and caspase-dependent apoptosis.