In the title compound, C16H14Cl2FN3, the dihedral angle between the two aromatic rings is 64.12 (14)°. The crystal structure is stabilized by a short Cl⋯H contact, C-Cl⋯π and van der Waals inter-actions. The Hirshfeld surface analysis and two-dimensional fingerprint plots show that H⋯H (33.3%), Cl⋯H/H⋯Cl (22.9%) and C⋯H/H⋯C (15.5%) inter-actions are the most important contributors towards the crystal packing.The title compound, C14H16, exhibits exceptionally weak inter-molecular C-H⋯π hydrogen bonding of the ethynyl groups, with the corresponding H⋯π separations [2.91 (2) and 3.12 (2) Å] exceeding normal vdW distances. This bonding complements distal contacts of the CH (aliphatic)⋯π type [H⋯π = 3.12 (2)-3.14 (2) Å] to sustain supra-molecular layers. Hirshfeld surface analysis of the title compound suggests a relatively limited significance of the C⋯H/H⋯C contacts to the crystal packing (24.6%) and a major contribution from H⋯H contacts accounting 74.9% to the entire surface.The cationic complex in the title compound, [Ir(C9H7N2)2(C12H8N2)]PF6, comprises two phenyl-pyrazole (ppz) cyclo-metallating ligands and one 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) ancillary ligand. The asymmetric unit consists of one [Ir(ppz)2(phen)]+ cation and one [PF6]- counter-ion. The central IrIII ion is six-coordinated by two N atoms and two C atoms from the two ppz ligands as well as by two N atoms from the phen ligand within a distorted octa-hedral C2N4 coordination set. In the crystal structure, the [Ir(ppz)2(phen)]+ cations and PF6 - counter-ions are connected with each other through weak inter-molecular C-H⋯F hydrogen bonds. Additional C-H⋯π inter-actions between the rings of neighbouring cations consolidate the three-dimensional network. Electron density associated with additional disordered solvent mol-ecules inside cavities of the structure was removed with the SQUEEZE procedure in PLATON [Spek (2015 ▸). Acta Cryst. C71, 9-18]. The given chemical formula and other crystal data do not take into account the unknown solvent mol-ecule(s). The title compound has a different space-group symmetry (C2/c) from its solvatomorph (P21/c) comprising 1.5CH2Cl2 solvent mol-ecules per ion pair.The asymmetric unit of the title compound, C17H14N2O, contains two independent mol-ecules each consisting of perimidine and phenol units. The tricyclic perimidine units contain naphthalene ring systems and non-planar C4N2 rings adopting envelope conformations with the C atoms of the NCN groups hinged by 44.11 (7) and 48.50 (6)° with respect to the best planes of the other five atoms. Intra-molecular O-H⋯N hydrogen bonds may help to consolidate the mol-ecular conformations. The two independent mol-ecules are linked through an N-H⋯O hydrogen bond. The Hirshfeld surface analysis of the crystal structure indicates that the most important contributions for the crystal packing are from H⋯H (52.9%) and H⋯C/C⋯H (39.5%) inter-actions. Hydrogen bonding and van der Waals inter-actions are the dominant inter-actions in the crystal packing. Density functional theory (DFT) optimized structures at the B3LYP/ 6-311 G(d,p) level are compared with the experimentally determined mol-ecular structure in the solid state. The HOMO-LUMO behaviour was elucidated to determine the energy gap.In the title compound, C17H27NO2, the piperidine ring has a chair conformation and is positioned normal to the benzene ring. In the crystal, mol-ecules are linked by C-H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming chains propagating along the c-axis direction.The new copper(II) complex, namely, di-μ-chlorido-bis-chlorido-[meth-yl(pyri-din-2-yl-methyl-idene)amine-κ2 N,N']copper(II), [Cu2Cl4(C7H8N2)2], (I), with the ligand 2-pyridyl-methyl-N-methyl-imine (L, a product of Schiff base condensation between methyl-amine and 2-pyridine-carbaldehyde) is built of discrete centrosymmetric dimers. The coordination about the CuII ion can be described as distorted square pyramidal. The base of the pyramid consists of two nitro-gen atoms from the bidentate chelate L [Cu-N = 2.0241 (9), 2.0374 (8) Å] and two chlorine atoms [Cu-Cl = 2.2500 (3), 2.2835 (3) Å]. The apical position is occupied by another Cl atom with the apical bond being significantly elongated at 2.6112 (3) Å. The trans angles of the base are 155.16 (3) and 173.79 (2)°. The Cu⋯Cu separation in the dimer is 3.4346 (3) Å. In the crystal structure, the loosely packed dimers are arranged in stacks propagating along the a axis. The X-band polycrystalline 77 K EPR spectrum of (I) demonstrates a typical axial pattern characteristic of mononuclear CuII complexes. Compound (I) is redox active and shows a cyclic voltammetric response with E 1/2 = -0.037 V versus silver-silver chloride electrode (SSCE) assignable to the reduction peak of CuII/CuI in methanol as solvent.The crystal structure of vanthoffite hexa-sodium magnesium tetra-kis[sulfate-(VI)], Na6Mg(SO4)4, was solved in the year 1964 on a synthetic sample [Fischer & Hellner (1964 ▸). Acta Cryst. 17, 1613]. Here we report a redetermination of its crystal structure on a mineral sample with improved precision. It was refined in the space group P21/c from a crystal originating from Surtsey, Iceland. The unique Mg (site symmetry ) and the two S atoms are in usual, only slightly distorted octa-hedral and tetra-hedral coordinations, respectively. The three independent Na atoms are in a distorted octa-hedral coordination (1×) and distorted 7-coordinations inter-mediate between a 'split octa-hedron' and a penta-gonal bipyramid (2×). [MgO6] coordination polyhedra inter-change with one half of the sulfate tetra-hedra in chains forming a (100) meshed layer, with dimers formed by edge-sharing [NaO7] polyhedra filling the inter-chain spaces. The other [NaO7] polyhedra are organized in a parallel layer formed by [010] and [001] chains united through edge sharing and bonds to the remaining half of sulfate groups and to [NaO6] octa-hedra. The two types of layers inter-connect through tight bonding, which explains the lack of morphological characteristics typical of layered structures.In the structure of the title salt, (C7H12N6)[VOF5], second-order Jahn-Teller distortion of the coordination octa-hedra around V ions is reflected by coexistence of short V-O bonds [1.5767 (12) Å] and trans-positioned long V-F bonds [2.0981 (9) Å], with four equatorial V-F distances being inter-mediate in magnitude [1.7977 (9)-1.8913 (9) Å]. Hydrogen bonding of the anions is restricted to F-atom acceptors only, with particularly strong N-H⋯F inter-actions [N⋯F = 2.5072 (15) Å] established by axial and cis-positioned equatorial F atoms. Hirshfeld surface analysis indicates that the most important inter-actions are overwhelmingly H⋯F/F⋯H, accounting for 74.4 and 36.8% of the contacts for the individual anions and cations, respectively. Weak CH⋯F and CH⋯N bonds are essential for generation of three-dimensional structure.