lactis or other probiotics.Bone is one of the most common sites for cancer metastasis. Bone tissue is composed by different kinds of cells that coexist in a coordinated balance. Due to the complexity of bone, it is impossible to capture the intricate interactions between cells under either physiological or pathological conditions. Hence, a variety of in vivo and in vitro approaches have been developed. Various models of tumor-bone diseases are routinely used to provide valuable information on the relationship between metastatic cancer cells and the bone tissue. Ideally, when modeling the metastasis of human cancers to bone, models would replicate the intra-tumor heterogeneity, as well as the genetic and phenotypic changes that occur with human cancers; such models would be scalable and reproducible to allow high-throughput investigation. Despite the continuous progress, there is still a lack of solid, amenable, and affordable models that are able to fully recapitulate the biological processes happening in vivo, permitting a correct intshowing the existing in vitro and ex vivo systems, we aspire to contribute to broaden the knowledge on bone metastasis models and make these tools more appealing for further translational studies.Hexobarbital sleep test (HST) was performed in male Wistar rats (hexobarbital 60 mg/kg, i.p.) 30 days prior to stress exposure. Based on the duration of hexobarbital-induced sleep, rats were divided into two groups, animals with high intensity (fast metabolizers (FM), sleep duration less then 15 min) or low intensity of hexobarbital metabolism (slow metabolizers (SM), sleep duration ≥15 min). The SM and FM groups were then divided into two subgroups unstressed and stressed groups. The stressed subgroups were exposed to predator scent stress for 10 days followed by 15 days of rest. SM and FM rats from the unstressed group exhibited different behavioral and endocrinological patterns. SM showed greater anxiety and higher corticosterone levels. In stressed animals, anxiety-like posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) behavior was aggravated only in SM. Corticosterone levels in the stressed FM, PTSD-resistant rats, were lower than in unstressed SM. Thus, HST was able to predict the susceptibility or resistance to experimental PTSD, which was consistent with the changes in glucocorticoid metabolism.In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), pulse diagnosis is one of the most important methods for diagnosis. A pulse can be felt by applying firm fingertip pressure to the skin where the arteries travel. The pulse diagnosis has become an important tool not only for TCM practitioners but also for several areas of Western medicine. Many pulse measuring devices have been proposed to obtain objective pulse conditions. In the past, pulse diagnosis instruments were single-point sensing methods, which missed a lot of information. Later, multi-point sensing instruments were developed that resolved this issue but were much higher in cost and lacked mobility. In this article, based on the concept of sensor fusion, we describe a portable low-cost system for TCM pulse-type estimation using a smartphone connected to two sensors, including one photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor and one galvanic skin response (GSR) sensor. As a proof of concept, we collected five-minute PPG pulse information and skin impedance on 24 acupoints from 80 subjects. Based on these collected data, we implemented a fully connected neural network (FCN), which was able to provide high prediction accuracy (>90%) for patients with a TCM wiry pulse.Here, we assessed the feasibility of hot-melt extrusion (HME) to obtain effervescent drug products for the first time. For this, a combined mixture design was employed using paracetamol as a model drug. Extrudates were obtained under reduced torque (up to 0.3 Nm) at 100 °C to preserve the stability of the effervescent salts. Formulations showed vigorous and rapid effervescent disintegration ( less then 3 min), adequate flow characteristics, and complete solubilization of paracetamol instantly after the effervescent reaction. Formulations containing PVPVA in the concentration range of 15-20% m/m were demonstrated to be sensitive to accelerated aging conditions, undergoing marked microstructural changes, since the capture of water led to the agglomeration and loss of their functional characteristics. HPMC matrices, in contrast, proved to be resistant to storage conditions in high relative humidity, showing superior performance to controls, including the commercial product. Moreover, the combined mixture design allowed us to identify significant interactions between the polymeric materials and the disintegrating agents, showing the formulation regions in which the responses are kept within the required levels. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that HME can bring important benefits to the elaboration of effervescent drug products, simplifying the production process and obtaining formulations with improved characteristics, such as faster disintegration, higher drug solubilization, and better stability.Capturing high-quality images via mobile devices in low-light or backlighting conditions is very challenging. In this paper, a new, single image brightening algorithm is proposed to enhance an image captured in low-light conditions. Two virtual images with larger exposure times are generated to increase brightness and enhance fine details of the underexposed regions. In order to reduce the brightness change, the virtual images are generated via intensity mapping functions (IMFs) which are computed using available camera response functions (CRFs). To avoid possible color distortion in the virtual image due to one-to-many mapping, a least square minimization problem is formulated to determine brightening factors for all pixels in the underexposed regions. In addition, an edge-preserving smoothing technique is adopted to avoid noise in the underexposed regions from being amplified in the virtual images. The final brightened image is obtained by fusing the original image and two virtual images via a gradient domain guided image filtering (GGIF) based multiscale exposure fusion (MEF) with properly defined weights for all the images. Experimental results show that the relative brightness and color are preserved better by the proposed algorithm. The details in bright regions are also preserved well in the final image. The proposed algorithm is expected to be useful for computational photography on smart phones.