5%] for the AM outside-in technique. Statistical evaluation of the first comparison (transtibial vs. transportal vs. outside-in) obtained p = (n.s.) The second comparison (transtibial vs. central transportal vs. central outside-in vs. AM outside-in, p = (n.s). Placement was also evaluated high anteromedial placement (transtibial) vs. central (transportal and central outside-in technique) vs. AM placement (AM outside-in). The high AM placement presented 14/154 [9.9%] of revision, the central placement 29/315 [9.2%] and the AM placement 4/87 [4.5%], p = (n.s.) The AM placement was also compared with the other placements (high and central AM), p = (n.s.) CONCLUSION Based on the registry of a single surgeon during 14 years of ACL reconstruction, the placement of the femoral tunnel in the high anteromedial region was associated with a rupture rate of 9.9%, central placement with 9.2% and anteromedial placement with 4.5%.PURPOSE The available literature regarding Oguchi disease is limited, with around 50 cases described to date. Caused by mutations to either the SAG gene coding for arrestin (Hayashi et al. in Ophthalmic Res 46175-180, 2011) or the GRK1 gene coding for rhodopsin kinase (Yamamoto et al. in Nat Genet 15175-178. https//doi.org/10.1038/ng0297-175, 1997), Oguchi disease is an autosomal recessive condition with a good visual prognosis. The clinical diagnosis of the condition is based on the presence of night blindness (nyctalopia), as well as fundoscopic observation of the Mizuo-Nakamura phenomenon. The Mizuo-Nakamura phenomenon refers to a fundus discolouration described as a golden-brown colour with a yellow-grey metallic sheen most prominent in the peripheral retina; after prolonged dark adaptation, the fundus appears normal. The prevalence of Oguchi disease is highest in Japan, particularly with SAG mutations (Nakazawa et al. in Retina 1717-22, 1997), although patients from Europe, Pakistan and India have also bvantages over scanning laser technology, which applies artificial colouration, or stitched true-colour images. Images captured with wide-field systems create a much better representation of the native and dark-adapted fundus than can be observed by the ophthalmologist using direct fundoscopy and are essential in the clinical characterization of new mutations.PURPOSE International and national studies have shown unmet information needs regarding nutrition in breast cancer patients. An intervention study has examined the question of the extent to which a fact sheet on the topic of nutrition is suitable to cover the need for information of breast cancer patients. METHOD The fact sheet with basic information on nutrition was distributed in 21 intervention breast care centres in 2017. The use of the fact sheets was evaluated in a quasi-experimental design as part of the annual breast cancer patients' survey of the University of Cologne. The breast cancer patients considered were being treated with primary breast carcinoma in a hospital in North Rhine-Westphalia. A multilevel analysis was carried out in order to quantify the effect of the intervention. RESULTS Unmet information needs are experienced more by younger and non-native German-speaking patients. With regard to education, patients without a graduation and a high grade of education express more unmet information needs. The multilevel analysis showed that patients who were treated at an intervention site and therefore possibly received the fact sheet have a significantly higher chance of their information needs being met (OR = 1.45; p ≤ 0.05). CONCLUSION The intervention study showed that a fact sheet with basic information on nutrition is a possible instrument to satisfy the information needs of breast cancer patients and therefore reduce unmet information needs regarding nutrition. This intervention study is a pragmatic example on how to reduce unmet information needs among breast cancer patients in Germany.Innovations in high-throughout sequencing approaches are being marshaled to both reveal the composition of the abundant and heterogeneous noncoding RNAs that populate cell nuclei and lend insight to the mechanisms by which noncoding RNAs influence chromosome biology and gene expression. This review focuses on some of the recent technological developments that have enabled the isolation of nascent transcripts and chromatin-associated and DNA-interacting RNAs. Coupled with emerging genome assembly and analytical approaches, the field is poised to achieve a comprehensive catalog of nuclear noncoding RNAs, including those derived from repetitive regions within eukaryotic genomes. Herein, particular attention is paid to the challenges and advances in the sequence analyses of repeat and transposable element-derived noncoding RNAs and in ascribing specific function(s) to such RNAs.PURPOSE Neuroblastoma is a malignant solid tumor that originates from the sympathetic nervous system in early childhood. Temozolomide is used for treatment in high-risk groups with low treatment response of neuroblastomas. TRPA1 channels in neuroblastoma cells are calcium permeable channels that can be activated by reactive oxygen species (ROT). In this study, we aimed to evaluate the level of activity of temozolomide and selenium in neuroblastoma cells via TRPA1 channels. METHOD Seven main groups were formed using SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. The control was divided into temozolomide (TMZ) (100 μM, 24 h), TMZ+SEL+AP18, SEL (sodium selenite, 100 μM, 24 h), and SEL+AP18 groups. Intergroup calcium signaling, intracellular reactive oxygen species, caspase-3 and caspase-9, and mitochondrial depolarization analyses were performed by channel activation with TRPA1 agonist cinnamaldehyde in all groups. RESULTS Cytosolic calcium concentration, apoptosis, caspase-3 and caspase-9 activation, mitochondrial membrane depolarization, and ROT levels were higher in TMZ (p  less then  0.001), TMZ+SEL (p  less then  0.001), and SEL (p  less then  0.05) groups than the control group. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/a1874.html TRPA1 was lower in TTMZ+AP18, TMZ+SEL+AP18, and SEL+AP18 groups with channel blockers than respectively TMZ, TMZ+SEL, and SEL groups without channel blockers (p  less then  0.05). CONCLUSION The use of selenium with temozolomide increased the apoptotic efficacy of temozolomide via TRPA1 channels on tumor cells.