Mumps is an important childhood infectious disease caused by mumps virus (MuV). We reviewed the epidemiology, pathogenesis, and vaccine development of mumps. Previous studies were identified using the key words "mumps" and "epidemiology", "pathogenesis" or "vaccine" in MEDLINE, PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. We excluded the articles that were not published in the English language, manuscripts without abstracts, and opinion articles from the review. The number of cases caused by MuV decreased steeply after the introduction of the mumps vaccine worldwide. In recent years, a global resurgence of mumps cases in developed countries and cases of aseptic meningitis caused by some mumps vaccine strains have renewed the importance of MuV infection worldwide. The performance of mumps vaccination has become an important issue for controlling mumps infections. Vaccine development and routine vaccination are still effective measures to globally reduce the incidence of mumps infections. During outbreaks, a third of MMR vaccine is recommended for groups of persons determined by public authorities.Abiotic stresses, such as drought, salinity, and extreme temperatures, are major limiting factors in global crop productivity and are predicted to be exacerbated by climate change. The overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is a common consequence of many abiotic stresses. Ascorbate, also known as vitamin C, is the most abundant water-soluble antioxidant in plant cells and can combat oxidative stress directly as a ROS scavenger, or through the ascorbate-glutathione cycle-a major antioxidant system in plant cells. Engineering crops with enhanced ascorbate concentrations therefore has the potential to promote broad abiotic stress tolerance. Three distinct strategies have been utilized to increase ascorbate concentrations in plants (i) increased biosynthesis, (ii) enhanced recycling, or (iii) modulating regulatory factors. Here, we review the genetic pathways underlying ascorbate biosynthesis, recycling, and regulation in plants, including a summary of all metabolic engineering strategies utilized to date to increase ascorbate concentrations in model and crop species. We then highlight transgene-free strategies utilizing genome editing tools to increase ascorbate concentrations in crops, such as editing the highly conserved upstream open reading frame that controls translation of the GDP-L-galactose phosphorylase gene.In the present article, we report on the chemical modifications of some carbohydrate-based substrates, such as potato starch, dextran, β-cyclodextrin, agar agar and tamarind, by reacting with diethylchlorophosphate (DECP), in dispersions in dichloromethane (DCM), in the presence of triethylamine (TEA) as the base. The modified substrates, after recovery and purification, were analyzed for their chemical constitutions, thermal stabilities and calorimetric properties using a variety of analytical techniques. These included solid-state 31P NMR, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and pyrolysis combustion flow calorimetry (PCFC). The unmodified counterparts were also subjected to the same set of analyses with a view to serving as controls. Phosphorus analyses, primarily through ICP-OES on the recovered samples, showed different degrees of incorporation. Such observations were optionally verified through solid-state 31P NMR spectroscopy. The thermograms of the modified substrates were noticeably different from the unmodified counterparts, both in terms of the general profiles and the amounts of char residues produced. Such observations correlated well with the relevant parameters obtained through PCFC runs. Overall, the modified systems containing phosphorus were found to be less combustible than the parent substrates, and thus can be considered as promising matrices for environmentally benign fire-resistant coatings.Mulberry sclerotiniose caused by Ciboria shiraiana is a devastating disease of mulberry (Morus alba L.) fruit in Northwest China. At present, no disease-resistant varieties are used in production, as the molecular mechanisms of this disease are not well understood. In this study, to explore new prevention methods and provide direction for molecular breeding, transcriptomic sequencing and un-targeted metabolomics were performed on healthy (CK), early-stage diseased (HB1), and middle-stage diseased (HB2) mulberry fruits. Functional annotation, gene ontology, a Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes (KEGG) analysis, and a Mapman analysis of the differentially expressed genes revealed differential regulation of genes related to plant hormone signal transduction, transcription factors, and phenylpropanoid biosynthesis. A correspondence between the transcript pattern and metabolite profile was observed in the phenylpropanoid biosynthesis pathway. It should be noted that the log2 ratio of eugenol (isoeugenol) in HB1 and HB2 are 85 times and 23 times higher than CK, respectively. Our study shows that phenylpropanoid biosynthesis may play an essential role in response to sclerotiniose pathogen infection and eugenol(isoeugenol) enrichment in mulberry fruit, which may provide a novel method for mulberry sclerotiniose control.D-amino acid production from 2-keto acid by reductive amination is an attractive pathway because of its high yield and environmental safety. StDAPDH, a meso-diaminopimelate dehydrogenase (meso-DAPDH) from Symbiobacterium thermophilum, was the first meso-DAPDH to show amination of 2-keto acids. Furthermore, StDAPDH shows excellent thermostability compared to other meso-DAPDHs. However, the cofactor of StDAPDH is NADP(H), which is less common than NAD(H) in industrial applications. Therefore, cofactor engineering for StDAPDH is needed. In this study, the highly conserved cofactor binding sites around the adenosine moiety of NADPH were targeted to determine cofactor specificity. Lysine residues within a loop were found to be critical for the cofactor specificity of StDAPDH. Replacement of lysine with arginine resulted in the activity of pyruvic acid with NADH as the cofactor. The affinity of K159R to pyruvic acid was equal with NADH or NADPH as the cofactor, regardless of the mutation. Molecular dynamics simulations revealed that the large steric hindrance of arginine and the interaction of the salt bridge between NADH and arginine may have restricted the free movement of NADH, which prompted the formation of a stable active conformation of mutant K159R.