Developing novel catalyst with both high efficiency and stability presents an enticing prospect for peroxymonosulfate (PMS) activation. In this paper, nitrogen-doped porous carbon encapsulating iron nanoparticles (CN-Fe) was fabricated by a facile carbothermal reduction process using polyaniline (PANI) and α-Fe2O3 as the precursors. The stubborn antibiotics, sulfathiazole (STZ), was employed as a target pollutant, demonstrating that CN-Fe coupled with PMS could achieve 96% removal efficiency and even 57% mineralization rate of STZ within 40 min. More importantly, the rate constant of CN-Fe was calculated to be 0.07665 min-1, which was 6 times higher than that of the commercial α-Fe2O3 catalyst. Furthermore, CN-Fe also presented a favorable catalytic performance for removing other organic pollutants including phenolic compounds and organic dyes. Interestingly, the catalytic activity of the used CN-Fe catalyst could be regenerated after thermal treatment (600 °C) and the as-synthesized CN-Fe catalyst exhibited excellent long-term stability with almost no loss of activity after storage for three months. The catalytic mechanism in the CN-Fe/PMS system was elucidated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), linear sweep voltammetry (LSV), radical and electron trapping tests, which confirmed that sulfate radicals (SO4-), hydroxyl radicals (OH), superoxide radicals (O2-) and singlet oxygen (1O2) were generated in the oxidation process with the assistance of electron transfer between PMS and catalyst. To our knowledge, this was the first attempt for the application of PANI-derived CN-Fe hybrid materials as PMS activators and the findings would provide a simple and promising strategy to fabricate highly efficient and environment-benign catalysts for wastewater remediation. A total of 24 surface sediment samples were collected from Liao River, Northeast China. The concentration, spatial distribution, potential source, and ecological risk of 13 organophosphate esters (OPEs) flame retardants and plasticizers were analyzed. The total concentrations of OPEs varied considerably, ranging from 19.7 to 234 ng g-1 dry weight (dw), with the mean concentrations of 64.2 ± 52.2 ng g-1 dw. The OPEs pollution was increasing from upstream to downstream of Liao River. Compared with other sediments of rivers and lakes all over the world, Liao River has been seriously contaminated by OPEs, especially tributyl phosphate (TNBP) and tri-butoxyethyl phosphate (TBOEP). TNBP was the most abundant OPEs, followed by TBOEP and triphenylphosphine oxide. Their mean relative contributions were 26.3%, 12.4% and 11.6%, respectively. Positive matrix factorization indicated that OPEs in sediments from Liao River might be derived from plastic, textile, and polyurethane foam, anti-foam agent, hydraulic fluids, and coatings, indoor release, and chemical process emission. The risk of potential adverse effects of each individually OPEs on aquatic organisms were low (risk quotient less than 0.1). 2-Ethylhexyl diphenyl phosphate was the main substance causing risk. The adverse effects of lead exposure on children's health have been widely investigated. Physical growth is a central indicator of health in early childhood. However, studies on the associations between lead exposure and the physical growth of young children are still equivocal. This study aimed to investigate the effects of lead exposure on young children's growth. A cross-sectional survey was conducted, and a total of 1678 young children were recruited. Blood lead levels were determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry and anthropometric measurements were obtained by nurses. The weight-for-age Z-score (WAZ), height-for-age Z-score (HAZ) and BMI for-age Z-score (BMIZ) of the children were calculated according to World Health Organization standards. Multivariable linear models after adjustment for potential confounders were used to evaluate the associations between lead exposure and childhood anthropometric characteristics. Meanwhile, the sex differences in these associations were also examined. The median blood lead levels in total subjects, in boys and in girls were 46.44, 49.00 and 43.27 μg/L, respectively. After adjusting for confounders, a significantly negative association of blood lead levels with WAZ and HAZ was observed. After stratification by sex, the blood lead levels in children were negatively associated with WAZ and HAZ in boys but not in girls. Meanwhile, we further provide evidence that blood lead levels below 50 μg/L may also have adverse effects on young children's HAZ. Our findings suggest that lead exposure may have sex-specific effects on physical growth in young children and that blood lead level in a low levels may also have adverse effects on children's physical growth and development. Innovative iron/calcium in-situ-impregnated mesoporous activated carbons (GL100 and GL200) have been prepared by iron/calcium in-situ-impregnation and Multistage Depth-Activation. Arsenic adsorption kinetics, isotherms, thermodynamics, and re-usability were investigated. Effects of surface-absorbed (ST-HA) and dissolved states humic acid (DHA) on the arsenic adsorption were also determined. Results suggested in-situ iron/calcium impregnation caused the well-development of mesoporous structures during ranges of 2.0-5.0 nm in GL100 and 5.0-50 nm in GL200, respectively. The increase of iron/calcium ensured surface basicity and high ash contents on GL100/GL200, and As(III)/As(V) can be better adsorbed in neutral conditions with higher kinetics in comparison with regular mesoporous carbon XHIT. Maximum adsorption capacities of As(III)/As(V) by GL100 and GL200 were 2.985/3.385 mg/g and 2.516/2.807 mg/g, respectively. Arsenic desorption and carbon re-usability of GL100/200 was improved. As(III)(As (V)) adsorption capacities by GL100 and GL200 were 2.437(1.672) mg/g and 1.740(1.308) mg/g, respectively, after eight cycles. Arsenic adsorption capacities on GL100 were proved to be promoted with the presence of low-level of ST-HA or DHA, and be inhibited at a high-level. As(V) was bound more strongly than As(III) in the presence of ST-HA. As(III)/As(V) uptakes increased slightly and decrease gradually to 1.75/1.86 mg/g in the presence of DHA (0-10 mg DOC/L). Physisorption and chemisorption mechanisms dominant in arsenic adsorption on GL100 in presence of humic acid, forming inner-sphere complexation with metallic oxide, functional groups on carbon surface and humic acid structure, or ternary surface complexation via cationic metal ions as cation bridge.