There was a main effect of hour (P≤.05) indicative of post-prandial shifts in caecal metabolites. There were no main effects of treatment on pH or VFA concentration (P≥.3). Effects of hour×treatment (P≤.04) were observed for all response variables. Regardless of treatment or hour, caecal pH remained well within normal limits. Three horses exhibited signs of lower oesophageal choke immediately after consumption of BP pellets. Interactions between ingredients when mixed for formulation of a concentrate warrant further research. Furthermore, a short adaptation period was chosen to mimic common management practices. Minimal differences in caecal fermentation parameters were detected when ingredients were fed at a common inclusion level. Minimal differences in caecal fermentation parameters were detected when ingredients were fed at a common inclusion level. The aim of this study was to explore which aspects of their role practice nurses perceive to be most influential and the strategies they employ to promote the MMR vaccine. Qualitative study employing in depth interviews. Fifteen London based practice nurses, nine in 2014 and six in 2018, took part in semi-structured interviews that were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. Qualitative content analysis was used to systematically manage, analyse, and identify themes. Analysis of data identified aspects of their role practice nurses perceived to be most influential (the themes) including promoting vaccination, assisting parents' to make informed decisions, and provided insight into how they used specific strategies to achieve these in practice. These themes were consistent over both phases of the study. The findings provide an understanding of (i) the practice nurses perceptions of the most important aspects of their role when promoting the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine; and (ii) the strategie findings reveal how practice nurses promote the measles, m