Higher level of tau was associated with greater longitudinal memory decline. These findings suggested PET-detectable Aβ plaque pathology may be a necessary antecedent for tau-PET signal elevation. Greater tau-PET retention may demonstrate poorer cognition and predict prospective memory decline in non-demented subjects. These findings suggested PET-detectable Aβ plaque pathology may be a necessary antecedent for tau-PET signal elevation. Greater tau-PET retention may demonstrate poorer cognition and predict prospective memory decline in non-demented subjects. It is critical to identify individuals at risk for Alzheimer's disease (AD) earlier in the disease time course, such as middle age and preferably well prior to the onset of clinical symptoms, when intervention efforts may be more successful. Genome-wide association and candidate gene studies have identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in APOE, CLU, CR1, PICALM, and SORL1 that confer increased risk of AD. In the current study, we investigated the associations between SNPs in these genes and resting-state functional connectivity within the default mode network (DMN), frontoparietal network (FPN), and executive control network (ECN) in healthy, non-demented middle-aged adults (age 40 -60; N = 123; 74 females). Resting state networks of interest were identified through independent components analysis using a template-matching procedure and individual spatial maps and time courses were extracted using dual regression. Within the posterior DMN, functional connectivity was associated with CR1 rs1408077 and CLU rs9331888 polymorphisms (p's < 0.05). FPN connectivity was associated with CR1 rs1408077, CLU rs1136000, SORL1 rs641120, and SORL1 rs689021 (p's < 0.05). Functional connectivity within the ECN was associated with the CLU rs11136000 (p < 0.05). There were no APOE- or PICALM-related differences in any of the networks investigated (p's > 0.05). This is the first demonstration of the relationship between intrinsic network connectivity and AD risk alleles in CLU, CR1, and SORL1 in healthy, middle-aged adults. These SNPs should be considered in future investigations aimed at identifying potential preclinical biomarkers for AD. This is the first demonstration of the relationship between intrinsic network connectivity and AD risk alleles in CLU, CR1, and SORL1 in healthy, middle-aged adults. These SNPs should be considered in future investigations aimed at identifying potential preclinical biomarkers for AD. Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by a progressive loss of episodic memory associated with amyloid-β peptide aggregation and the abnormal phosphorylation of the tau protein, leading to the loss of cholinergic function. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors are the main class of drugs used in AD therapy. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the potential of two tacrine-donepezil hybrid molecules (TA8Amino and TAHB3), which are AChE inhibitors, to induce neurodifferentiation and neuritogenesis in SH-SY5Y cells. The experiments were carried out to characterize neurodifferentiation, cellular changes related to responses to oxidative stress and pathways of cell survival in response to drug treatments. The results indicated that the compounds did not present cytotoxic effects in SH-SY5Y or HepG2 cells. TA8Amino and TAHB3 induced neurodifferentiation and neuritogenesis in SH-SY5Y cells. These cells showed increased levels of intracellular and mitochondrial reactive oxygen species; the induction of oxidative stress was also demonstrated by an increase in SOD1 expression in TA8Amino and TAHB3-treated cells. Cells treated with the compounds showed an increase in PTEN(Ser380/Thr382/383) and AKT(Ser473) expression, suggesting the involvement of the AKT pathway. Our results demonstrated that TA8Amino and TAHB3 present advantages as potential drugs for AD therapy and that they are capable of inducing neurodifferentiation and neuritogenesis. Our results demonstrated that TA8Amino and TAHB3 present advantages as potential drugs for AD therapy and that they are capable of inducing neurodifferentiation and neuritogenesis. Cerebrovascular disease often coexists with Alzheimer's disease (AD). While both diseases share common risk factors, their interrelationship remains unclear. Increasing the understanding of how cerebrovascular changes interact with AD is essential to develop therapeutic strategies and refine biomarkers for early diagnosis. We investigate the prevalence and risk factors for the comorbidity of amyloid-β (Aβ) and cerebrovascular disease in the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle Study of Ageing, and further examine their cross-sectional association. A total of 598 participants (422 cognitively normal, 89 with mild cognitive impairment, 87 with AD) underwent positron emission tomography and structural magnetic resonance imaging for assessment of Aβ deposition and cerebrovascular disease. Individuals were categorized based on the comorbidity status of Aβ and cerebrovascular disease (V) as Aβ-V-, Aβ-V+, Aβ+V-, or Aβ+V+. Advancing age was associated with greater likelihood of cerebrovascular disease, high Aβ load and their comorbidity. Apolipoprotein E ɛ4 carriage was only associated with Aβ positivity. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/itacnosertib.html Greater total and regional WMH burden were observed in participants with AD. However, no association were observed between Aβ and WMH measures after stratification by clinical classification, suggesting that the observed association between AD and cerebrovascular disease was driven by the common risk factor of age. Our observations demonstrate common comorbid condition of Aβ and cerebrovascular disease in later life. While our study did not demonstrate a convincing cross-sectional association between Aβ and WMH burden, future longitudinal studies are required to further confirm this. Our observations demonstrate common comorbid condition of Aβ and cerebrovascular disease in later life. While our study did not demonstrate a convincing cross-sectional association between Aβ and WMH burden, future longitudinal studies are required to further confirm this.