Thyrotoxic atrial fibrillation (TAF) is a recognized significant complication of hyperthyroidism. Early identification of the individuals predisposed to TAF would improve thyrotoxic patients' management. However, to our knowledge, an instrument that establishes an individual risk of the condition is unavailable. Therefore, the aim of this study is to build a TAF prediction model and rank TAF predictors in order of importance using machine learning techniques. In this retrospective study, we have investigated 36 demographic and clinical features for 420 patients with overt hyperthyroidism, 30% of which had TAF. At first, the association of these features with TAF was evaluated by classical statistical methods. Then, we developed several TAF prediction models with eight different machine learning classifiers and compared them by performance metrics. The models included ten features that were selected based on their clinical effectuality and importance for model output. Finally, we ranked TAF predictors, elilts have contributed to TAF prediction investigation and may serve as a basis for further research focused on TAF prediction improvement and facilitation of thyrotoxic patients' management. We developed a machine learning model for TAF prediction. It seems to be the first available analytical tool for TAF risk assessment. In addition, we defined five most important TAF predictors, including premature atrial contraction and premature ventricular contraction as the new ones. These results have contributed to TAF prediction investigation and may serve as a basis for further research focused on TAF prediction improvement and facilitation of thyrotoxic patients' management. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the relationship between the maxillary sinus and the canine root apices in cone beam computed tomographic images (CBCT) and to assess the amount of extension of the maxillary sinus to the anterior region of the jaw in different sexes and age groups. CBCT of 300 individuals (154 males and 146 females) over 20years (with a mean age of 35.12 ± 8.40years) were evaluated. The subjects were categorized into three age groups (20-30, 30-40, and 40-50years). When the maxillary sinus extended to the canine area, the vertical distance between them was measured, and their relationship was classified into three types I (more than 2mm distance), II (less than 2mm distance or in-contact), and III (interlock). 413 out of 600 maxillary sinuses (68.8%) were extended into the canine area or beyond. Among them, 15 maxillary sinuses pneumatized into the incisor area (2.5%). The prevalence of the maxillary sinuses extended to the anterior region of the jaw was not significantly different between genders. However, it was significantly less frequent in the older age group and more frequent on the left side. In addition, the mean amount of anterior extension of the maxillary sinus (mm) was significantly lower in the older age group. Type I was the most frequent vertical relationship between the maxillary sinuses and canine apices with no significant difference in gender, side, and age groups. In most cases, the maxillary sinus extended to the canine area and sometimes reached the incisor region. This necessitates paying more attention to the maxillary anterior sextant during surgical procedures. In most cases, the maxillary sinus extended to the canine area and sometimes reached the incisor region. This necessitates paying more attention to the maxillary anterior sextant during surgical procedures. Health policy interventions were expected to improve access to health care delivery, provide financial risk protection, besides reducing inequities that underlie geographic and socio-economic variation in population access to health care. This article examines whether health policy interventions and accelerated health investments in India during 2004-2018 could close the gap in inequity in health care utilization and access to public subsidy by different population groups. Did the poor and socio-economically vulnerable population gain from such government initiatives, compared to the rich and affluent sections of society? And whether the intended objective of improving equity between different regions of the country been achieved during the policy initiatives? This article attempts to assess and provide robust evidence in the Indian context. Employing Benefit-Incidence Analysis (BIA) framework, this paper advances earlier evidence by highlighting estimates of health care utilization, concentration and gov a singular focus on maternal and child health conditions especially in backward regions of the country has yielded desired results. MOSKI KIT® is a fun tool designed to interest children for prevention and management of malaria. This study was carried out with the objective to assess the short- and long-term impacts of this tool on the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of school children, and on the transmission of the knowledge received at the household level as well. The study took place in elementary schools in the city centre (with relatively low endemicity) and in the Niayes area (at high risk of anopheline and malaria) in the Dakar region of Senegal. The various schools chosen for this study were divided into an intervention group and a control group. The intervention schools were also divided into two subgroups, a full package subgroup and another partial package. During this study three surveys were conducted, the first one before exposure to the MOSKI KIT®, the second one a week later and the third a year later. For the control schools only one survey was conducted and at the same time than the third for the intervention scol children about malaria in the short term and favoured its retention in the long term. However, its impact was not felt on their attitudes and practices. Peroxiredoxins (PRDXs) are an antioxidant enzymes protein family involved in several biological functions such as differentiation, cell growth. In addition, previous studies report that PRDXs play critical roles in the occurrence and development of carcinomas. However, few studies have conducted systematic analysis of PRDXs in cancers. Therefore, the present study sought to explore the molecular characteristics and potential clinical significance of PRDX family members in pan cancer and further validate the function of PRDX6 in bladder urothelial carcinoma (BLCA). A comprehensive analysis of PRDXs in 33 types of cancer was performed based on the TCGA database. This involved an analysis of mRNA expression profiles, genetic alterations, methylation, prognostic values, potential biological pathways and target drugs. Moreover, both the gain and loss of function strategies were used to assess the importance and mechanism of PRDX6 in the cell cycle of BLCA. Analysis showed abnormal expression of PRDX1-6 in several types of cancer compared to normal tissues.