In this review, we discuss the significance of oral mucosa, saliva and the relevance of the COVID-19 pandemic in dentistry.The state of Florida reports a high burden of non-typhoidal Salmonella enterica with approximately two times higher than the national incidence. We retrospectively analyzed the population structure and molecular epidemiology of 1,709 clinical isolates from 2017 and 2018. We found 115 different serotypes. Rarefaction suggested that the serotype richness did not differ between children under 2 years of age and older children and adults and, there are ~22 well-characterized dominant serotypes. There were distinct differences in dominant serotypes between Florida and the USA as a whole, even though S. Enteritidis and S. Newport were the dominant serotypes in Florida and nationally. S. Javiana, S. Sandiego, and S. IV 50z4, z23- occurred more frequently in Florida than nationally. Legacy Multi Locus Sequence Typing (MLST) was of limited use for differentiating clinical Salmonella isolates beyond the serotype level. We utilized core genome MLST (cgMLST) hierarchical clusters (HC) to identify potential outbreaks and ed and some included isolates from poultry from different states in the US, spanning time periods over 1 year. Two SNP-clusters within the same HC5 cluster included isolates with the same multidrug-resistant profile from both humans and poultry, supporting the epidemiological link. These clusters likely reflect the vertical transmission of Salmonella clones from higher levels in the breeding pyramid to production flocks.Hemophilia type A (HA) is the most common type of blood coagulation disorder. While the vast majority of cases are inherited and caused by mutations in the F8 gene, recent data raises new questions regarding the non-heritability of this disease, as well as how other molecular mechanisms might lead to the development of HA or increase the severity of the disease. Some data sug