Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is efficient, strongly specific, and avirulent to humans, making it one of the most popular biopesticides in the world. Bt LLP29 is a mosquitocidal strain that was first isolated from Magnolia denudata. To understand its molecular mechanism against mosquitoes, the genome of Bt LLP29 was sequenced and annotated in this study. The LLP29 genome was found to have a total length of 5.99 Mb, with an average G + C content of 35.21%. A total of 6107 coding sequences were also detected, together with 42 rRNAs and 124 tRNAs and 135 other RNAs. With the help of annotation databases, including GO, COG, KEGG, Nr and Swiss-Prot, most unigene functions were identified. At the same time, a collinear analysis was performed on the genome of LLP29. There were also some virulence genes detected, including cry, chitinase, zwittermicin and vip.Responses to sunlight exposure of the oil-degrading Dietzia cinnamea P4 strain were evaluated by transcriptional levels of SOS genes, photoreactivation and genes involved in tolerance to high levels of reactive oxygen species. The P4 strain was exposed for 1 and 2 h and the magnitude of level changes in the mRNA was evaluated by qPCR. The results described the activation of the SOS system, with the decline of the repressor lexA gene levels and the concomitant increase of recA and uvrAD genes levels. The genes that participate in the photoreactivation process were also responsive to sunlight. The phrB gene encoding deoxyribodipyrimidine photo-lyase had its expression increased after 1-h exposure, while the phytAB genes showed a progressive increase over the studied period. The protective genes against reactive oxygen species, catalases, superoxides, peroxidases, and thioredoxins, had their expression rates detected under the conditions validated in this study. These results show a fast and coordinated response of genes from different DNA repair and tolerance mechanisms employed by strain P4, suggesting a complex concerted protective action against environmental stressors.Carefully maintained and precisely inherited chromosomal DNA provides long-term genetic stability, but eukaryotic cells facing environmental challenges can benefit from the accumulation of less stable DNA species. Circular DNA molecules lacking centromeres segregate randomly or asymmetrically during cell division, following non-Mendelian inheritance patterns that result in high copy number instability and massive heterogeneity across populations. Such circular DNA species, variously known as extrachromosomal circular DNA (eccDNA), microDNA, double minutes or extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA), are becoming recognised as a major source of the genetic variation exploited by cancer cells and pathogenic eukaryotes to acquire drug resistance. In budding yeast, circular DNA molecules derived from the ribosomal DNA (ERCs) have been long known to accumulate with age, but it is now clear that aged yeast also accumulate other high-copy protein-coding circular DNAs acquired through both random and environmentally-stimulated recombination processes. Here, we argue that accumulation of circular DNA provides a reservoir of heterogeneous genetic material that can allow rapid adaptation of aged cells to environmental insults, but avoids the negative fitness impacts on normal growth of unsolicited gene amplification in the young population.PURPOSE To quantify and value the total informal support provided by family and friends to Australian adults with mental illness in 2018. METHODS The number of mental health carers was drawn from the 2015 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC), adjusted to the 2018 population. Annual caring hours by type of assistance were estimated using the SDAC, 2007 National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing and an online carer survey. Caring hours for each task were assigned an hourly replacement cost from the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Informal caring was valued as the sum of these costs minus expenditure on carer income support payments, estimating how much it would hypothetically cost governments to replace this care with formal support services. RESULTS An estimated 354,000 (95% uncertainty interval (UI) 327,000-383,000) Australian mental health carers provided 186 million (95% UI 159-215) hours of support in 2018. The estimated replacement cost was AU$8.4 billion (95% UI 7.0-10.0), excluding AU$1.3 billion in income support. Univariate sensitivity analyses demonstrated that results were robust to variation in model inputs, with total caring hours the most influential parameter. Using an alternative estimate of mean caring hours, the replacement cost could be as high as AU$13.2 billion (95% UI 11.2-15.4). CONCLUSION Informal carers provide substantial support to people with mental illness, highlighting their important contribution to the mental health system and reinforcing the need for carer support services. Future valuation studies would benefit from refinement of available data collections, particularly on hours and types of care provided.BACKGROUND Measurement of blood pressure is part of standard monitoring procedures in anesthesia, in addition to the other vital parameters of heart frequency and peripheral oxygen saturation. In recent years the relevance of the duration and extent of perioperative episodes of hypotension for the occurrence of postoperative complications or even increased mortality have become the focus of scientific investigations. OBJECTIVE The aim of this review is to briefly recapitulate the physiological aspects of blood pressure and to describe the pathophysiology and risk factors of perioperative hypotension. It describes which potential organ damage can be caused by hypotension and discusses which perioperative blood pressure values are acceptable without harming the patient. METHODS Review and analysis of the currently available literature. RESULTS Perioperative hypotension is defined by either absolute systolic arterial pressure (SAP) or mean arterial pressure (MAP) thresholds and by relative blood pressure declinessure values the risk of postoperative organ damage (myocardium, kidneys and central nervous system) and mortality increases with longer duration of hypotension. Older people and high-risk patients (e.g. patients in vascular surgery) have a poorer and shorter tolerance of low blood pressure. Postoperative organ complications can be minimized by maintenance of an adequate intraoperative blood pressure CONCLUSION Anesthesiologists should avoid extensive and prolonged hypotension by timely interventions in order to improve the postoperative outcome of patients.