Medline, Embase, Web of Science, CINAHL and Cochrane Database of systematic reviews were searched for English-language reviews published between 2015 and 2020. The search yielded 2266 articles, of which 12 systematic reviews met criteria. Sixteen reviews were included in total, after four reviews were found via handsearching. Other than scheduled telehealth, video-conferencing, or after-hours telephone support, little evidence was found for digital health technologies used to deliver virtual models of palliative care. There are opportunities to test new models of virtual care, beyond telehealth and/or video conferencing, such as 24-h command centres, and rapid response teams. Prospero CRD42020200266. Prospero CRD42020200266.Although stress is a risk factor for various diseases in later life, its role for sensory abilities in the second half of life has rarely been empirically addressed. We examined if perceived stress at baseline predicts self-reported difficulties with vision and hearing 3 years later. We also explored whether chronological age is a moderator of associations between stress and sensory difficulties. Our sample was derived from the German Ageing Survey and consisted of n = 5,085 individuals aged 40-95 years (M = 64.01 years, SD = 10.84 years). Controlling for baseline self-reported sensory functioning, socio-demographic indicators, self-rated health and chronic diseases, greater perceived stress at baseline predicted greater self-reported difficulties with vision and hearing 3 years later. The effect of stress did not vary by age. Our findings suggest that, from middle adulthood to advanced old age, stress is a risk factor for increases in self-perceived problems with vision and hearing. Autistic students often experience challenges in peer interactions, especially for young adolescents who are navigating the increased social expectations in secondary education. Previous research on the peer interactions of autistic adolescents mainly compared the social behaviors of autistic and non-autistic students and overlooked the peers in the social context. However, recent research has shown that the social challenges faced by autistic may not be solely contributed by their social differences, but a mismatch in the social communication styles between autistic and non-autistic people. As such, this study aimed to investigate the student-and-peer match in real-world peer interactions between six autistic and six non-autistic adolescents in an inclusive school club. We examined the odds of autistic and non-autistic students interacting with either an autistic peer, a non-autistic peer, or multiple peers, and the results showed that autistic students were more likely to interact with autistic peers then a functional purpose or need, be sharing thoughts, experiences, or items rather than requesting help or objects, and be highly reciprocal than cross-group social behaviors. Collectively, our findings support that peer interaction outcomes may be determined by the match between the group memberships of the student and their peers, either autistic or non-autistic, rather than the student's autism diagnosis.Cross-shear forces occur between bearing surfaces at the hip and have been identified as a key contributor to prosthesis wear. Understanding the variation in relative motion paths between both individuals and activities, is a possible explanation for increased revision rates for younger patients and could assist in improved pre-clinical testing regimes. Additionally, there is little information for the pre-clinical testing of cartilage substitution therapies for younger more active individuals. The calculation of motion paths has previously relied on computational modelling software which can be complex and time-consuming. The aim of this study was to determine whether the motion paths calculations could be integrated into gait analysis software to improve batch processing, reduce analysis time and ultimately improve the efficiency of the analysis of cross-shear variation for a broader range of activities. A novel Virtual Joint model was developed within Visual3D for calculating motion paths. This model was compared to previous computational methods and found to provide a competitive solution for cross shear analysis (accuracy less then 0.01 mm error between methods). The virtual hip model was subsequently applied to 13 common activities to investigate local aspect ratio's, velocities and accelerations. Surprisingly walking produced the harshest cross shear motion paths in subjects. Within walking, of additional interest was that the localised change in acceleration for subjects was six times greater compared to the same point on an equivalent smoothed simulator cycle. The Virtual hip developed in Visual 3D provides a time saving technique for visualising and processing large data sets directly from motion files. The authors postulate that rather than focussing on a generalised smoothed cross-shear model that pre-clinical testing of more delicate structures should consider localised changes in acceleration as these may be more important in the assessment of cartilage substitutes sensitive to shear. Breast self-examination (BSE) is one of the most feasible methods of screening for early stages of breast cancer. However, the practice rate is insufficient in many low and middle-income countries including Ethiopia. Hence, this study aimed to estimate the pooled prevalence of BSE practice among female university students in Ethiopia. PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scopus, and Google Scholar were searched for studies that assessed BSE practice among female students in Ethiopian universities. The study included articles published from January 1st, 2010 to June 16th, 2020. The Cochran's Q chi-square and the respective I test statistics were used to check heterogeneity among the included studies. To assess publication biases, the funnel plot and Egger's regression tests were employed. Subgroup analysis was done by using different characteristics of studies. Sensitivity analysis was also run to assess the effect of a single study on the pooled outcome. STATA™ Version 14 software packages were employed for data analysis.