The effects of ultrasonication and drying method on particle size and other product characteristics of bio-calcium powder from Asian sea bass (Lates calcarifer) backbone were investigated. Ultrasonication was performed at different amplitudes (60%, 70%, and 80%) for varying periods (15 and 30 min). Ultrasonication at higher amplitudes for a longer time reduced the powder particle size more effectively (p .05). The bio-calcium powder ultrasonicated at 70% amplitude for 15 min had the smallest particle size (3.38 µm) when compared to the control (28.85 µm). When the ultrasonicated bio-calcium was subjected to drying, freeze-drying produced powders with higher calcium solubility but lower whiteness than hot air (tray) drying. The results suggest that the ultrasonication is a potential suitable method to reduce the size of bio-calcium powders, while the drying method slightly affected the product characteristics. The bio-calcium powder could serve as a suitable functional ingredient for food fortification aimed at improving the calcium bioavailability. Particle size of bio-calcium powder from fishbone could affect the mouth feel and calcium solubility when used for food product fortification. This work showed that ultrasonication could be used to obtain up to 10-fold reduction in the particle size of fishbone bio-calcium powders, which promotes increased calcium solubility when subjected to simulated gastrointestinal tract digestion. Few differences in characteristics of the bio-calcium powder were observed for freeze-dried and hot air-dried samples. Thus, an economical, safe, and fast process can be implemented for the production of small particle size bio-calcium powder from fishbone.Anti-immigrant attitudes are often explained in terms of ethnic boundaries in which a categorical distinction between the ethnic ingroup and immigrant outgroup is made. However, these attitudes might also result from contrasting cultural worldviews. We examined the importance of ethnic categorisation and perceived cultural worldview difference in explaining behavioural intentions towards immigrants. Using an experimental survey design with a national sample of ethnic Dutch respondents (N = 832), we studied two positive and two negative behavioural intentions towards either immigrants with a contrasting cultural worldview or co-ethnics with such as worldview. Our findings indicate similar behavioural intentions towards both target groups. Furthermore, except for "the intention to learn" there were no differences in behavioural intentions towards both target groups for respondents with lower and higher authoritarian dispositions. Overall, this pattern of findings is theoretically most in line with a worldview conflict perspective rather than an ethnic boundary perspective.The proper delivery of blood is essential for healthy neuronal function. The anatomical substrate for this precise mechanism is the neurovascular unit, which is formed by neurons, glial cells, endothelia, smooth muscle cells, and pericytes. Based on their particular location on the vessel wall, morphology, and protein expression, pericytes have been proposed as cells capable of regulating capillary blood flow. Pericytes are located around the microvessels, wrapping them with their processes. Their morphology and protein expression substantially vary along the vascular tree. Their contractibility is mediated by a unique cytoskeleton organization formed by filaments of actin that allows pericyte deformability with the consequent mechanical force transferred to the extracellular matrix for changing the diameter. Pericyte ultrastructure is characterized by large mitochondria likely to provide energy to regulate intracellular calcium concentration and fuel contraction. Accordingly, pericytes with compromised energy show a sustained intracellular calcium increase that leads to persistent microvascular constriction. Pericyte morphology is highly plastic and adapted for varying contractile capability along the microvascular tree, making pericytes ideal cells to regulate the capillary blood flow in response to local neuronal activity. Besides the vascular regulation, pericytes also play a role in the maintenance of the blood-brain/retina barrier, neovascularization and angiogenesis, and leukocyte transmigration. Here, we review the morphological and functional features of the pericytes as well as potential specific markers for the study of pericytes in the brain and retina. This paper discusses the development of a cost-estimation model for work-related stress based on psychosocial risk exposure and absence from work. It presents findings from its implementation and evaluation in two organizations in Italy, using national-level tools developed by the Italian Workers' Compensation Authority (INAIL). It also provides recommendations for the development of similar cost-calculation methods in other countries. The cost-estimation model was based on the human capital approach using an indirect cost indicator loss of productivity due to days of absence attributable to work-related stress. Furthermore, the population attributable fraction (PAF) epidemiological measure was used to calculate the impact of exposure to work-related stress on the basis of data collected through validated tools developed by INAIL and salary cost data. The developed model was implemented and evaluated in two organizations, the first in healthcare (N=1014) and the second in public administration (N=534). conomic and business case of managing work-related stress. The high prevalence of obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS) among subjects at Ultra-High Risk (UHR) for psychosis is well documented. However, the network structure spanning the relations between OCS and symptoms of the at risk mental state for psychosis as assessed with the Comprehensive Assessment of At Risk Mental States (CAARMS) has not yet been investigated. This article aimed to use a network approach to investigate the associations between OCS and CAARMS symptoms in a large sample of individuals with different levels of risk for psychosis. Three hundred and forty-one UHR and 66 healthy participants were included, who participated in the EU-GEI study. Data analysis consisted of constructing a network of CAARMS symptoms, investigating central items in the network, and identifying the shortest pathways between OCS and positive symptoms. Strong associations between OCS and anxiety, social isolation and blunted affect were identified. Depression was the most central symptom in terms of the number of connections, and anxiety was a key item in bridging OCS to other symptoms.