The reached antibacterial and antioxidant activities, percentage of inhibitions and water uptakes suggest that the aerogels can be used as fluid absorbers. Additionally, the immobilization of the Tajuva extract indicates the potential for dentistry applications.Several dental materials contain silver for antibacterial effect, however the effect is relatively low. The reason for the lower antibacterial efficacy of silver is considered to be the fact that silver ions bind to chloride ions in saliva. To develop new effective silver antibacterial agents that can be useful in the mouth, we synthesized two novel amino acid (methionine or histidine)-silver complexes (Met or His-Ag) loaded with montmorillonite (Mont) and analyzed their antibacterial efficacy. At first the complexes were characterized using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and amino acid-Ag complex-loaded Mont (amino acid-Ag-Mont) were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The antibacterial efficacy of these materials in dental acrylic resin was then investigated by bacterial growth measurement using a spectrophotometer. As controls, commercially available silver-loaded zeolite and silver-zirconium phosphate were also tested. Dental acrylic resin incorporating His-Ag-Mont strongly inhibited Streptococcus mutans growth. This was explained by the fact that His-Ag complex revealed the highest amounts of silver ions in the presence of chloride. The structure of the amino acid-Ag complexes affected the silver ion presence in chloride and the antibacterial efficacy. His-Ag-Mont might be used as antibacterial agents for dental materials.Various studies have shown that certain flavonoids, flavonoid-containing plant extracts, and foods can improve human health. Experimental studies showed that flavonoids have the capacity to alter physiological processes as well as cellular and molecular mechanisms associated with their antioxidant properties. An important function of flavonoids was determined in the cardiovascular system, namely their capacity to lower blood pressure and to improve endothelial function. (-)-Epicatechin and taxifolin are two flavonoids with notable antihypertensive effects and multiple beneficial actions in the cardiovascular system, but they also possess antiviral effects, which may be of particular importance in the ongoing pandemic situation. Thus, this review is focused on the current knowledge of (-)-epicatechin as well as (+)-taxifolin and/or (-)-taxifolin-modified biological action and underlining molecular mechanisms determined in preclinical studies, which are relevant not only to the treatment of hypertension per se but may provide additional antiviral benefits that could be relevant to the treatment of hypertensive subjects with SARS-CoV-2 infection.In the harshest environmental conditions of the Antarctic desert, normally incompatible with active life, microbes are adapted to exploit the cryptoendolithic habitat (i.e., pore spaces of rocks) and represent the predominant life-forms. In the rocky niche, microbes take advantage of the thermal buffering, physical stability, protection against UV radiation, excessive solar radiation, and water retention-of paramount importance in one of the driest environments on Earth. In this work, high-throughput sequencing and culture-dependent approaches have been combined, for the first time, to untangle the diversity and distribution of black fungi in the Antarctic cryptoendolithic microbial communities, hosting some of the most extreme-tolerant microorganisms. Rock samples were collected in a vast area, along an altitudinal gradient and opposite sun exposure-known to influence microbial diversity-with the aim to compare and integrate results gained with the two approaches. Among black fungi, Friedmanniomyces endolithicus was confirmed as the most abundant taxon. Despite the much stronger power of the high-throughput sequencing, several species were not retrieved with DNA sequencing and were detectable by cultivation only. We conclude that both culture-dependent and -independent analyses are needed for a complete overview of black fungi diversity. The reason why some species remain undetectable with molecular methods are speculated upon. The effect of environmental parameters such as sun exposure on relative abundance was clearer if based on the wider biodiversity detected with the molecular approach.Rice germplasm is a rich resource for discovering genes associated with salt tolerance. In the current study, a set of 96 accessions were evaluated for seedling stage salinity tolerance and its component traits. Significant phenotypic variation was observed among the genotypes for all the measured traits and eleven accessions with high level of salt tolerance at seedling stage were identified. The germplasm set comprised of three sub-populations and genome-wide association study (GWAS) identified a total of 23 marker-trait associations (MTAs) for traits studied. These MTAs were located on rice chromosomes 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 12 and explained the trait phenotypic variances ranging from 13.98 to 29.88 %. Twenty-one MTAs identified in this study were located either in or near the previously reported quantitative trait loci (QTLs), while two MTAs namely, qSDW2.1 and qSNC5 were novel. A total of 18 and 13 putative annotated candidate genes were identified in a genomic region spanning ~200 kb around the MTAs qSDW2.1 and qSNC5, respectively. Some of the important genes underlying the novel MTAs were OsFBA1,OsFBL7, and mTERF which are known to be associated with salinity tolerance in crops. These MTAs pave way for combining salinity tolerance with high yield in rice genotypes through molecular breeding.This study aimed to identify alternative anti-inflammatory compounds that modulate the activity of a relevant transcription factor, CCAAT/enhancer binding protein delta (C/EBPδ). C/EBPδ is a master regulator of inflammatory responses in macrophages (Mϕ) and is mainly regulated at the level of CEBPD gene transcription initiation. To screen for CEBPD-modulating compounds, we generated a THP-1-derived reporter cell line stably expressing secreted alkaline phosphatase (SEAP) under control of the defined CEBPD promoter (CEBPDSEAP). A high-throughput screening of LOPAC®1280 and ENZO®774 libraries on LPS- and IFN-γ-activated THP-1 reporter Mϕ identified four epigenetically active hits two bromodomain and extraterminal domain (BET) inhibitors, I-BET151 and Ro 11-1464, as well as two histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors, SAHA and TSA. All four hits markedly and reproducibly upregulated SEAP secretion and CEBPDSEAP mRNA expression, confirming screening assay reliability. Whereas BET inhibitors also upregulated the mRNA expression of the endogenous CEBPD, HDAC inhibitors completely abolished it.