Compared with the business-as-usual scenario, the advanced scenario could reduce by 44.07 Mtce and 87.60 Mtce in 2020 and 2025, respectively. Thus, the results indicate that there is much room for improvement in terms of the energy efficiency for Jiangsu province.Children's health, attendance, and academic performance may be affected by school environmental hazards. While prior studies evaluated home environment and health, few have evaluated indicators of school in-/outdoor environment and health. This study addresses this knowledge gap by systematically reviewing and evaluating outdoor and indoor indicators of school environment and student's health and performance in New York State (NYS). We also evaluate statistical methodologies to address highly correlated indicators and integrate multiple exposures. Multiple school environmental indicators were identified from various existing NYS datasets. We summarized data sources, completeness, geographic and temporal coverage, and data quality for each indicator. Each indicator was evaluated by scientific basis/relevance, analytic soundness/feasibility, and interpretation/utility, and validated using objective NYS data. Finally, advanced variable selection methods were described and discussed. We have identified and evaluated multiple school environmental health indicators. It was found that mold and moisture problems, ventilation problems, ambient ozone, and PM2.5 levels are among the top priorities of school environmental issues/indicators in NYS, which were also consistent while using NYS data. Choice of best variable selection method should be made based on the research questions and data characteristics. The school environmental health indicators identified, and variable selection methods evaluated, in this study could be used by other researchers to help school officials and policy makers initiate prevention programs.Plastics are widely considered to be a major threat particularly in the urban areas owing to extensive use of plastic products. The current study is the first investigation to highlight the microplastics (MPs) pollution from the freshwater (Ravi River) located in the predominant urban center, i.e., Lahore, Pakistan. The concentration profile was quantified from surface water (n = 19) and sediments (n = 19) collected from different drains and canals of predominant freshwater resources in Lahore, Pakistan. The highest content of MPs was observed in the sullage carrier with mean concentration of 16,150 ± 80 MPs/m3 and 40,536 ± 202 MPs/m2 in the water and sediments respectively. The lowest level was detected in the link canals with mean concentration of 190 ± 141 MPs/m3 in the water and 683 ± 479 MPs/m2 in the sediments. The proportion of large size MPs (300 μm-5 mm) was maximum in the upstream section of Ravi river, whereas fine size MPs (50-150 μm) were dominant in the downstream section. In terms of shapes, the fragments were predominant with a relative abundance of 56.1% and 83.1% followed by fibers with a relative abundance of 38.6% and 11.8% in the water and sediments respectively. The chemical composition analysis showed that most of the fibers, fragments, and beads were polyethylene while the sheets were composed of polypropylene. Nevertheless, the foams isolated from the samples were composed of polystyrene. Within 24 h, about 2.4 ± 2.4 billion microplastic pieces were estimated to be transported from a single water channel into the river. The highest discharge of MPs was estimated from the sullage carrier with about 7 billion pieces/day.Climate change and air pollution are two independent risk factors to cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Few studies investigated their interaction and potential effect modification of one another in developing countries. Individual level CVD hospital admission (ICD10 I00-I99) data for 1 January 2011 to 31 October 2016 were obtained from seven private hospitals in Cape Town. NO2, SO2, PM10, temperature and relative humidity data were obtained from the South African Weather Services and the City of Cape Town. A case-crossover epidemiological study design and conditional logistic regression model were applied. Various cut-off values were applied to classify cold and warm days. In total, 54,818 CVD hospital admissions were included in the study. In general, on warm and cold days the 15-64 years old group was more at risk for CVD hospitalization with increasing air pollution levels compared to all ages combined or the ≥ 65 years old group. Females appeared to be more at risk than males with increasing PM10 levels. In contrast, males were more vulnerable to the effects of NO2 and SO2 than females. The study showed the modification effect of temperature on air pollution associated with CVD hospital admissions. The consideration of such interaction will help in policy making and public health interventions dealing with climate change-related health risks.Long-term underground exploitation of Zn-Pb ores has led to drainage of the area and formation of a huge dumping ground in the form of a pile. In its vicinity, processes of acid drainage have developed as a result of contamination of soils and groundwater. Geochemical transformations of mineral contents of waste can significantly affect physical and chemical properties of the soils and the bedrock. At the prospect of termination of the mining activity in the near future, determining the routes of the pollution migration, ability to monitor acid drainage processes and assessment of the risk of heavy metal pollution are really crucial. The paper presents a proposal for solving this problem by means of geophysical methods Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), Time Domain-Induced Polarisation (TDIP), Frequency Domain Electromagnetics (FDEM) and shallow-depth magnetometric surveys combined with geochemical investigations. The obtained results of geophysical surveys have been confirmed by geochemical investigations. The applied ERT and TDIP methods make it possible to identify the spread of the zones of pollution around the tailing pile, but their effectiveness depends on humidity of the ground. Soil magnetometry and shallow-depth induction profiling are a good tool to identify the medium contaminated with minerals redeposited by aeolian processes and allow to determine the range of the dust spread from the pile. It has been shown that the range of impact of the geochemical changes around the tailing pile is high and depends not only on directions and dynamics of water flow from the pile but also on aeolian transport.