Fundamental understanding of the transport properties within nanoparticle composite electrolytes is necessary for the development of next-generation electrochemical devices. Herein, the effect of surface-modified silica nanoparticles with aminophenyl, amide, and sulfonate functional groups (AP-SiO2, AM-SiO2, and SU-SiO2) on the ion transport properties of composite electrolytes is systematically investigated. The competition between surface repulsive and attractive interactions of nanoparticles is reflected in the nature of the morphology and particle network in electrolytes, further affecting the ionic conductivity of electrolytes and diffusion coefficient of ions. The obvious decrease is observed in the AP-SiO2-based system because of the severe agglomeration of nanoparticles. By contrast, the AM-SiO2 and SU-SiO2 form the regular particle network structure and accelerate the salt dissociation in electrolytes, thereby providing an effective ion transport pathway and more mobile ions for conduction, respectively. Consequently, the composite systems with AM-SiO2 and SU-SiO2 deliver remarkable enhancement in the ion transport properties.The removal of emerging environmental pollutants in water and wastewater is essential for high drinking water quality or for discharge to the environment. Electrochemical treatment is a promising technology shown to degrade undesirable organic compounds or metals via oxidation and reduction, and carbon-based electrodes have been reported. Here, we fabricated a robust, porous laser-induced graphene (LIG) electrode on a commercial water treatment membrane using the multilasing technique and demonstrated the electrochemical removal of iohexol, an iodine contrast compound, and chromium(VI), a highly toxic heavy metal ion. Multiple lasing resulted in a more ordered graphitic lattice, a more physically robust carbon layer, and a 3-4-fold higher electrical conductivity. These properties ultimately led to a more efficient electrochemical process, and the optimized LIG electrodes showed a higher hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) generation. At 3 V, 90% of Cr(VI) was removed after 6 h and reached >95% removal after 8 h at pH 2. Cr(VI) was mainly reduced to Cr(III), with small amounts of Cr(I) and Cr(0), which were partially deposited on the electrode membrane surface, confirmed with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis. Under the same conditions, 50% of iohexol was degraded after 6 h and the transformation products (TPs) were identified using ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectroscopy. A total of seven main intermediates were identified including deiodinated TPs (m/z = 695, 570, and 443), probably occurring via three transformation pathways including oxidative deiodination, amide hydrolysis, and deacetylation. The electrical energy costs calculated for the removal of 2 mg L-1 Cr(VI) was ∼$0.08/m3 in this system. Taken together, the porous LIG electrodes might be utilized for electrochemical removal of emerging contaminants in multiple applications because they can be rapidly formed on flexible polymer substrates at low cost.The fixation of the catalyst interface is an important consideration for the design of practical applications. However, the electronic structure of MoS2 is sensitive to its embedding environment, and the catalytic performance of MoS2 catalysts may be altered significantly by the type of binding agents and interfacial structure. Interfacial engineering is an effective method for designing efficient catalysts, arising from the close contact between different components, which facilitates charge transfer and strong electronic interactions. Here, we have developed a layer-by-layer (LbL) strategy for the preparation of interfacial MoS2-based catalyst structures with two types of conducting polymers on various substrates. We demonstrate how the assembled partners in the LbL structure can significantly impact the electronic structures in MoS2. As the number of bilayers grows, using polypyrrole as a binder remarkably increases the catalytic efficacy as compared to using polyaniline. On the one hand, the ratio of S22-lectrocatalysts at the interface for practical applications.Two d-4f complexes [Zn2NdL2(OAc)2]·OH (1) and [Cd3Sm3L3(OAc)6(OH)3] (2) with a designed Schiff base ligand N,N'-bis(3-methoxysalicylidene)(binaphthyl)-1,4-diamine (H2L) were synthesized. The Schiff base ligands coordinate with metal ions by μ2(η1η2η1η1η2η1) and μ2(η1η2η1η1η2η1) modes in the complexes, which show typical lanthanide emissions. The triangular Cd-Sm complex 2 shows both visible and NIR luminescent responses to nitrobenzene explosive 2,4,6-trinitrophenol (PA).Aspartic acid (Asp) to isoaspartic acid (isoAsp) isomerization in therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and other biotherapeutics is a critical quality attribute (CQA) that requires careful control and monitoring during the drug discovery and production processes. The unwanted formation of isoAsp within biotherapeutics and resultant structural changes in the peptide backbone may negatively impact the efficacy, potency, and safety of the molecule or become immunogenic, especially if the isomerization occurs within the mAb complementarity determining region (CDR). Herein we describe a MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry method that affords unequivocal identification of the presence and the exact position of the isoAsp residue(s) in peptide standards ranging in size from a tripeptide to a docosapeptide (22 residues). In general, the peptide bond immediately N-terminal to the isoAsp residue is more susceptible to MALDI-TOF/TOF fragmentation than its unmodified counterpart. In some of the peptides evaluated in this study, fragmentation of the peptide bond C-terminal to the isoAsp residue (the aspartate effect) is also enhanced when compared to the control. Relative quantification by MALDI-TOF/TOF of this chemical modification is dependent upon a successful reversed-phase HPLC (rpHPLC) separation of the control and modified peptides. This method has also been validated on a therapeutic mAb that contains a well-documented isoAsp residue in the heavy chain CDR3 after forced degradation. Moreover, we also demonstrate that higher energy C-trap dissociation of only the singly charged species, and not the multiply charged form, of the isoAsp containing peptide, separated by rpHPLC, results in LC-MS/MS fragmentation that is highly consistent to that of MALDI-TOF/TOF.