Galectin-9 is one of the key proteins employed by a variety of human malignancies to suppress anti-cancer activities of cytotoxic lymphoid cells and thus escape immune surveillance. Human cancer cells in most cases express higher levels of galectin-9 compared to non-transformed cells. However, the biochemical mechanisms underlying this phenomenon remain unclear. Here we report for the first time that in human cancer as well as embryonic cells, the transcription factors hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) and activator protein 1 (AP-1) are involved in upregulation of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1) expression, leading to activation of the transcription factor Smad3 through autocrine action. This process triggers upregulation of galectin-9 expression in both malignant (mainly in breast and colorectal cancer as well as acute myeloid leukaemia (AML)) and embryonic cells. The effect, however, was not observed in mature non-transformed human cells. TGF-β1-activated Smad3 therefore displays differential behaviour in human cancer and embryonic vs non-malignant cells. This study uncovered a self-supporting biochemical mechanism underlying high levels of galectin-9 expression operated by the human cancer and embryonic cells employed in our investigations. Our results suggest the possibility of using the TGF-β1 signalling pathway as a potential highly efficient target for cancer immunotherapy.This report provides the findings of a retrospective surveillance study on the emergence and circulation of enteroviruses with their associated clinical symptoms over a nine-year period detected at the National Enterovirus Reference Laboratory in Hungary between 2010-2018.Enterovirus (EV) detection and genotyping were performed directly from clinical samples. From 4,080 clinical specimens 25 EV types were identified with a median age of patients of 5 years and 68% of all cases affected children aged 10 years or younger, although infections occurred in all age-groups. In 130 cases neurological symptoms were recorded, in 123 cases the infection presented in skin related signs including hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD), herpangina and rash. In 2010 EV-A71 was found to cause the majority of diagnosed EV infections while in 2011 and from 2014-2018, Coxsackievirus (CV)-A6 was identified most often. Echovirus E6 accounted for the most cases in 2012 and Echovirus 30 dominated in 2013. EV-D68 was identified only in 2010 and 2013.Widespread circulation of several EV-A and EV-B viruses with occasional occurrence of EV-C and EV-D was detected. The ability of EVs to cause severe infections in sporadic cases and regular outbreaks highlight the importance of continued monitoring of circulating EV types. Simvastatin use is associated with muscular side effects, and increased risk for type 2 diabetes (T2D). In clinical use, simvastatin is administered in inactive lipophilic lactone-form, which is then converted to active acid-form in the body. Here, we have investigated if lactone- and acid-form simvastatin differentially affect glucose metabolism and mitochondrial respiration in primary human skeletal muscle cells. Muscle cells were exposed separately to lactone- and acid-form simvastatin for 48 h. After pre-exposure, glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis were measured using radioactive tracers; insulin signalling was detected with Western blotting; and glycolysis, mitochondrial oxygen consumption and ATP production were measured with Seahorse XFe96 analyzer. Lactone-form simvastatin increased glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis, whereas acid-form simvastatin did not affect glucose uptake and decreased glycogen synthesis. Phosphorylation of insulin signalling targets Akt substrate 160 kDa (AS160) and esponse to acid-form simvastatin. Both forms profoundly impair oxidative glucose metabolism and energy production in human skeletal muscle cells. These effects may contribute to muscular side effects and risk for T2D observed with simvastatin use.Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a major severe ovary disorder affecting 5-10% of reproductive women around the world. PCOS can be considered a metabolic disease because it is often accompanied by obesity and diabetes. Brown adipose tissue (BAT) contains abundant mitochondria and adipokines and has been proven to be effective for treating various metabolic diseases. Recently, allotransplanted BAT successfully recovered the ovarian function of PCOS rat. However, BAT allotransplantation could not be applied to human PCOS; the most potent BAT is from infants, so voluntary donors are almost inaccessible. We recently reported that single BAT xenotransplantation significantly prolonged the fertility of aging mice and did not cause obvious immunorejection. However, PCOS individuals have distinct physiologies from aging mice; thus, it remains essential to study whether xenotransplanted rat BAT can be used for treating PCOS mice. In this study, rat-to-mouse BAT xenotransplantation, fortunately, did not cause severe rejection reaction, and significantly recovered ovarian functions, indicated by the recovery of fertility, oocyte quality, and the levels of multiple essential genes and kinases. Besides, the blood biochemical index, glucose resistance, and insulin resistance were improved. Moreover, transcriptome analysis showed that the recovered PCOS F0 mother following BAT xenotransplantation could also benefit the F1 generation. Finally, BAT xenotransplantation corrected characteristic gene expression abnormalities found in the ovaries of human PCOS patients. These findings suggest that BAT xenotransplantation could be a novel therapeutic strategy for treating PCOS patients.The actions of selective estrogen receptor modulators are tissue dependent. The primary objective of the current study was to determine the tissue selective effects of bazedoxifene (BZA) on the musculoskeletal system of ovariectomized (OVX) female mice, focusing on the strengths of muscle-bone pairs in the lower hindlimb. Treatment with BZA after ovariectomy (OVX+BZA) did not prevent body or fat mass gains (P less then 0.05). In vivo plantarflexor muscle isometric torque was not affected by treatment with BZA (P = 0.522). Soleus muscle peak isometric, concentric and eccentric tetanic force production were greater in OVX+BZA mice compared to OVX+E2 mice (P ≤ 0.048) with no effect on maximal isometric specific force (P = 0.228). Tibia from OVX+BZA mice had greater cortical cross-sectional area and moment of inertia than OVX mice treated with placebo (P less then 0.001), but there was no impact of BZA treatment on cortical bone mineral density, cortical thickness, tibial bone ultimate load or stiffness (P ≥ 0.