Although radical resections are rare, they expand oncological treatment options in the case of local recurrence of thyroid carcinomas that are iodine-refractory. High tracheal resection could be part of the oncological treatment spectrum in the case of local recurrence of thyroid carcinomas that no longer store iodine.  High tracheal resection with partial resection of the larynx was able to be performed with minimal risk. Although radical resections are rare, they expand oncological treatment options in the case of local recurrence of thyroid carcinomas that are iodine-refractory. High tracheal resection could be part of the oncological treatment spectrum in the case of local recurrence of thyroid carcinomas that no longer store iodine.Many adults cite exercise as a primary strategy for losing weight, yet exercise alone is modestly effective for weight loss and results in variable weight loss responses. It is possible that some of the variability in weight loss may be explained by the time of day that exercise is performed. Few studies have directly compared the effects of exercise performed at different times of the day (i. e., morning versus evening exercise). Results from these existing studies are mixed with some studies demonstrating superior weight and fat mass loss from morning exercise, while other studies have found that evening exercise may be better for weight management. Exercise timing may alter modifiable lifestyle behaviors involved in weight management, such as non-exercise physical activity, energy intake, and sleep. The purpose of this review is to summarize evidence for and against time-of-day dependent effects of exercise on weight management. Although limited, we also review studies that have examined the effect of exercise timing on other lifestyle behaviors linked to body weight regulation. While exercise at any time of day is beneficial for health, understanding whether there is an optimal time of day to exercise may advance personalized treatment paradigms for weight management. Correct estimation of meal carbohydrate content is a prerequisite for successful intensified insulin therapy in patients with diabetes. In this survey, the counting error in adult patients with type 1 diabetes was investigated. Seventy-four patients with type 1 diabetes estimated the carbohydrate content of 24 standardized test meals. The test meals were categorized into 1 of 3 groups with different carbohydrate content low, medium, and high. Estimation results were compared with the meals' actual carbohydrate content as determined by calculation based on weighing. A subgroup of the participants estimated the test meals for a second (n=35) and a third time (n=22) with a mean period of 11 months between the estimations. During the first estimation, the carbohydrate content was underestimated by -28% (-50, 0) of the actual carbohydrate content. Particularly meals with high mean carbohydrate content were underestimated by -34% (-56, -13). Median counting error improved significantly when estimations were performed for a second time (p<0.001). Participants generally underestimated the carbohydrate content of the test meals, especially in meals with higher carbohydrate content. Repetition of estimation resulted in significant improvements in estimation accuracy and is important for the maintenance of correct carbohydrate estimations. The ability to estimate the carbohydrate content of a meal should be checked and trained regularly in patients with diabetes. Participants generally underestimated the carbohydrate content of the test meals, especially in meals with higher carbohydrate content. Repetition of estimation resulted in significant improvements in estimation accuracy and is important for the maintenance of correct carbohydrate estimations. The ability to estimate the carbohydrate content of a meal should be checked and trained regularly in patients with diabetes.EmbryoGlue is available to patients at many in vitro fertilization clinics, usually at an additional cost. The efficacy of hyaluronan-enriched transfer medium (HETM) is supported by moderate quality evidence that indicates a significant improvement in clinical outcomes such as live birth rates for patients, including poorer prognosis women (i.e., maternal age factor [>35 years] and recurrent implantation failure). An increased multiple pregnancy rate has been reported with the use of HETM; therefore, a single embryo transfer policy should be considered in conjunction with the use of EmbryoGlue. There is no evidence to suggest that HETM has any detrimental impact, and therefore the use of HETM in clinics may be justified for a specific demographic of patients. Further robust evidence, in the form of meta-analyses or large-scale randomized controlled trials, is needed to build a sufficient consensus regarding the benefit of hyaluronan supplementation in embryo transfer media.Depsidones are some of the most abundant secondary metabolites produced by lichens. These compounds have aroused great pharmacological interest due to their activities as antioxidants, antimicrobial, and cytotoxic agents. Hence, this paper aims to provide up-to-date knowledge including an overview of the potential biological interest of lichen depsidones. So far, the most studied depsidones are fumarprotocetraric acid, lobaric acid, norstictic acid, physodic acid, salazinic acid, and stictic acid. Their pharmacological activities have been mainly investigated in in vitro studies and, to a lesser extent, in in vivo studies. No clinical trials have been performed yet. Depsidones are promising cytotoxic agents that act against different cell lines of animal and human origin. Moreover, these compounds have shown antimicrobial activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and fungi, mainly Candida spp. Furthermore, depsidones have antioxidant properties as revealed in oxidative stress in vitro and in vivo models. Future research should be focused on further investigating the mechanism of action of depsidones and in evaluating new potential actions as well as other depsidones that have not been studied yet from a pharmacological perspective. Likewise, more in vivo studies are prerequisite, and clinical trials for the most promising depsidones are encouraged.