Phytochemical profile, antimicrobial, and anti-quorum detecting qualities involving fresh fruit stems associated with Prunus avium D. hardwickii; further study of these is needed. A calibrated phylogeny suggests that Kerivoula began arriving in the Philippines about 10 MYA, with each of the four current lineages arriving independently.The study presents a review of the Dendrochirotida species from shallow waters of the northeastern coast of Brazil. A total of 1,268 specimens were analyzed and 24 species were recorded, which were classified into 16 genera of Cucumariidae, Psolidae, Phyllophoridae, and Sclerodactylidae. Detailed descriptions and figures of the taxonomic characters are provided to facilitate species identification. Notes on morphological variation, geographic distribution, and habitat are also provided. We suggest two new species for science, Thyone brasiliana sp. nov. and Havelockia nietae sp. nov., the new combination Parathyone braziliensis (Verrill, 1868) and the first record of Euthyonidiella trita (Sluiter, 1910) for the Brazilian coast. The bathymetric ranges are expanded for Coronatum baiensis, Euthyonidiella trita, Stolus cognatus, and Thyonidium seguroensis.We present a catalogue of the species of Tortricidae Latreille, 1802 recorded from India. The documented fauna consists of 487 species belonging to 168 genera in three subfamilies Chlidanotinae (14 species), Tortricinae (175 species), and Olethreutinae (298 species). Five species included in the catalogue were previously "named" but not properly described and are considered nomen nuda. We include these species because they are almost certainly distinct taxa and represent a part of the tortricid fauna. The catalogue is based primarily on literature in which Indian tortricid species have been described or mentioned. For each species the type locality, geographic distribution (within and outside of India), known host plants, and references to illustrations are provided.The general characteristics of Thraulodes given by Traver and Edmunds (1967), is supplemented by the following Larval labrum not always lacks median emargination, but in certain species the emargination is exposed ventrally and invisible from dorsal view; 5 denticles separated by 6 sensilla on its distal margin are initial for Ephemeroptera and present in all examined species of Thraulodes. Horseshoe row of hairs on dorsal side of glossa is characteristic for Thraulodes. Setal rows on larval femora and tibiae of fore, middle and hind legs are constant and peculiar for Thraulodes, while size and shape of the setae forming these rows is species-specific. The pair of «spears» on apices of penes represent rolls, whose canal serves as continuation of seminal duct; in course of genital development in last-instar larva, these spear-like rolls appear in the same way as tubular telopenes of Hermanellonota, that testifies about their homology. Based on this synapomorphy, Hermanellonota and Thraulodes are united into thnd the natural group schlingeri comprising Th. schlingeri and Th. marreroi. Th. cryptodrylus Nieto Dominguez 2001 is a valid species name, not a synonym of Th. lepidus. Probable ovoviviparity is reported for Th. viviparus sp. n.Jujube Ziziphus jujuba Mill. (Rhamnaceae), known as "Ber" in India, is an evergreen thorny shrub with reddish-brown fruits, chiefly found in Southeast Asia (Reza 2014). Up to now three species of gall midges have been associated with jujube Phyllodiplosis jujubae Grover Bakshi, and Silvestrina jujubae Chandra in India and Dasineura jujubifolia Jiao Bu in China (Grover Bakhshi 1978; Chandra 1988; Jiao et al. 2017). Between 2015 and 2018 during field trips by DV VRP to Singanallur lake area, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, one of us (DV) noticed and collected leaves of Z. jujuba containing small galls on the midrib region of leaves. In the laboratory the leaves were dissected, and causative agent identified as a gall midge. The adults were reared and identified as undescribed species of gall midge, here described and named Asphondylia singanallurensis Vasanthakumar Sharma. Type specimens were processed and mounted in Canada balsam as per the method in Kolesik et al. (2015). Holotype and paratypes were prepared and deposited in the collection of the Zoological Survey of India, WRC, Pune.During the editing of the paper "In memory of Pietro Doderlein" (Massa et al. 2018), consulting Doderlein's bibliography, and highlighting some interesting documents and the material preserved in the Museum of Zoology of the University of Palermo (MZPA) (today named after Doderlein), a taxonomic anomaly was noticed about a grouper collected more than one hundred years ago. The aim of the present statement is to prove that the name Cerna sicana Doderlein, 1882 (presently as Epinephelus sicanus [Doderlein, 1882]) should be considered a valid species unless it is demonstrated that it is a synonym of another valid species. In 1882 Doderlein described Cerna sicana from a single specimen (Fig. 1). The holotype is a female, composed of three parts MZPA-P/46 comprising the stuffed specimen bearing the external anatomical features (Fig. 1), MZPA-AN/440 comprising the dry gill arches and the heart (Fig. 2), and MZPA-AN/1233 comprising the vertebral column (Fig. 3). The eyes and the digestive and reproductive organs, orniversity of Palermo"; this is a proof of the esteem that he had for him.The Hepialidae species of Trinidad and Tobago are documented and two species are recognized. The new and monotypic genus Wallacella, gen. n., (Lepidoptera, Hepialidae) is erected to include Phassus guianensis Schaus of Guyana (Wallacella guianensis, comb. n.). The male holotype and genitalia are also illustrated for the first time. Potential generic affinities with Druceiella (Viette) and Pfitzneriana (Viette) are considered. Gymelloxes juliusboosi sp. n. is described from Trinidad and Tobago and compared to its congeneric species. The sternite VIII and male genitalia are diagnostic for this new species. The male holotype is deposited in the collection of the Natural History Museum, London, UK.Two new species of the bamboo-feeding leafhopper genus Flatfronta, F. dibangi sp. nov. (Arunachal Pradesh Basar) and F. uttara sp. nov. (Uttarakhand Pantnagar) are described and illustrated from India. A checklist and a key to known species of the genus are also provided. Types are deposited in the National Pusa Collection (NPC), Division of Entomology, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi, India.