the future development of effective interventions and relevant research. Most participants in both RCTs completed the baseline questionnaires within 1 week of receiving the welcome email. Approximately half of them answered questions at baseline data collection outside office hours, suggesting that the time flexibility inherent in web-based interventions contributes to commencement and use. In contrast to what was expected, the intervention groups generally had lower completion rates than the comparison groups. About half of the participants completed the questionnaires without a reminder, but thereafter, reminders contributed to both baseline and follow-up retention, suggesting they were effective. Strategies to increase commencement of and retention in eHealth interventions are important for the future development of effective interventions and relevant research. Gamification in mental health could increase training adherence, motivation, and transfer effects, but the external validity of gamified tasks is unclear. This study documents that gamified task variants can show preserved associations between markers of behavioral deficits and health-related variables. We draw on the inhibitory control deficit in overweight populations to investigate effects of gamification on performance measures in a web-based experimental task. This study tested whether associations between inhibitory control and overweight were preserved in a gamified stop-signal task (SST). Two versions of an adaptive SST were developed and tested in an online experiment. Participants (n=111) were randomized to 1 of the 2 task variants and completed a series of questionnaires along with either the gamified SST or a conventional SST. To maximize its possible effects on participants' inhibitory control, the gamified SST included multiple game elements in addition to the task itself and the stimuli. of behavior, gamification, and health variables. Emerging evidence demonstrates that obesity is associated with a higher risk of COVID-19 morbidity and mortality. Excessive alcohol consumption and "comfort eating" as coping mechanisms during times of high stress have been shown to further exacerbate mental and physical ill-health. Global examples suggest that unhealthy food and alcohol brands and companies are using the COVID-19 pandemic to further market their products. However, there has been no systematic, in-depth analysis of how "Big Food" and "Big Alcohol" are capitalizing on the COVID-19 pandemic to market their products and brands. We aimed to quantify the extent and nature of online marketing by alcohol and unhealthy food and beverage companies during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia. We conducted a content analysis of all COVID-19-related social media posts made by leading alcohol and unhealthy food and beverage brands (n=42) and their parent companies (n=12) over a 4-month period (February to May 2020) during the COVID-19 pandemic in Austd concerning. The need for comprehensive regulations to restrict unhealthy food and alcohol marketing, as recommended by the World Health Organization, is particularly acute in the COVID-19 context and is urgently required to "build back better" in a post-COVID-19 world. Technologies allowing home-based rehabilitation may be a key means of saving financial resources while also facilitating people's access to treatment. After cochlear implantation, auditory training is necessary for the brain to adapt to new auditory signals transmitted by the cochlear implant (CI). To date, auditory training is conducted in a face-to-face setting at a specialized center. However, because of the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on health care, the need for new therapeutic settings has intensified. The aims of this study are to assess the feasibility of a novel teletherapeutic auditory rehabilitation platform in adult CI recipients and compare the clinical outcomes and economic benefits of this platform with those derived from conventional face-to-face rehabilitation settings in a clinic. In total, 20 experienced adult CI users with a mean age of 59.4 (SD 16.3) years participated in the study. They completed 3 weeks of standard (face-to-face) therapy, followed by 3 weeks of computer-based auditress the lack of human resources in health care as well as the global challenge of current or future pandemics. In today's world of work, the digitalization of work and communication processes is increasing, and will increase even further. This increase in digitalization at the workplace brings many new aspects of working life to light, such as working in virtual teams, mobile working, expectations of being constantly available, and the need for support in adapting and learning new digital tools. These changes to the workplace can contain risks that might harm the well-being of employees. Leaders can support the well-being of their employees in terms of protecting and replenishing their work-related resources to cope with critical work demands. This so-called health-promoting leadership could serve as a buffer between risk at the workplace and critical outcomes, such as stress, by amplifying work-related resources. This study's aims were twofold. First, we wanted to investigate if risk factors related to higher digitalization at the workplace can be identified and if these risk factors have an impairing effect on tating risk factors associated with an increase in digitalization at the workplace in addition to traditional risk factors. As for leadership, leaders need to show leadership behavior adapted to a digitalized workplace in order to reduce employee stress and increase work-related resources. The evidence-based medicine (EBM) paradigm requires the development of health care professionals' skills in the efficient search of evidence in the literature, and in the application of formal rules to evaluate this evidence. Incorporating this methodology into the decision-making routine of clinical practice will improve the patients' health care, increase patient safety, and optimize resources use. The aim of this study is to develop and evaluate a new tool (KNOWBED system) as a clinical decision support system to support scientific knowledge, enabling health care professionals to quickly carry out decision-making processes based on EBM during their routine clinical practice. Two components integrate the KNOWBED system a web-based knowledge station and a mobile app. A use case (bronchiolitis pathology) was selected to validate the KNOWBED system in the context of the Paediatrics Unit of the Virgen Macarena University Hospital (Seville, Spain). The validation was covered in a 3-month pilot using 2 indicators usability and efficacy.