Electric scooters have become popular in Iceland. The aim of the current study was to gather data on the incidence, causes, and severity of injuries due to the use of electric scooters in the Reykjavik area during the summer of 2020. MATERIAL AND METHODS Individuals presenting to the Emergency Department (ED) at Landspitali between June 1 and August 31 were asked about the location and cause of accident, use of protective equipment, and use of recreational drugs and alcohol. Diagnosis and treatment data was gathered from hospital records. RESULTS During the study period, 149 individuals presented with electric scooter injuries,on average 1.6/day. Patients' age ranged between 8 and 77 years, and 45% were younger than 18 years of age. In 60% of cases the cause of accident was that the patient was riding too fast, lost balance, or uneven road surface. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/ox04528.html Seventy-nine percent of children reported using a helmet, compared to only 17% of adults. No children reported having been under the influence of alcohol or recrrred. Preventive measures to decrease injury rate from the use of electric scooters should focus on infrastructure, encourage helmet use, and education on the risk of injury associated with operating electric scooters while intoxicated. The number of people with type 2 diabetes has increased in Iceland in the last few decades. We utilized the national database on prescribed medication from the Directorate of Health to estimate the prevalence and incidence of type 2 diabetes in Iceland and made prediction on the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in Iceland in 10 and 20 years. Prevalence and incidence of type 2 diabetes for the period 2005-2018 was estimated based on prescriptions of diabetes medication in the national prescription database containing all prescriptions in Iceland during the period. The result was compared to the result from the REFINE-Reykjavik study (prospective, population-based cohort study) from 2004 to 2011 and published data from the USA from 1980 to 2016. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes more than doubled in near all age groups in both men and women in the period 2005-2018. The incidence increased by 2.8% annually (in 18-79 years old). The number of people in Iceland with type 2 diabetes was 10600 in 2018 and had increased from 4200 in the year 2005. Comparison with the results of the REFINE-Reykjavik study showed an underestimation (29% in men and women) of the prevalence of type 2 diabetes. If the increase in type 2 diabetes continues at a similar rate as in the years 2005-2018 the number of people with diabetes in Iceland could be near 24000 in the year 2040. Linear increase was seen in incidence and prevalence of people with type 2 diabetes in the years 2005-2018. Similar evolution was seen in USA from 1984. In order to counteract the increase of type 2 diabetes following the same path as has been seen in the USA, targeted measures are needed. Linear increase was seen in incidence and prevalence of people with type 2 diabetes in the years 2005-2018. Similar evolution was seen in USA from 1984. In order to counteract the increase of type 2 diabetes following the same path as has been seen in the USA, targeted measures are needed. Alcohol consumption and stimulant use are major public health problems and contribute to morbidity and mortality in the United States. To inform interventions for substance use, there is a need to identify the day-level correlates of substance use by collecting repeated measures data in one's natural environment. There is also a need to use crowdsourcing platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) to efficiently engage larger populations of people who use alcohol and stimulants in research. We aimed to (1) utilize daily diaries to examine the temporal relationship between day-level cravings for alcohol and stimulant/substance use (ie, heavy drinking or any drug use) in a given day over 14 days and (2) assess whether depression, negative affect, and self-esteem measured at baseline predict substance use in a given day over 14 days among people who use alcohol and/or stimulants in the United States. Individuals aged ≥18 years in the United States, who reported alcohol or stimulant (ie, cocaine, crack coion, negative affect, and cravings; increase self-esteem; and engage MSM. Interventions may also consider leveraging technology-based approaches to reduce substance use among populations who use crowdsourcing platforms. Health and well-being smartphone apps can provide a cost-effective solution to addressing unhealthy behaviors. The selection of these apps tends to occur in commercial app stores, where thousands of health apps are available. Their uptake is often influenced by popularity indicators. However, these indicators are not necessarily associated with app effectiveness or evidence-based content. Alternative routes to app selection are increasingly available, such as via curated app portals, but little is known about people's experiences of them. The aim of this study is to explore how people select health apps on the internet and their views on curated app portals. A total of 18 UK-based adults were recruited through social media and asked during an in-person meeting to verbalize their thoughts while searching for a health or well-being app on the internet on a platform of their choice. The search was then repeated on 2 curated health app portals the National Health Service Apps Library and the Public Health Er trust and alleviate data protection concerns. Although apps listed on these were perceived as more trustworthy, their presentation was considered disappointing. This disappointment seemed to stem from the functionality of the portals, lack of user guidance, and lack of tailored content to an individual's needs. The uptake of health and well-being apps appears to be primarily affected by social influences and the perceived utility of an app. App uptake via curated health app portals perceived as credible may mitigate concerns related to data protection and accuracy, but their implementation must better meet user needs and expectations. The uptake of health and well-being apps appears to be primarily affected by social influences and the perceived utility of an app. App uptake via curated health app portals perceived as credible may mitigate concerns related to data protection and accuracy, but their implementation must better meet user needs and expectations.