These findings support the rationale for clinically testing the safety and efficacy of metabolically tuned, human pSTAT3-inhibited iTregs to control alloreactive T cells.Chronic beryllium disease (CBD) is a metal hypersensitivity/autoimmune disease in which damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) promote a break in T cell tolerance and expansion of Be2+/self-peptide reactive CD4+ T cells. In this study, we investigated the mechanism of cell death induced by beryllium particles (Be) in alveolar macrophages (AMΦs) and its impact on DAMP release. We found that phagocytosis of Be led to AM cell death independently of caspase, RIP1K, RIP3K or ROS activity. Prior to cell death, Be-exposed AMΦs secreted TNFalpha that boosted intracellular stores of IL-1alpha followed by caspase 8-dependent fragmentation of DNA. IL-1alpha and nucleosomal DNA were subsequently released from AMΦs upon loss of plasma membrane integrity. In contrast, necrotic AMs released only unfragmented DNA and necroptotic AMΦs released only IL-1alpha. In mice exposed to Be, TNFalpha promoted release of both DAMPs and was required for the mobilization of immunogenic DCs, expansion of Be-reactive CD4+ T cells and pulmonary inflammation in a mouse model of CBD. Thus, early autocrine effects of particle-induced TNFalpha on AMs led to a break in peripheral tolerance. This novel mechanism may underlie the known relationship between fine particle inhalation, TNFalpha and loss of peripheral tolerance in T cell-mediated autoimmune disease and hypersensitivities.Food allergies are a major clinical problem and are driven by IgE antibodies specific for food antigens. T follicular regulatory (TFR) cells are a specialized subset of Foxp3+ T cells that modulate antibody responses. Here we analyzed the role of TFR cells in regulating antigen-specific IgE using a peanut-based food allergy model in mice. Peanut-specific IgE titers and anaphylaxis responses were significantly blunted in TFR cell-deficient Foxp3-cre Bcl6-fl/fl mice. Loss of TFR cells led to greatly increased non-specific IgE levels, showing that TFR cells have both helper and suppressor functions on IgE production in the GC that work together to facilitate the production of antigen-specific IgE. Foxp3-cre Pten-fl/fl mice with augmented TFR cell responses had markedly higher levels of peanut-specific IgE, revealing an active helper function by TFR cells on antigen-specific IgE. The helper function of TFR cells for IgE production involves IL-10, and the loss of IL-10 signaling by B cells led to a severely curtailed peanut-specific IgE response, decreased GC B cell survival and loss of GC dark zone B cells after peanut sensitization. We thus reveal that TFR cells have an unexpected helper role in promoting food allergy and are a novel target for drug development.Although blockade of the programmed cell death 1/programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-1/PD-L1) immune checkpoint has revolutionized cancer treatment, how it works on tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T cells recognizing the same antigen at various differentiation stages remains elusive. Here, we found that the chemokine receptor CX3CR1 identified 3 distinct differentiation states of intratumor CD8+ T cell subsets. Adoptively transferred antigen-specific CX3CR1-CD8+ T cells generated phenotypically and functionally distinct CX3CR1int and CX3CR1hi subsets in the periphery. Notably, expression of coinhibitory receptors and T cell factor 1 (Tcf1) inversely correlated with the degree of T cell differentiation defined by CX3CR1. Despite lower expression of coinhibitory receptors and potent cytolytic activity, in vivo depletion of the CX3CR1hi subset did not alter the antitumor efficacy of adoptively transferred CD8+ T cells. Furthermore, differentiated CX3CR1int and CX3CR1hi subsets were impaired in their ability to undergo proliferation upon restimulation and had no impact on established tumors upon second adoptive transfer compared with the CX3CR1- subset that remained effective. Accordingly, anti-PD-L1 therapy preferentially rescued proliferation and cytokine production of the CX3CR1- subset and enhanced antitumor efficacy of adoptively transferred CD8+ T cells. These findings provide a better understanding of the phenotypic and functional heterogeneity of tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T cells and can be exploited to develop more effective immunotherapy.Atrial fibrillation (AF) alters atrial cardiomyocyte (ACM) Ca2+ handling, promoting ectopic beat formation. We examined the effects of AF-associated remodeling on Ca2+-related action potential dynamics and consequences for AF susceptibility. AF was maintained electrically in dogs by right atrial (RA) tachypacing. ACMs isolated from AF dogs showed increased Ca2+ release refractoriness, spontaneous Ca2+ spark frequency, and cycle length (CL) threshold for Ca2+ and action potential duration (APD) alternans versus controls. AF increased the in situ CL threshold for Ca2+/APD alternans and spatial dispersion in Ca2+ release recovery kinetics, leading to spatially discordant alternans associated with reentrant rotor formation and susceptibility to AF induction/maintenance. The clinically available agent dantrolene reduced Ca2+ leak and CL threshold for Ca2+/APD alternans in ACMs and AF dog right atrium, while suppressing AF susceptibility; caffeine increased Ca2+ leak and CL threshold for Ca2+/APD alternans in control dog ACMs and RA tissues. In vivo, the atrial repolarization alternans CL threshold was increased in AF versus control, as was AF vulnerability. Intravenous dantrolene restored repolarization alternans threshold and reduced AF vulnerability. Immunoblots showed reduced expression of total and phosphorylated ryanodine receptors and calsequestrin in AF and unchanged phospholamban/SERCA expression. Thus, along with promoting spontaneous ectopy, AF-induced Ca2+ handling abnormalities favor AF by enhancing vulnerability to repolarization alternans, promoting initiation and maintenance of reentrant activity; dantrolene provides a lead molecule to target this mechanism.Allergic asthma is mediated by T helper 2 (Th2) responses to inhaled allergens. Although previous experiments indicated that Notch signaling activates expression of the key Th2 transcription factor Gata3, it remains controversial how Notch promotes allergic airway inflammation. Here we show that T cell-specific Notch deficiency in mice prevented house dust mite-driven eosinophilic airway inflammation and significantly reduced Th2 cytokine production, serum IgE levels and airway hyperreactivity. However, transgenic Gata3 overexpression in Notch-deficient T cells only partially rescued this phenotype. We found that Notch signaling was not required for T cell proliferation or Th2 polarization. Instead, Notch-deficient in vitro polarized Th2 cells showed reduced accumulation in the lungs upon in vivo transfer and allergen challenge, as Notch-deficient Th2 cells were retained in the lung draining lymph nodes. Transcriptome analyses and sequential adoptive transfer experiments revealed that while Notch-deficient lymph node Th2 cells established competence for lung migration, they failed to upregulate the sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor (S1PR1) and its critical upstream transcriptional activator Krüppel-like factor 2 (KLF2).