During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic the use of Indirect calorimetry (IC) during nutritional rehabilitation program requires special precautions due to possible contagions for patients and health professionals. We evaluated in a sample of healthy subjects the agreement between oxygen consumption (VO mL/min), carbon dioxide production (VCO mL/min), respiratory quotient (RQ) and resting energy expenditure (REE kcal/24h/day) measured by IC with and without a filtering facepiece mask. 10 subjects with a mean (SD) age of 43 (10) years and a body mass index of 25.2 (5.8) kg/m underwent indirect calorimetry both with and without a class 2 filtering facepiece mask (FFP2), in random order. The limits of agreement (LOA) and the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) were used to evaluate the interchangeability of the measurement conditions. The LOA between REE measured with and without FFP2 (-111 to 189kcal/day) were comparable to those for repeated IC tests without wearing masks and CCC (0.95) showed substantial agreement. We observed high agreement between REE measured by IC with and without FFP2 mask. These procedures are interchangeable in clinical practice. We observed high agreement between REE measured by IC with and without FFP2 mask. These procedures are interchangeable in clinical practice. Coffee is typically prohibited prior to metabolic assessment in clinical and research settings. However, whether coffee meaningfully alters fasted metabolic testing or the results of a fat tolerance test is unclear. We investigated whether allowing black coffee intake within a fast prior to blood work affected fasting triglycerides (TG) and glucose, as well as the postprandial lipemic and glycemic response following an abbreviated fat tolerance test (AFTT). Participants completed two randomized AFTTs separated by at least 1 week. For each AFTT, participants arrived into the laboratory following a 10h overnight