The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus is the cause of the ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, infecting millions of people and causing more than two million deaths. The SARS-CoV-2 Spike glycoproteins mediate viral entry and represent the main target for antibody responses. Humoral responses were shown to be important for preventing and controlling infection by coronaviruses. A promising approach to reduce the severity of COVID-19 is the transfusion of convalescent plasma. However, longitudinal studies revealed that the level of antibodies targeting the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike declines rapidly after the resolution of the infection. To extend this observation beyond the RBD domain, we performed a longitudinal analysis of the persistence of antibodies targeting the full-length SARS-CoV-2 Spike in the plasma from 15 convalescent donors. We generated a 293T cell line constitutively expressing the SARS-CoV-2 Spike and used it to deand the decline of humoral responses against the SARS-CoV-2 Spike and provide important information on when to collect plasma after recovery from active infection for convalescent plasma transfusion. Non-Cartesian imaging sequences involve sampling during rapid variation of the encoding field gradients. The quality of the reconstructed images often suffers from insufficient knowledge of the exact dynamics of the actual fields applied during sampling. We propose determination of the accurate field dynamics by measuring the currents at the gradient amplifier outputs using the amplifiers' internal sensors concurrently with imaging. The actual dynamic field evolution is then determined by convolution with the measured current-to-field impulse response function of the gradient coil. Integration of the gradient field evolution allows derivation of the k-space trajectory for reconstruction. The current-based approach is investigated in spiral and ultrashort TE phantom imaging. In comparison with the model-based product reconstruction as well as a correction approach based on the conventional input waveform-to-field impulse response function, it provides slightly improved image quality. The improvement is ascribed to a better representation of eddy current and amplifier nonlinearity effects. Trajectory calculation based on measured amplifier output currents offers a robust, purely measurement-based alternative to conventional model-based approaches. The implementation can mitigate gradient amplifier imperfections with no or little additional hardware effort. Trajectory calculation based on measured amplifier output currents offers a robust, purely measurement-based alternative to conventional model-based approaches. The implementation can mitigate gradient amplifier imperfections with no or little additional hardware effort. In this study, the threshold fluences for disrupting the melanosomes for pigmented skin lesion treatment were determined using a 755-nm picosecond laser for clinical use. Based on the melanosome disruption thresholds, incident fluences corresponding to the target lesion depths were evaluated in silico for different laser spot sizes. Melanosome samples were isolated from porcine eyes as alternative samples for human cutaneous melanosomes. The isolated melanosomes were exposed to 755-nm picosecond laser pulses to measure the mean particle sizes by dynamic light scattering and confirm their disruption by scanning electron microscopy. The threshold fluences were statistically determined from the relationships between the irradiated fluences and the mean particle sizes. Incident fluences of picosecond laser pulses for the disruption of melanosomes located at different depths in skin tissue were calculated through a light transport simulation using the obtained thresholds. The threshold fluences of 550- and 7dpoints for picosecond laser treatment of pigmented skin lesions. Lasers Surg. Med. © 2021 The Authors. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.Advances in high-throughput biotechnologies have culminated in a wide range of omics (such as genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, and metagenomics) studies, and increasing evidence in these studies indicates that the biological architecture of complex traits involves a large number of omics variants each with minor effects but collectively accounting for the full phenotypic variability. Thus, a major challenge in many "ome-wide" association analyses is to achieve adequate statistical power to identify multiple variants of small effect sizes, which is notoriously difficult for studies with relatively small-sample sizes. A small-sample adjustment incorporated in the kernel machine regression framework was proposed to solve this for association studies under various settings. However, such an adjustment in the generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) framework, which accounts for both sample relatedness and non-Gaussian outcomes, has not yet been attempted. In this study, we fill this gap by extending small-sample adjustment in kernel machine association test to GLMM. We propose a new Variant-Set Association Test (VSAT), a powerful and efficient analysis tool in GLMM, to examine the association between a set of omics variants and correlated phenotypes. The usefulness of VSAT is demonstrated using both numerical simulation studies and applications to data collected from multiple association studies. The software for implementing the proposed method in R is available at https// extravasation is an essential step during the immune response and requires the destabilization of endothelial junctions. We have shown previously that this process depends in vivo on the dephosphorylation of VE-cadherin-Y731. Here, we reveal the underlying mechanism. Leukocyte-induced stimulation of PECAM-1 triggers dissociation of the phosphatase SHP2 which then directly targets VE-cadherin-Y731. The binding site of PECAM-1 for SHP2 is needed for VE-cadherin dephosphorylation and subsequent endocytosis. Importantly, the contribution of PECAM-1 to leukocyte diapedesis in vitro and in vivo was strictly dependent on the presence of Y731 of VE-cadherin. In addition to SHP2, dephosphorylation of Y731 required Ca2+ -signaling, non-muscle myosin II activation, and endothelial cell tension. Since we found that β-catenin/plakoglobin mask VE-cadherin-Y731 and leukocyte docking to endothelial cells exert force on the VE-cadherin-catenin complex, we propose that leukocytes destabilize junctions by PECAM-1-SHP2-triggered dephosphorylation of VE-cadherin-Y731 which becomes accessible by actomyosin-mediated mechanical force exerted on the VE-cadherin-catenin complex.