This study aims at determining the thickness of the tear lipid layer (LL) observed from a placido-disc-based tear film analyzer. We prospectively collected reflections of placido-disk LL images using a tear film analyzer (Keratograph® 5M, Oculus) from subjects with dry eye symptoms. The LL thickness (LLT) over the inferior half of the cornea was estimated with the use of interference color analysis and the preprocessing of images with and without ring segmentation were obtained and analyzed. Moreover, LLTs before and after 1 h of applying topical ointment (Duratears, Alcon) were compared to validate the estimation of LLT. Our results suggested that the tear LLT can be assessed using a placido-disk-based tear film analyzer and interference color analysis. We verified a high correlation between non-segmented and segmented LL images and estimated LLT increase after applying ointment. In addition, we concluded that LLT can be evaluated by direct interference analysis without segmentation preprocessing.This paper shows that the subject of porous coatings fabrication by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO), known also as Micro Arc Oxidation (MAO), is still current, inter alia because metals and alloys, which can be treated by the PEO method, for example, titanium, niobium, tantalum and their alloys, are increasingly available for sale. On the international market, apart from scientific works/activity developed at universities, scientific research on the PEO coatings is also underway in companies such as Keronite (Great Britain), Magoxid-Coat (Germany), Mofratech (France), Machaon (Russia), as well as CeraFuse, Tagnite, Microplasmic (USA). In addition, it should be noted that the development of the space industry and implantology will force the production of trouble-free micro- and macro-machines with very high durability. Another aspect in favor of this technique is the rate of part treatment, which does not exceed several