However, it is critical to understand the immune microenvironment of DMG before designing immunotherapies since differences in the microenvironment influence treatment efficacy. To this end, our review aims to overview the immune microenvironment of DMG, discuss emerging insights about the immune landscape that drives disease pathophysiology, and present recent findings and new opportunities for therapeutic discovery.New strategies that enable fast and accurate visualization of Candida biofilms are necessary to better study their structure and response to antifungals agents. Here, we applied whole slide imaging (WSI) to study biofilm formation of Candida species. Three relevant biofilm-forming Candida species (C. albicans ATCC 10231, C. glabrata ATCC 2001, and C. tropicalis ATCC 750) were cultivated on glass coverslips both in presence and absence of widely used antifungals. Accumulated biofilms were stained with fluorescent markers and scanned in both bright-field and fluorescence modes using a WSI digital scanner. WSI enabled clear assessment of both size and structural features of Candida biofilms. Quantitative analyses readily detected reductions in biofilm-covered surface area upon antifungal exposure. Furthermore, we show that the overall biofilm growth can be adequately assessed across both bright-field and fluorescence modes. At the single-cell level, WSI proved adequate, as morphometric parameters evaluated with WSI did not differ significantly from those obtained with scanning electron microscopy, considered as golden standard at single-cell resolution. Thus, WSI allows for reliable visualization of Candida biofilms enabling both large-scale growth assessment and morphometric characterization of single-cell features, making it an important addition to the available microscopic toolset to image and analyse fungal biofilm growth.The aim was to investigate the kinematic factors associated with successful performance in the initial acceleration phase of a sprint in the best male athletes in the World at the 2018 World Indoor Athletics Championships. High speed video (150 Hz) was captured for eight sprinters in the men's 60 m final. Spatio-temporal and joint kinematic variables were calculated from the set position to the end of the first ground contact post-block exit (GC1). Normalised average horizontal external power (NAHEP) defined performance and was the dependent variable for a series of regression analyses. Clear relationships were found between GC1 NAHEP and 10-m time, 60-m time, change in velocity, acceleration and contact time in the first ground contact (r = -0.74, -0.64, 0.96, 0.91 and -0.56, respectively). Stepwise multiple linear regression of joint kinematic variables in the first ground contact revealed that trunk angle at take-off and thigh separation angle at take-off explained nearly 90% of variation in GC1 NAHEP (R2 = 0.89). The athletes' projection at take-off with a forward leaning trunk and large thigh separation is characteristic therefore of excellent initial acceleration performance and this will be a good visual guide for technical coaching instruction. This was the first study of its kind to adopt such a research design in a World-class sample in a representative environment. Future studies that combine detailed kinematic and kinetic data capture and analysis in such a setting will add further insight to the findings of this investigation.Psychological flow is highly pleasurable, time-limited form of engagement in a task which has been shown to produce benefits in the workplace. Flow has historically been studied in the context of the interaction between the task and the performer. However, in work settings such as an office, many other factors may contribute to or hinder the achievement of flow. This present study broadens the research on flow to test the extent to which seating comfort while executing a challenging task influences an individual's ability to achieve flow. Fifty-four participants in this study were randomly assigned to one of two seat types and given a set of tasks to perform via a computer simulation. Seat comfort, coupled with participants' perceptions of their ability to concentrate on the simulation's set of tasks, was found to predict participants' flow experiences. Implications and future directions are discussed.Care transitions that occur across healthcare system boundaries represent a unique challenge for maintaining high quality care and patient safety, as these systems are typically not aligned to perform the care transition process. We explored healthcare professionals' mental models of older adults' transitions between the emergency department (ED) and skilled nursing facility (SNF). We conducted a thematic analysis of interviews with ED and SNF healthcare professionals and identified three themes 1) ED and SNF healthcare professionals had misaligned mental models regarding communication processes and tools used during care transitions, 2) ED and SNF healthcare professionals had misaligned mental models regarding healthcare system capability, and 3) Misalignments led to individual and organizational consequences. Overall, we found that SNF and ED healthcare professionals are part of the same process but have different perceptions of the process. Future work must take steps to redesign and realign these distinct work systems such that those involved conceptualize themselves as part of a joint process.Efficiently tunable capture of the glycosylated/phosphorylated proteins is critical to meet the need of in-depth glycoproteome and phosphoproteome studies. Reported here is a new bifunctional polymer monolithic column by introducing benzeneboronic acid and phosphonic acid onto monolithic column (denoted as poly (EDMA-co-VPBA-co-VPA) monolith) for tunable and specific enrichment of glycoproteins and phosphoproteins via switching different mobile phases. Based on boronate affinity and immobilized metal affinity, the as-prepared poly (EDMA-co-VPBA-co-VPA) monolith exhibited superior performance in selective separation of small molecules and biomacromolecules containing cis-diol/phosphate groups or not. And the frontal chromatography analysis showed that the binding capacity of the poly (EDMA-co-VPBA-co-VPA) monolith towards horseradish peroxidase (HRP, glycoprotein) or β-casein (phosphoprotein) is four-fold higher than that of bovine serum albumin (BSA, non-glycosylated/phosphorylated protein). Furthermore, combined with mass spectrometry identification, the successful application in specific enrichment of glycopeptides/phosphopeptides from tryptic digests of HRP/β-casein and direct capture of low abundant endogenous phosphopeptides from human serum proved great practicability in complex samples.