Requests for discharge against medical advice are often challenging for clinicians to navigate, especially when the patient is a child. An informed, standardized approach to managing situations where children and their families are requesting to leave against medical advice is essential to maximizing safety and ethics for patients and staff, yet such situations are often not handled this way. Paediatric discharge against medical advice (DAMA) requests are best managed when clinicians ensure the patient's best interests are met, understand and act upon their professional obligations, and engage in guided discussion with patients and families that involves both shared and informed decision-making strategies. A process map can capture these criteria and readily provide clinicians with a bedside reference tool when managing paediatric DAMA requests. The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a number of instances of large-scale panic buying. Taking the COVID-19 pandemic as an example, this paper explores the impact of panic in uncertain environments on panic buying behavior. Under certain circumstances, the spread of rumors about shortage of goods is likely to cause large-scale panic buying. This paper focuses on the study of such panic buying caused by online rumors. Firstly, based on the improved BA network, this paper constructs a directed network for public opinion communication and integrates an offline communication network to build a two-layer synchronous coupling network based on online and offline communications. Secondly, the individual decision model and the panic emotion transmission model under the uncertain environment are constructed. Netizens judge the authenticity of network information, determine their own panic degree according to the above two models, and judge whether they participate in the panic buying based on the above fa why it is difficult to stop the buying events in many areas under the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the uncertain environment, the panic caused by people's fear of stock shortage promotes the occurrence of large-scale rush buying. Therefore, in the event of major public health events, ensuring adequate supply of materials is the top priority. These results explain the reasons why it is difficult to stop the buying events in many areas under the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the uncertain environment, the panic caused by people's fear of stock shortage promotes the occurrence of large-scale rush buying. Therefore, in the event of major public health events, ensuring adequate supply of materials is the top priority. The prevalence of airway allergies in Europe has increased from 23% to 31% in recent years. Polysensitization is associated with the development and severity of relevant allergies, particularly allergic asthma. We investigated age- and sex-dependent monosensitization and polysensitization profiles as well as patterns of sensitization using skin prick test (SPT) reactivity to the most common aeroallergens. From 1998 to 2017, SPTs were retrospectively analyzed in 2886 symptomatic patients, referred to the University Medical Center Göttingen, located in central Germany. The major aeroallergen groups early flowering tree pollen, grass pollen, and house dust mites were evaluated in this study. Wheal diameters ≥2 mm were considered positive during the entire study period. Polysensitization to the most common aeroallergen groups increased significantly over 20 years. Boys and young men displayed the most remarkable rise in total sensitization rates in our study group over time. Our patient-based study demonstrates a continuing increase in polysensitization rates over the last 20 years, with boys and young men being most frequently affected. Our data-without being a population-based study-suggest a scenario with climbing rates of allergic rhinitis and asthma. Our patient-based study demonstrates a continuing increase in polysensitization rates over the last 20 years, with boys and young men being most frequently affected. Our data-without being a population-based study-suggest a scenario with climbing rates of allergic rhinitis and asthma.We discuss the possibility of producing a light dark photon dark matter through a coupling between the dark photon field and the inflaton. The dark photon with a large wavelength is efficiently produced due to the inflaton motion during inflation and becomes non-relativistic before the time of matter-radiation equality. We compute the amount of production analytically. The correct relic abundance is realized with a dark photon mass extending down to 10 -21 eV.In this article we probe the proposed holographic duality between T T ¯ deformed two dimensional conformal field theory and the gravity theory of AdS3 with a Dirichlet cutoff by computing correlators of energy-momentum tensor. We focus on the large central charge sector of the T T ¯ CFT in a Euclidean plane and a sphere, and compute the correlators of energy-momentum tensor using an operator identity promoted from the classical trace relation. The result agrees with a computation of classical pure gravity in Euclidean AdS3 with the corresponding cutoff surface, given a holographic dictionary which identifies gravity parameters with T T ¯ CFT parameters.Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a current global pandemic. The case number has increased since December 31, 2019. It has been reported that COVID-19 patients have been giving pain complaints, one of which is muscular pain. Other types of pain that have also been reported by COVID-19 patients are joint pain, stomach pain, and testicular pain. Neuropathic pain is the rarest case among others. COVID-19 mechanisms in the nerve and musculoskeletal damage are believed to be caused by the expression and distribution of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2). Patients with pain, especially neuropathic pain, normally do not respond well to various therapies, and experience psychiatric disorders such as depression, which leads to a decrease in the patient's quality of life. Important considerations for health professionals in terms of pain management during this pandemic include ensuring treatment continuity, painkillers, utilization of telemedicine, biopsychosocial management approach, and modifying therapy needs to reduce the risks of COVID-19 complications.