These techniques could be integrated in robotic-assisted surgical systems to enhance information provided to surgeons and improve procedural accuracy by minimizing the risk of damage to extra-prostatic tissue during radical prostatectomy procedures and eventually detect residual cancer. © 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement.Assessing the biomechanical properties of the crystalline lens can provide crucial information for diagnosing disease and guiding precision therapeutic interventions. Existing noninvasive methods have been limited to global measurements. Here, we demonstrate the quantitative assessment of the elasticity of crystalline lens with a multimodal optical elastography technique, which combines dynamic wave-based optical coherence elastography (OCE) and Brillouin microscopy to overcome the drawbacks of individual modalities. OCE can provide direct measurements of tissue elasticity rapidly and quantitatively, but it is a challenge to image transparent samples such as the lens because this technique relies on backscattered light. On the other hand, Brillouin microscopy can map the longitudinal modulus with micro-scale resolution in transparent samples. However, the relationship between Brillouin-deduced modulus and Young's modulus is not straightforward and sample dependent. By combining these two techniques, we can cative biomechanical mapping of optically transparent (or low scattering) tissues in 3D. © 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement.Application of optical imaging in developmental biology marks an exciting frontier in biomedical optics. Optical resolution and imaging depth allow for investigation of growing embryos at subcellular, cellular, and whole organism levels, while the complexity and variety of embryonic processes set multiple challenges stimulating the development of various live dynamic embryonic imaging approaches. Among other optical methods, label-free optical techniques attract an increasing interest as they allow investigation of developmental mechanisms without application of exogenous markers or fluorescent reporters. There has been a boost in development of label-free optical imaging techniques for studying embryonic development in animal models over the last decade, which revealed new information about early development and created new areas for investigation. Here, we review the recent progress in label-free optical embryonic imaging, discuss specific applications, and comment on future developments at the interface of photonics, engineering, and developmental biology. © 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement.We have developed a multi-functional laser speckle imaging system, which can be operated in both the surface illumination laser speckle contrast imaging (SI-LSCI) mode and the line scan laser speckle contrast imaging (LS-LSCI) mode. The system has been applied to imaging the chicken embryos to visualize both the blood flow and morphological details of the vasculature. The experimental results demonstrated that LS-LSCI is capable of detecting and quantifying blood flow in blood vessels smaller and deeper than those detectable by conventional SI-LSCI. Furthermore, the line scan mode is also capable of producing depth-resolved absorption-based morphological images of tissue, augmenting flow-based functional images. © 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement.Analysis of morphological changes of the peritoneal membrane is an essential part of animal studies when investigating molecular mechanisms involved in the development of peritoneal fibrosis or testing the effects of potential therapeutic agents. Current methods, such as histology and immunohistochemistry, require time consuming sample processing and analysis and result in limited spatial information. In this paper we present a new method to evaluate structural and chemical changes in an animal model of peritoneal fibrosis that is based on hyperspectral imaging and a model of light transport. The method is able to distinguish between healthy and diseased subjects based on morphological as well as physiological parameters such as blood and scattering parameters. Furthermore, it enables evaluation of changes, such as degree of inflammation and fibrosis, that are closely related to histological findings. © 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement.This study proposed label-free fluorescence lifetime imaging and phasor analysis methods to discriminate different grades of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). The human cervical tissue lesions associated with cellular metabolic abnormalities were detected by the status changes of important coenzymes in cells and tissues, reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (phosphate) (NAD(P)H) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) was used to study human cervical tissues, human cervical epithelial cells, and standard samples. Phasor analysis was applied to reveal the interrelation between the metabolic changes and cancer development, which can distinguish among different stages of cervical lesions from low risk to high risk. This approach also possessed high sensitivity, especially for healthy sites of CIN3 tissues, and indicated the dominance of the glycolytic pathway over oxidative phosphorylation in high-grade cervical lesions. This highly adaptive, sensitive, and rapid diagnostic tool exhibits a great potential for cervical precancer diagnosis. © 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement.Recent years have seen a tremendous progress in the development of dielectric metasurfaces for visible light applications. Such metasurfaces are ultra-thin optical devices that can manipulate optical wavefronts in an arbitrary manner. Here, we present a newly developed metasurface which allows for coupling light into a microscopy coverslip to achieve total internal reflection (TIR) excitation. TIR fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) is an important bioimaging technique used specifically to image cellular membranes or surface-localized molecules with high contrast and low background. Its most commonly used modality is objective-type TIRFM where one couples a focused excitation laser beam at the edge of the back focal aperture of an oil-immersion objective with high numerical aperture (N.A.) to realize a high incident-angle plane wave excitation above the critical TIR angle in sample space. However, this requires bulky and expensive objectives with a limited field-of-view (FOV). The metasurface which we describe here represents a low cost and easy-to-use alternative for TIRFM.