004 respectively). Primary bacteremia was more frequent in non-PBs than in PBs (29/50, 58% vs 3/28, 10.7%, p=0.0001), whereas septic thrombus infection (STI) was the source of infection in 14/28 (50%). https://www.selleckchem.com/products/apcin.html Finally, clinical features and 30-day mortality did not differ between patients with PB and those who developed only non-PB episodes. CONCLUSIONS Among our ICU patients, more than one third of GNB-Bs for which FUBCs were performed resulted PB. This condition is often associated with the presence of STI; therefore, FUBCs seem useful for the optimal management of GNB in this clinical setting.In order to explore the culture factors of the construction of acupuncture theory of DOU Han-qing, the medical master of the Jin and Yuan Dynasty, the authors studied the relationship between DOU Han-qing and Taoist by collecting DOU 's life material. With manual retrieval, some ancient historical literature was obtained. Additionally, Yijing Huiyuan Zhenjiu Yuanshu Dou Taishi Michuan Mihua Zhenjing Qiongyao Baojian, written by WU Jia-yan in the Ming Dynasty, collected in Japan, was analyzed. It was found that DOU Han-qing's acupuncture and moxibustion was influenced by Suwen Wangpian Cifalun, the Taoism medicine of the early stage of the Song Dynasty, as well as by Jiaojing Baxue, passed on by SONG Zi-hua, the hermit. DOU Han-qing had been in contact with FAN Zhi-ying of the Taoist, but there was no clear record relevant with medicine. Dou Taishi Michuan Mihua Zhenjing Qiongyao Baojian may be the compilation by Taoism medical master, on the base DOU 's acupuncture and moxibustion. There is a kind of mutual influence and mutual promotion relationship between DOU Han-qing and Taoist.Malignant pleural effusion (MPE) is one of the common complications of tumor. Acupuncture-moxibustion therapy has several advantages for treatment of MPE. Acupuncture is regarded as a complex individualized intervention, and its characteristics of TCM is difficult to be reflected by strict randomized controlled trials. The registry study provides more possibilities for the data collection of individualized diagnosis and treatment under the guidance of the overall concept and syndrome differentiation, and is more suitable for data management and collection of large samples and multi-center trials in the real-world study. It has become an opportunity to carry out real-world study of acupuncture for MPE. There are many challenges in the registry study of acupuncture for MPE. However, it is of great significance to collect real-world data of acupuncture for MPE to improve the clinical effect of MPE and provide a new clinical research method for acupuncture in tumors and related complications.The characteristics of syndrome differentiation and the experience of professor YI Wei were briefly introduced for the treatment of infertility of ovulation disturbance, including three aspects, named the thought of diagnosis and treatment, the therapeutic method and the acupoint prescription, as well as the clinical case report. Academically, professor YI Wei is deeply influenced by professor JIN Rui, the acupuncture master of Xin'an school and Lingnan school. Regarding the treatment of gynecological diseases, the academic thought of professor LUO Song-ping and ZHANG Yu-zhen is contributed. Professor YI attaches the importance to the syndrome differentiation based on meridian and collateral, supplemented by the syndrome differentiation of zangfu, yinyang, qi and blood, cold and heat, as well as the deficiency and excess. In clinical treatment, the acupoints are selected specially from the conception vessel, the governor vessel, the thoroughfare vessel and the belt vessel. The extra meridians are equally important as the regular ones in the treatment, especially the belt vessel. Additionally, the treatment focuses on communicating the congenital qi with the acquired one, regulating the liver and benefiting the kidney, as well as adjusting the heart, the spleen and the stomach to ease the uterus. Simultaneously, the great consideration is paid to the menstruation regulation so as to promote pregnancy.Professor YANG Jun believes that chronic diarrhea is located in the "intestine" and its pathogenesis focuses on the dysfunction of the spleen and the stomach which results in the impairment of qi activity. In the treatment, the comprehensive therapy is adopted, including acupuncture, moxibustion, herbal medicine, cupping method, etc. Regarding acupuncture therapy, Tianshu (ST 25) is selected specially for regulating the spleen and stomach function, Xiabai (LU4) for dispersing the lung qi to stop diarrhea, as well as Yintang (GV 29), Shuigou (GV 26), Chengjiang (CV 24), Qihai (CV 6), Guanyuan (CV 4) and Zhongwan (CV 12) for promoting the circulation of the conception vessel and the governor vessel. Regarding moxibustion therapy, moxibustion is exerted at the abdominal region to regulate qi and blood circulation and unblocking the meridians. Moreover, the retained cupping method is used at Shenque (CV 8) to consolidate the primary qi and the modified sijunzi tang, the herbal decoction is supplemented to tonify the acquired foundation for assisting the congenital one. All of these therapies co-work on promoting and regulating qi activity so as to stop diarrhea.Through collecting the 30-year medical experience of professor WANG Fu-chun, the methods of acupuncture manipulation practice were summarized so as to provide the reference for the medical staffs in acupuncture teaching and clinical work. Professor WANG proposes four key elements of acupuncture manipulation practice, i.e. the style of needling practice, the consciousness of needling practice, the strength of needling practice and qi of needling practice. Acupuncture manipulation is a highly operational clinical skill. The knowledge learning from the experience of the instructors is the important way to improve acupuncture techniques. Besides, beginners need to improve their techniques through learning the theories, a large amount of exercises as well as the self-perception.The academic thought of professor CHEN Ri-xin on "no allergy without any deficiency" was explored. Theory and the clinical application were elaborated on allergic diseases treated with heat-sensitive moxibustion. It is believed that the critical pathogenesis of allergic diseases is deficiency, particularly the deficiency of the lung, the spleen and the kidney. The invasion of exogenous factors or the disturbance of the retained pathogens in the body may induce allergy. Regarding the therapeutic method, the warming method is applicable for the deficiency and the heat-sensitization counteracts allergy. The sensitized points are detected in accordance with the two-step location method and they are stimulated with the suspended moxibustion. The feeling of heat-sensitive moxibustion is a sign of activation of endogenous regulatory function in the human body. It is a kind of external therapy for the internal disorders, directly acting on the pathogenesis, strengthening the antipathogenic qi and removing the allergic factors.