In females, none of the body composition parameters was significantly associated with all-cause cumulative mortality. Paradoxical association between BMI and estimated all-cause cumulative mortality was only significant among male patients. Conclusion In Taiwanese TAVI patients, the prognostic effects of BMI and LBM index on cumulative mortality were only observed in males, not in females. Sex differences must be considered when stratifying risk among patients undergoing TAVI.Background Children are often exposed to too much screen time but few studies have explored the use of old and new digital media among young children. This study assesses screen time, including traditional and mobile devices, in pre-school and elementary school-aged children, according to their gender, age, and socioeconomic position (SEP). Methods A total of 8430 children (3 to 10 years; 50.8% boys) from the north, center and south-central Portugal were included in the present study. Data was collected by a parental questionnaire during 2016/2017. Children's screen time (by media device, weekdays and at the weekend; calculated by mean minutes per day) were reported by parents. Analysis were carried to compare screen time by children's age, gender and family SEP (classified using father's educational degree). Results Daily screen time was high both in children aged 3 to 5 and 6 to 10 years - 154 min/day (95% CI 149.51-158.91) and 200.79 min/day (95% CI 197.08-204.50), respectively - and the majority of children, independently of their gender, exceed the recommended 2 h/day of screen viewing. Children are still primarily engaging in screen time through television but the use of mobile devices, particularly tablets, were already high among 3 year-old children and increased with age. SEP was a negative predictor of screen time in the linear regression analysis, including after adjustment. Conclusions Considering the negative health impacts of excessive screen time, recognizing subgroups at risk of excessive screen time and identifying how each device is used according to age is fundamental to enable appropriate future interventions. The screen time in children aged 3-10 years is longer than the recommended, particularly among boys and in those children from lower SEP. Parents and policymakers should have in mind that children spend most of their screen time watching television but mobile devices are becoming extremely popular starting at a young age.Background The association between glomerulonephritis (GN) and cancer has been well known for decades. However, studies evaluating long-term de novo cancer development in patients with GN are limited. This study aimed to evaluate the incidence of cancer development among patients with renal biopsy-proven GN during post-biopsy follow-up and the differences in outcomes according to cancer occurrence. Methods We conducted a retrospective cohort study of adult patients who underwent renal biopsy at Seoul National Bundang Hospital between 2003 and 2017. After excluding 778 patients with age less then 18 years, cancer diagnosis before or within 6 months after renal biopsy, immunosuppressant therapy before renal biopsy, or pathologic diagnoses other than GN, 822 patients were included in the analysis. Data on baseline clinical characteristics, renal biopsy results, and types and doses of immunosuppressant agents were collected from electronic medical records. The incidence of cancer was censored on the date when t (hazard ratio 6.59; 95% CI 1.22-35.56, P = 0.03) than those without cancer, but there was a non-significant difference in ESRD development. Conclusions Patients with GN without concurrent cancer, particularly those with MN, have significantly higher risks of cancer development and subsequent mortality and should remain aware of the potential development of malignancy during follow-up.Background Bottom-up approaches to disparity reduction present a departure from traditional service models where health services are traditionally delivered top-down. Raphael, a novel bottom-up social incubator, was developed in a disadvantaged region with the aim of 'hatching' innovative health improvement interventions through academia-community partnership. Methods Community organizations were invited to submit proposals for incubation. Selection was made using the criteria of innovation, population neediness and potential for health impact and sustainability. Raphael partnered with organizations to pilot and evaluate their intervention with $5000 seed-funding. The evaluation was guided by the conceptual framework of technological incubators. Outcomes and sustainability were ascertained through qualitative and quantitative analysis of records and interviews at 12 months and 3-5 years, and the Community Impact of Research Oriented Partnerships (CIROP) questionnaire was administered to community partners. Redisparities. Judging by success rates of technological incubators its goals were realized to a considerable degree.Background Stress is an important cause of skin disease, including hair loss. The hormonal response to stress is due to the HPA axis, which comprises hormones such as corticotropin releasing factor (CRF), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and cortisol. Many reports have shown that CRF, a crucial stress hormone, inhibits hair growth and induces hair loss. However, the underlying mechanisms are still unclear. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of CRF on human dermal papilla cells (DPCs) as well as hair follicles and to investigate whether the HPA axis was established in cultured human DPCs. Results CRF inhibited hair shaft elongation and induced early catagen transition in human hair follicles. Hair follicle cells, both human DPCs and human ORSCs, expressed CRF and its receptors and responded to CRF. CRF inhibited the proliferation of human DPCs through cell cycle arrest at G2/M phase and induced the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Anagen-related cytokine levels were downregulated in CRF-treated human DPCs. Interestingly, increases in proopiomelanocortin (POMC), ACTH, and cortisol were induced by CRF in human DPCs, and antagonists for the CRF receptor blocked the effects of this hormone. Conclusion The results of this study showed that stress can cause hair loss by acting through stress hormones. Additionally, these results suggested that a fully functional HPA axis exists in human DPCs and that CRF directly affects human DPCs as well as human hair follicles under stress conditions.