Glaucoma is a progressive chronic retinal degenerative disease and a leading cause of global irreversible blindness. This disease is characterized by optic nerve damage and retinal ganglion cell (RGC) death. The current treatments available target the lowering of intraocular pressure (IOP), the main risk factor for disease onset and development. However, in some patients, vision loss progresses despite successful IOP control, indicating that new and effective treatments are needed, such as those targeting the neuroprotection of RGCs. Adenosine A3 receptor (A3R) activation confers protection to RGCs following an excitotoxic stimulus. In this work, we investigated whether the activation of A3R could also afford protection to RGCs in the laser-induced ocular hypertension (OHT) model, a well-characterized animal model of glaucoma. The intravitreal injection of 2-Cl-IB-MECA, a selective A3R agonist, abolished the alterations induced by OHT in the negative and positive components of scotopic threshold response (STR) without changing a- and b-wave amplitudes both in scotopic and photopic conditions. Moreover, the treatment of OHT eyes with the A3R agonist promoted the survival of RGCs, attenuated the impairment in retrograde axonal transport, and improved the structure of the optic nerve. Taking into consideration the beneficial effects afforded by 2-Cl-IB-MECA, we can envisage that A3R activation can be considered a good therapeutic strategy to protect RGCs from glaucomatous damage.Phonon polaritons (PhPs) have attracted significant interest in the nano-optics communities because of their nanoscale confinement and long lifetimes. Although PhP modification by changing the local dielectric environment has been reported, controlled manipulation of PhPs by direct modification of the polaritonic material itself has remained elusive. Here, chemical switching of PhPs in α-MoO3 is achieved by engineering the α-MoO3 crystal through hydrogen intercalation. The intercalation process is non-volatile and recoverable, allowing reversible switching of PhPs while maintaining the long lifetimes. Precise control of the intercalation parameters enables analysis of the intermediate states, in which the needle-like hydrogenated nanostructures functioning as in-plane antennas effectively reflect and launch PhPs and form well-aligned cavities. We further achieve spatially controlled switching of PhPs in selective regions, leading to in-plane heterostructures with various geometries. The intercalation strategy introduced here opens a relatively non-destructive avenue connecting infrared nanophotonics, reconfigurable flat metasurfaces and van der Waals crystals.As a bacteriostatic agent, nitrite has been used in food preservation for centuries. When used in combination with antibiotics, nitrite is reported to work either cooperatively or antagonistically. However, the mechanism underlying these effects remains largely unknown. Here we show that nitrite mediates tolerance to aminoglycosides in both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, but has little interaction with other types of antibiotics. Nitrite directly and mainly inhibits cytochrome heme-copper oxidases (HCOs), and by doing so, the membrane potential is compromised, blocking uptake of aminoglycosides. In contrast, reduced respiration (oxygen consumption rate) resulting from nitrite inhibition is not critical for aminoglycoside tolerance. While our data indicate that nitrite is a promising antimicrobial agent targeting HCOs, cautions should be taken when used with other antibiotics, aminoglycosides in particular.Study design Cross-sectional study. Objectives To examine the construct validity and the ability to detect change, of the Italian version of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) in a spinal cord injury (SCI) population. Settings Rehabilitation service of the Paraplegic Center of Ostia, Italy. Methods Thirty-nine spinal cord injury participants were recruited. The clinimetric properties of the measure were assessed following international guidelines. Cronbach's alpha and the intraclass correlation coefficient were assessed for internal consistency and test-retest reliability, respectively. Construct validity was evaluated, by calculating correlation between COPM and the Spinal Cord Independence Measure (SCIM) through Pearson's correlation coefficient and Spearman's Rho. The ability to detect change was evaluated on the overall sample. Results The COPM was shown to be reliable in a spinal cord injury sample with positive and statistically significant results for Cronbach's alpha (0.89) and ICC (0.99 for the performance subtest and 0.98 for the satisfaction subtest). Correlation coefficients did not show a correlation between the COPM total score and the SCIM. The COPM scores improved significantly during in-patient rehabilitation, moreover the mean change between the start of treatment and the end of the therapy as evaluated with the Wilcoxon signed-rank test was -4.25 points for the performance score and -2.96 points for the satisfaction score. Conclusions This study showed that the COPM is a reliable tool for assessing SCI clients' perceived performance of daily activities and their satisfaction with their performance.Elemental gallium possesses several intriguing properties, such as a low melting point, a density anomaly and an electronic structure in which covalent and metallic features coexist. In order to simulate this complex system, we construct an ab initio quality interaction potential by training a neural network on a set of density functional theory calculations performed on configurations generated in multithermal-multibaric simulations. Here we show that the relative equilibrium between liquid gallium, α-Ga, β-Ga, and Ga-II is well described. The resulting phase diagram is in agreement with the experimental findings. The local structure of liquid gallium and its nucleation into α-Ga and β-Ga are studied. We find that the formation of metastable β-Ga is kinetically favored over the thermodinamically stable α-Ga. Finally, we provide insight into the experimental observations of extreme undercooling of liquid Ga.